Popular online seminars for designers and specialist maintenance services offer an opportunity to gain valuable knowledge about the design and maintenance of protective equipment, share experiences with Russian and international colleagues, and learn information about modern and unique methods of lighting and surge protection implemented worldwide.
The speaker are leading specialists from Russia, Europe and the US, which means that you have a great opportunity to expand your knowledge of grounding and lightning protection, ask questions and get answers in real time.
How to make a proper design and what to consider when choosing grounding and lightning protection systems? Find this out at our webinars!
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Webinars are held in Russian. You can use our knowledge and experience by sending us request a design solution or calculation on this page!
The webinars are intended for: for designers, electricians, maintenance service professionals and builders
Location: online (requires Internet access from your computer)
Price: free
The duration of each webinar: 60-120 minutes
Language: Russian
Content: videos are posted on the website within two weeks after the webinar.
Past webinars
Held on September 4, 2024
Webinar “Lightning protection of explosive production and storage facilities”
Spaker: Dmitry Krasnoborov, engineer of ZANDZ Technical Center, expert in lightning protection and earthing.
During the upcoming webinar, we will discuss explosive production facilities and warehouses of substances whose storage is associated with the risk of explosion. We'll discuss the criteria used to classify them in terms of lightning protection, and we'll look at how to protect against lightning using examples, calculations, and diagrams. Particular attention will be paid to lightning protection objects of the I category according to RD 34.21.122-87 using freestanding and cable lightning arresters, as well as safe grounding.
Held on June 26, 2024
Webinar "The danger of extended underground communications in lightning protection."
Spaker: E. M. Bazelyan, Dr. Sc. (Eng.), professor; Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute, Moscow.
Any metallic communication is a high-risk element in lightning protection because it can transmit lightning overvoltage over long distances. However, the defining word "underground" is included in the title. Such communication is not alarming, intuitively. There is a false illusion created by the enduring habit of believing that grounded is safe! The webinar will cover all particularly dangerous manifestations of overvoltage transport over such communications, with a focus on the consequences for the human body.
Held on March 6, 2024
Webinar “Features of lightning protection of large area buildings according to GOST R 59789-2021”
Spaker: Dmitry Krasnoborov, engineer of ZANDZ Technical Center, expert in lightning protection and earthing.
With the introduction of GOST R 59789-2021 in the calculation of lightning protection of buildings of large areas with lightning rods, it became possible to take into account their height from the roof level. We assessed the accuracy of this approach during the webinar, calculated the real protection of the object in our “Service for calculating the reliability of lightning protection,” and compared this method with the usual approaches according to RD and SO 153-34.21.122-2003.
has passed on 20.12.23
Webinar titled "Is state standard GOST R 59789-2021 dangerous for lightning protection professionals?"
Speaker: E. M. Bazelyan, Dr. Sc. (Eng.), professor; Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute, Moscow.
GOST P 59789-2021 (State Standard) is a new standard for lightning protection. This document has another name, IEC 62305-3:2010. It's quite authentic. A new normative document on lightning protection was approved and implemented in Russia by Order No. 1266-st of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology. This document outlines the requirements for installing lightning conductors only using IEC procedures. This was done at the initiative of the Technical Committee for Standardization, TC 337, Electrical Installations of Buildings. The content of the document is actually an almost exact translation into Russian of IEC 62305 (Part 3).
The participants of our webinars have long been familiar with the original IEC document. One of its inventors was once requested to give a speech. He consented to respond to inquiries from the public that were pre-arranged for this reason. Unfortunately, there were no answers. The lecturer simply refused this part of the agreement. However, domestic specialists have already covered the IEC-recommended rolling sphere method, protective angle method, and even lightning protection grid method in webinars. Although the new GOST only addresses one of them—radioactive—which has already been abandoned even in third-world nations, active lightning arresters of all kinds were also denounced.
Why is it important to revisit the topic of the suggested techniques for selecting external lightning protection means after the release of the new GOST R 59789-2021? The fact is that Article 1266-ст introduces the normative document into force. Now it may well be applied by domestic designers. As a result, it's critical to evaluate the project's risk level objectively using the suggested methodological elaborations as a base. This is the main purpose of the planned webinar.
The economic side of the problem has not been ignored either. Lightning protection costs money. This is a significant sum of money for advanced facilities. It is important to apply design methods that are free from unwarranted reserve. Such a problem is far from being answered in the IEC suggestion.
has passed on 06.12.23
Webinar "Lightning protection and grounding of packaged transformer substations 10/0.4 kV on the section of an electrified railroad"
Speaker: Denis Pozdnyakov, Engineer of ZANDZ Technical Center, Expert in Lightning Protection and Grounding.
The process of designing lightning protection and grounding for railway infrastructure installations is intricate and multifaceted. The key role in the power system of railway enterprises is assigned to complete transformer substations (CTS).
We examined an example of calculating a 10/0.4 kV CTS's grounding and lightning protection on a segment of an electrified railroad during the webinar. The example talks about an integrated approach to calculations, how the requirements of the object should be considered, and a look at the tools needed to accomplish the task. Participants in the webinar will have the opportunity to ask questions regarding lightning protection and grounding of any site after the demonstration.
has passed on 02.08.23 года
Webinar titled "Assessing lightning pulse impact on human"
Speaker: E. M. Bazelyan, Dr. Sc. (Eng.), professor; Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute, Moscow.
The lightning is the most powerful natural source of the pulse current and, hence, the electromagnetic interference. Any equipment should be tested for effects in order to determine the highest level of danger. This is not an easy experimentation. To perform the work, you need a costly testing bench and special test mock-ups. Non-living mock-ups. During the test, they can be destroyed or re-tested, when necessary.
However, a living creature is also an object of lightning. Talking about humans, it is another matter altogether. They should not be damaged during tests, which means that, under many important conditions, they cannot be the tested object. One can try to conduct model tests at reduced voltage and then extrapolate the results. This provides good results in the systems close to linear. But human beings are a dramatically non-linear system. The human body resistance may vary within several orders of magnitude depending on the conditions. It is hard to rely on luck here. And there is no other way out. The decision should be made today and without fundamental error.
The webinar held on the effect of a strong although short-term pulse voltage on humans allows assessing the danger for life. Reliability in determining the hazardous threshold of touch and impulse voltages in the microsecond time interval is crucial in this situation. Human protection is no less important than the protection of the most state-of-the-art equipment. Of course, not everything will be found out immediately, but it is impossible to delay any longer.
has passed on 31.05.23
Webinar "Calculation of lightning protection of treatment facilities at a mining and processing plant"
Speaker: Denis Pozdnyakov, Engineer of ZANDZ Technical Center, Expert in Lightning Protection and Grounding.
The design of mining and processing facilities must consider wastewater treatment since the processing of ore results in waste and water that contains acids, salts, and heavy metals. A lightning-related sewage system failure could result in plant shutdown or environmental contamination. In this sense, grounding systems and lightning protection are given considerable consideration in the construction of wastewater treatment plants.
A sample lightning protection estimate for a wastewater treatment plant at a mining and processing facility will be examined in this webinar. The speaker will go over the intricate method of computations, the object's specifications, and the instruments needed to complete the task. Following a brief introduction, a calculation example for a lightning protection system will be run through and summarized.
has passed on 22.03.23
Webinar titled "How and when should we consider the terrain in the lightning protection"
Speaker: E. M. Bazelyan, Dr. Sc. (Eng.), professor; Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute, Moscow.
Russia is mostly a plain country. However, there are Caucasus mountains, Crimea, Karelia, and the Urals as well as mountain groups in Siberian and the Far East. We have to build structures in gorges, in hills, or even at high mountain tops. All of this is not reflected in lightning protection regulatory documents. One may think, why? However, it is simple: gorge walls cover the facility from the lightning, and the deeper the gorge, the more reliable it is, while the construction at a mountain top is too close to thunderclouds. This does not need to be proved, although yields qualitative estimates only.
Our permanent speaker, Prof. of ENIN E. M. Bazelyan. The webinar material is based on actual data that may be used to substantiate the choice of technical solutions and calculate their characteristics. As usual, the author provides recommendations on the use of existing regulatory documents.
has passed on 22.02.23
Webinar "BIM documentation design requirements and regulations"
Speaker: Ilya Belenkiy, Director and Co-Founder of Synergy Systems. More than 10 years of experience in design and modelling in Autodesk Revit, 7 years of working experience as a BIM manager. Master's work for "Building Information Modelling". TOP 100 of leading instructors in Autodesk technology. He performed the development of models at various stages of the building lifecycle, from design to operation, in Russia, the USA, Qatar, and Arab Emirates. He took part in the development of standards for designs using the building information modelling technology in Russia and the USA.
The current guidelines and precepts of BIM model creation are the focus of the webinar. Industrial design has implemented new formation guidelines and standards for the data composition entered into the model during the design phase as of the beginning of 2022.
The main documents regulating the new rules and requirements are ПП 1431, СП 333.1325800.2020 and KSI (КСИ). Throughout the webinar, we'll examine the regulations these documents cover, how to comply with them, and potential problem areas. Furthermore, we think about what extra documents need to be taken into account and how to connect the needs of each document while creating a BIM model.
has passed on 21.12.22
Webinar titled "Lightning's secondary effects and how to prevent them"
Speaker: E. M. Bazelyan, Dr. Sc. (Eng.), professor; Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute, Moscow.
Franklin and Lomonosov are to be envied. It's not unreasonable to assume that they were done with lightning once they were persuaded of the lightning rod's efficiency. That was over three centuries ago, yet the lightning battle is still going strong today. It has become particularly acute in our twenty-first century. Microelectronics, which have taken over not only tech firms but also our homes, is the blame. Lightning changed weapons. Microelectronic devices might be damaged by moderately strong impacts alone; ultra-high voltages and multi-ampere currents aren't necessary. They could be generated from a distance. Lightning has become long-range.
The focus of this webinar is on electromagnetic inductions, which can occur without a direct lightning strike. Impacts that occurred hundreds of meters from the shielded building started to pose a threat. Electrostatic and electromagnetic induction is their mechanism. The current lightning protection designer must have a thorough understanding of their nature since, when used appropriately, the methods of protection against electromagnetic forces are incredibly simple and efficient. The word "appropriately" is the key here. There are moments when you need to be reminded of the details and complexities.
The quality of grounding is a constant topic of discussion when discussing surge protection. This is most likely customary. However, shielding from electromagnetic impacts is not always possible with a lower grounding resistance. This means proves to be quite ineffectual in many practically relevant circumstances.
It's also not a good idea to use surge overvoltage protection devices hastily. Its substantial price and numerous negative side effects make it far from a harmless treatment. After all, it is completely unnecessary to treat a runny nose with modern antibiotics. SDP is necessary where ordinary measures fail.
One of the primary topics of the webinar is the viability of EMI shielding techniques that are practically useful.
has passed on 9.11.22
Lightning protection for high-rise building as well as for people and equipment located on their roofs
Speaker: E. M. Bazelyan, Dr. Sc. (Eng.), professor; Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute, Moscow.
High-rise buildings became common in our cities long ago. As we get more of them, suggestions to operate roofs of such buildings are coming in. It is a very attractive idea: to place a part of the engineering equipment of the modern building on the roof. Moreover, the roof can even be used by people. Restaurants, SPA centers, playgrounds are only some examples offered by the customers of designers.
However, such attempts often fail due to imperfect Russian regulatory framework in terms of providing efficient lightning protection.
Lightning strike frequency grows along with the building height. This is an experimentally confirmed fact. The building up to 200 m high gets a strike 2 to 3 times a year (in Russia). Then, the frequency of lightning discharges hazardous for the building grows due to upward lightnings. Their emergence and development mechanism have a different physical nature compared to downward lightnings. It is not studied well today, especially when we are talking about the start location choice mechanism on the roof.
In regulatory documents for lightning protection, the features of upward lightnings are not considered at all. The recently introduced GOST 59789 (IEC 62305-3.2010) prescribes, without any evidence, to use methods for calculation of lightning arrester efficiency that do not depend on the facility height or lightning type.
During the forthcoming webinar, we are planning to provide a review of techniques and solutions for practical lightning protection to consider the specifics of upward lightning development. We will consider physical factors affecting the efficiency of technical solutions and provide recommendations for the lightning protection arrangement on the roof of a high-rise building.
has passed on 7.09.22
Webinar titled "Creeping plasma channels are the main reason for decrease in grounding resistance in lightning current flowing"
Speaker: E. M. Bazelyan, Dr. Sc. (Eng.), professor; Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute, Moscow.
In the forthcoming webinar, we will consider how the grounding resistance varies due to lightning current. This is one of the main problems in the lightning protection. The grounding resistance determines the most essential part of the storm overvoltage, i.e. its resistive component. In order to estimate it, we should know a specific current value of the grounding resistance at a time and the given flowing current value. Traditionally, the main reason for decrease of grounding resistance in lightning current flowing is soil ionization processes. In fact, the main reason is completely different. Spark channels creeping over the soil surface for the distance of several dozen meters occur from the lightning current entry point. Having a high conductivity, they create an effect of multiple decrease in the grounding resistance.
During the webinar, the participants will learn about physical properties of creeping plasma discharges and also learn about:
- the dynamics of the grounding resistance changes in time in various lightning currents;
- how the wavefront and pulse amplitude of the resistive component of storm overvoltage change;
- how to consider the effect of decrease in grounding resistance in pre-design calculations of the lightning protection and avoid certain hazardous effects of creeping discharges.
has passed on 6.07.22
Webinar titled "How to make a very bad lightning protection?"
Speaker: E. M. Bazelyan, Dr. Sc. (Eng.), professor; Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute, Moscow.
The practical lightning protection has been existing for almost three centuries. During this time, reliable means and methods for protection against direct lightning strikes and hazardous effects of electromagnetic field have been selected and successfully tested. The engineers have obtained only the best tools. Then, what is this planned webinar about? Surely, this is not about what has been discarded during the operations experience. We are not going to present another criticism for active lightning protection although it probably could have been useful. We are talking about reliable protection means used by an unsavvy designer in other way than they were intended for.
Everybody knows that benefits of the electrical plug have been checked for centuries of its household use. But it can hardly be that someone will try to eat a soup made of sauerkraut and dried porcini mushrooms using a fork. However, it often happens in the lightning protection. High-rise lightning arresters and lightning grids, isolated lightning rods and standalone lightning arresters are used in unsuitable conditions. The result is quite tragic.
The webinar material contains a review of typical unjustified solutions and recommendations about how to avoid these errors in designing lightning protection.
has passed on 27.04.22
Webinar "Online calculation of lightning protection and grounding for high-voltage power lines"
At the last webinar, we calculated the grounding for high-voltage line supports. The power lines are one of the most commonly affected facilities, therefore they are mandatory protected by a storm protection wire. When draining to the ground, the lightning current should not create excessive surges leading to wire insulation overlapping, therefore, the supports should be properly grounded.
During the webinar, we showed you the calculation of grounding resistance for the HV supports in soils with various resistivities. We reviewed the requirements for the grounding arrangement according to regulatory documents. Special attention was paid to grounding in challenging soils such as permafrost and rocky soils, and show you which materials should be used in each particular case.
At the end of the webinar, a special guest, Project Engineer of Test-Energy, spoke.
He explained the need of using short-circuit current indicators (SCI) and which overhead electrical lines are unable to operate without them. This part also addressed issues related to the selection of SCI in overhead line design.
has passed on 15.12.21
Webinar titled "Choosing SDPs based on the task"
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
International technically significant smart systems are protected by numerous SDPs which prevent hazardous effects of electromagnetic field of the lightning. Russian top managers do not demonstrate any special interest to SDPs saying that the probability of storm damage of microelectronics in Russian systems is very low. Since common nature of the lightning has been definitely proved by several generations of scientists, we have to think about differences in opinions and interests of technical managers. In this regard, it is much more difficult to deal with them than with the lightning.
SDPs of modern design have surely proved themselves as an efficient protection means from irreversible damage of microelectronic equipment in the storm environment. An important feature of using SDPs is that they are installed directly into the protected circuit. Their mere presence alters electrotechnical parameters of the circuit. These changes are often not allowable (e.g. changes in the frequency characteristics). SDP is a technically complex device. Its reliable fault-free operation is finite. If electronic circuits of smart equipment contain many SDPs, its reliable operation in general may reduce along with the increase in the number of SDPs. This situation is hardly allowable. Moreover, SDPs are rather expensive.
The first issue to be resolved by the designer is to determine whether the SDPs are really necessary. Electromagnetic interference from the lightning may be also reduced by other conventional lightning protection means. A high-level specialist must use them. The decision on using SDPs should be technologically and economically feasible. You must clearly understand the task to be performed by the SDPs in a particular electrical circuit. This is what the planned webinar is about.
has passed on 24.11.21
Webinar "Online Calculation of lightning protection and grounding of distribution boards (RU 6/0.4 kV)"
Speaker: Denis Pozdnyakov, technical expert for lightning protection and grounding.
During the webinar, the technical specialist in lightning protection and grounding will perform real-time calculations for the lightning protection system for a distribution board (RU 6/0.4 kV) using the service for calculation of lightning protection reliability based on the method for evaluation of probability of the lightning strike to the protected facility. The speaker will also provide recommendations on making a grounding arrangement.
Webinar plan:
- Regulatory requirements to the lightning protection and grounding system for distribution boards.
- What facility data should we have to begin calculations?
- Calculation of lightning protection systems using the calculation service.
- How to properly make a grounding arrangement?
- Questions and answers.
has passed on 10.11.21
Webinar Titled "Hazardous Discrepancies in Regulatory Documents for Lightning Protection of Explosive Facilities"
Speaker: E. M. Bazelyan, Dr. Sc. (Eng.), professor; Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute, Moscow.
Any industry has its own specifics which are hard to reflect in the national documents, and industry-specific documents are intended exactly for this. A wish to develop separate regulatory documents for lightning protection is appropriate. This task does not seem to be too hard when the specialists are at work. Unfortunately, they are often replaced by top managers who often have too extensive albeit slight knowledge. As a result, old errors are transferred from documents to documents and new errors are repeatedly introduced.
Engineers of the ZANDZ Technical Centre have encountered this during the preparation for the webinar dedicated to lightning protection of explosive facilities. Then, an idea to analyze typical industry-specific documents for lightning protection has occurred for the industries where explosives and hydrocarbon fuels are widely used. The result exceeded expectations. It emerged that regulatory documents contain erroneous instructions, and such errors are confirmed even in the study books for lightning protection and are evident for any engineer who received a good score for the general physics course.
Surely, we cannot list all errors as we will not have enough time for this. During the webinar, we will highlight the most typical and important errors. Moreover, we would like to draw the designers' attention to the regulatory documents' contents since it is not always appropriate to follow them strictly. Regulations are developed by the people who are also prone to error.
has passed on 29.09.21
Webinar "Storm warning system"
Speaker: Vladimir Vladimirovich Knyazev, Head of Research Department "Electromagnetic Compatibility and Safety" of the Research and Design Institute "Lightning" of the National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnical Institute", Executive Secretary of the Technical Ukrainian Committee for Standardization "Electromagnetic Compatibility and Resistance of Radioelectronic, Electronic, and Electrotechnical Devices", Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Senior Research Fellow.
The webinar focuses on solutions that share the common name of Thunderstorm warning system (TWS).
Can such a system affect lightning protection design decisions?
Can it minimize victims and material damage from lightning strikes?
We examine TWS in detail and provide detailed answers to these questions.
Webinar plan:
- What is TWS?
- What's the difference between TWS and lightning locating systems and how to combine their functions?
- Physical principles of TWS operations.
- When is it practical to use TWS?
- Can TWS affect design solutions for lightning protection systems?
- Examples of TWS implementation for strategic facilities.
- Requirements of IEC 62793:2016 Protection Against Lightning - Thunderstorm Warning System. There are reasons to believe that this standard will be implemented in Russia in the nearest future.
has passed on 25.08.21
Webinar Titled "Online Calculation of Lightning Protection for An Explosives Warehouse"
Speaker: Dmistry Krasnoborov, Engineer of ZANDZ Technical Center, Expert in Lightning Protection and Grounding
An explosives warehouse is a unique facility that is characterized by its own requirements to lightning protection and grounding. A mandatory regulatory document is Federal Standards and Rules in Industrial Safety "Safety Rules for Blasting Operations".
Compared to common regulatory documents RD 34.21.122-87 and SO 153-34.21.122-2003, Federal Standards contain particular, stricter regulations. They include: use of standalone and wire lightning arresters, requirement to determine distances from lightning arresters and grounding arrangements to the protected facility, strict rating of the grounding arrangement facility as well as mandatory protection from secondary lightning effects.
During the webinar, we will consider the example calculation to show which items of Federal Standards should be followed to provide proper design of lightning protection of the explosives warehouse.
Do not miss a good opportunity to talk to engineers from the ZANDZ Technical Center and ask questions regarding your facilities. Register now.
has passed on 30.06.21
Webinar of Professor E.M. Bazelyan Titled "Is an isolated lightning protection feasible today?"
Speaker: E. M. Bazelyan, Dr.Sc. (Eng.), professor; Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute, Moscow
Isolated lightning protection is not something new. In the Russian regulatory documents, including Instructions RD 34.32.122-87, a concept of standalone lightning arresters has already existed. They were not installed on a protected facility but were spaced apart from it for a particular distance in the ground and air. Actually, these were isolated lightning arresters. Their task is to avoid lightning current distribution along metal structures of the protected facility and thus prevent damage to internal equipment and people's injuries.
Both tasks have remained significant even today due to rapid development of Smart technical systems. However, in technological respect, the complexity of creating an isolated lightning protection has increased manifold. First, due to the structure's height growth; second, due to a very rapid decrease in electrical strength of microelectronic modules and increase in their damage severity.
Lightning arresters are usually located on the ground rather than on the roofs of high-rise structures, but the current from them is transported along current collectors having a high-voltage insulation in relation to metal structures, which in no case should take any significant current load. But grounding devices of the isolated lightning protection system are no less significant challenge. It is common when they almost nullify the proposed protective effect of isolated lightning arresters.
Today, the use of isolated lightning arresters has not been elaborated methodologically in full, although a series of technological solutions has been proven well in practice and can be recommended. To avoid mistakes and unnecessary expenses for the consumer, we have to credibly evaluate surge levels which affect isolating structures of lightning arresters, and discard any fantastic proposals requiring lengthy current collectors with insulations unavailable yet for today's technologies.
These and other implicit aspects of insulated lightning protection will be discussed during the webinar. Register to learn more!
has passed on 19.05.21
Webinar "Selection and Installation of Surge Protectors for AC Powerlines According to European Surge Protection Standards"
Speaker: Christian Macanda, Head of Standardization and Production of the French company Citel, member of the Association of Standardization of France AFNOR
This is the second webinar of the series dedicated to the AC line surge protection. Together with highly qualified specialist from France, Christian Macanda, we will find out how to choose SDPs properly, based on European regulatory standards IEC 60364 and IEC 61643 considering the location and type of connection, pulse current and rated discharge current, protection voltage level as well as operating and transient surges. A particular attention will be paid to the protection device resistance to short circuit currents and follow currents.
When discussing a high-quality SDP installation, we will consider wire length effect on protection level, and describe what we can do if it is impossible to meet the "50 cm" rule.
A significant part of the webinar is dedicated to additional means to improve fail safety of electrical installations.
This webinar provides an opportunity to obtain unique knowledge and expand your professional range. English is not necessary to join. We have taken care of the translations for the webinar presentation and the speaker report.
has passed on 28.04.21
Webinar Titled "Creating Simple MEP Families in Autodesk Revit From Scratch"
Speaker: Vyacheslav Norotov, Head of Development of Corporate Item Libraries for Information Modelling at Synergy Systems. Civil Construction Engineer. He has been working in design industry for over 11 years. Since 2013, he has been teaching Autodesk AutoCAD for professionals in different disciplines. Since 2017, he has been teaching Autodesk Revit.
Parameter families are a base for digital information model. A simple and easy-to-understand algorithm for the creation of engineering families in Autodesk Revit allows optimizing your processes and then developing more complex model elements thus increasing your proficiency level as a professional.
During the webinar, we will consider functioning of basic tools and model two simple families (using an illuminating device and a valve as examples) in a step-by-step manner.
The webinar is recommended for beginner and intermediate operators of Autodesk Revit.
has passed on 14.04.21
Webinar Titled "European Technologies and Standards for AC Power Lines Surge Protection"
Speaker: Christian Macanda, Head of Standardization and Production of the French company Citel, member of the Association of Standardization of France AFNOR
Christian Macanda, Head of Standardization and Production of the French company Citel and member of the Association of Standardization of France AFNOR, has prepared a well-structured and understandable story about surges, their nature, shapes, rating, consequences, and constrain methods. During the webinar, special attention is paid to SDPs. You will get to know about their components and capabilities, about modern technologies, about how to evaluate SDP characteristics as well as some common myths related to these devices.
The second part of the report is dedicated to European regulatory documents governing the need to use the SDP and defining the rules for choosing, installing, and testing the devices.
Understanding of the European approach to SDPs application obtained during the webinar will allow achieving valuable knowledge required to develop design solutions for the electrical equipment against repeated lightning manifestations.
This intriguing webinar will be longer than usual, i.e. 1.5 hours, but it's worth joining!
English is not necessary to join the webinar.
We have taken care of the translations for the webinar presentation and the speaker report.
has passed on 10.03.21
Webinar of Professor E.M. Bazelyan Titled "Key Aspects of Practical Lightning Protection"
Speaker: E. M. Bazelyan, Dr.Sc. (Eng.), professor; Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute, Moscow
Measurements in the lightning protection are often very unusual. Their results allow predicting soon storms, assessing actual efficiency of grounding arrangements and resistance of the protected facilities to lightnings and continuing the research of the lightning itself.
What can we do when a roof of a high-rise building is used for recreational or technology purpose. To provide safety, an operational storm prevention system should be in place, which is capable of reacting not only to frontal but also to local storms, which are not predicted by a meteorological service. The system can be based on measurements of the strength of electrical field in the atmosphere or a crown current from a specially installed electrode. Want to know more?
The lightning protection design should be based upon actual data on lightning currents. There are only few such measurements, and nearly all of them are made in high-rise structures. This is not what designers who work with typical structures need. Are bulk lightning current measurements possible? For this, there is a suitable original development in Russia.
What can we do to measure the grounding resistance in urban or industrial areas where there is no proper place for current and potential electrodes? The situation gets even more complicated when you need to measure pulse parameters of the ground terminal.
But great news is that there are no hopeless situations.
has passed on 17.02.21
Webinar "Online Calculation of Lightning Protection and Grounding of a Vertical Steel Reservoir (VSR)"
Speaker: Denis Pozdnyakov, technical expert for lightning protection and grounding.
During the webinar, we will look into key aspects related to calculations of the lightning protection system for the VSR (vertical steel reservoir) using the Service for calculating the lightning protection reliability based on the method for evaluation of the lightning strike probability into the protected facility.
- What should we have to make calculations?
- What regulatory documents should we use?
- How can we choose the most appropriate solutions?
You have a great opportunity to talk to engineers from the ZANDZ Technical Center.
Webinar plan:
- What facility data should we have to begin calculations?
- How can we perform calculations to install a lightning protection system? Comparing the method of calculation of the probability of the lightning blowout to the facility and conventional methods.
- Online calculations for the building protection against lightnings.
- Questions and answers.
has passed on 16.12.20
Webinar Titled "Follow Current in SDP Triggering. Cancelling Technique"
Speaker: Dmitry Semeov, Application Engineer, OOO "Fenix Contact Rus". He has three years of experience in pulse overvoltage protection. SDP application in power supply, DCS and communication systems. Performing tests according to standards IEC 61643, Parts 11 and 32.
An aim to make the power source of the electrical device as powerful as possible and capable of stably providing consumers with power and work with large startup loads leads to operational problems of SDPs. In case of triggering, the SDP has to drain the overvoltage pulse and cope with the follow current directly depending on the short circuit current of the electrical device, without any false triggering of ACBs and fuse element burning.
What possibilities does the SPD have to provide seamless electrical device operation? Let's look into this during the webinar.
has passed on 19.11.20
Webinar Titled "Unbiased Performance Evaluation of ESE Lightning Arresters"
This subject was discussed during the webinars of Prof. E.M. Bazelyan twice: on March 18, 2015 and on September 20, 2020. In their course, many critical comments were delivered regarding the potential efficiency of lightning arresters with early streamer emission (ESE terminals). During the forthcoming webinar, we are going to discuss additional aspects primarily associated with the procedure to confirm the compliance of the protective properties of ESE terminals regulated by French standard NF C 17-102:2011. Understanding of these aspects in many respects determines the justification of critical consideration of this standard. The urgency of the problem is that, in fact, a similar standard will soon be made effective as a state standard in some CIS countries (excluding Russia and Ukraine). The facts, which are usually concealed by the sellers, will be provided during the webinar; these facts are very critical.
We have to turn back to the ESE terminals discussion again not least because the customers in the global market have not heard the opinion of scientists. We can conclude on this by exploring data on the number of the installed ESE terminals provided on the International Lightning Protection Association (I.L.P.A.) website. There were 680 thousand of them in 2016. A world map is especially illustrative indicating where these lightning arresters have been already installed.
But the webinar will provide more than that. The Eduard Meerovich's thoughts stated during the 35th webinar with regards to standards IEC 62305 (4 documents) require clarifications. The importance of clarifications is caused by the fact that these standards are international and are effective in Russia. It is noted that the rolling sphere method regulated by IEC 62305-3:2010 has several advantages compared to the conventional shielding angle method. In the course of the webinar, we will discuss these advantages and additional opportunities. One of such advantages includes simple generation of a mathematical model and its implementation as a computer software that allows the transition from the protection zone calculation to the calculation of the probability of the lightning strike into the facility and its separate elements while taking into account the statistical relationship of the lightning current. Moreover, we can evaluate the protective properties of any design of the lightning protection system. An explanation is provided clarifying why the lightning may strike the Ostankino TV Tower much lower than to its top.
has passed on 11.11.20
Webinar of Professor E.M. Bazelyan Titled "Lightning protection of chimneys"
Speaker: E. M. Bazelyan, Dr.Sc. (Eng.), professor; Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute, Moscow
It is hard to find a land facility with the lightning protection requirements so confusing as chimneys. Instructions SO-153.34.21-2003 do not mention them at all and neither does IEC 62305. However, Instructions RD-34.21.122-87 rate something that would have been better to avoid. The participants of our webinars will hardly believe the directions to protect the facility higher than 150 m using 20 cm rods. And this is recommended despite the fact that the top radius of many chimneys is several meters!
In the Soviet times, in the USSR territory, more than one hundred chimneys higher than 150 m were built. Their lightning protection is not likely made according to RD-34.21.122-87, although there are no particular problems with them. Probably chimneys do not require any lightning protection at all? We got used to consider chimneys as natural lightning arresters with sufficiently large protection radius. And we often forget that they are also very efficient sources of powerful electromagnetic interference. This is not a very good fact, especially when there are control circuits for modern digital facilities are nearby, e.g. for a digital substation with a modern microprocessor equipment. Certainly, nobody would decide to dismantle the boiler chimney, but we can "hide it" for the lightning if we use efficient means for that.
As you can see, the chimney is a source of many unpleasant conditions that cannot be solved in each case. We have to talk about them seriously. We will discuss this in more details during the webinar.
has passed on 21.10.20
Webinar Titled "Parameters in Autodesk Revit. Details of Working with General Parameters"
Speaker: Kirill Ivanov, Facility Operation Project Manager, BIM Manager at Synergy Systems.
Architect Engineer, 8 years of working with Autodesk Revit; leads a team of experts for the operation projects, engaged in the development of the corporate standard for information modelling.
The parameters characterize each object in the model thus turning a typical 3D model into an informational model. In the webinar, we will look into all parameter types in Autodesk Revit (family parameters, design parameters, general parameters). We will study the general parameter file in details and specifics of working with general parameters. We will study the Shared Parameters Element, what difficulties it causes and how to solve such difficulties.
has passed on 30.09.20
Webinar titled "Online Calculation of Grounding and Lightning Protection for An Industrial Facility"
Speaker: Denis Pozdnyakov, technical expert for lightning protection and grounding
During this webinar, we will look into key aspects related to calculations of the lightning protection system for the industrial facility using the "Service for calculating the lightning protection reliability" based on the method for evaluation of the lightning strike probability into the protected facility, namely:
- what should we have to make calculations?
- what regulatory documents should we use?
- how can we choose the most appropriate solutions?
You have a great opportunity to talk to engineers from the ZANDZ Technical Center.
Webinar plan.
- What facility data should we have to begin calculations?
- How can we perform calculations to install a lightning protection system? Comparing the method of calculating the probability of the lightning breakthrough to the facility and conventional methods.
- Online calculations for the building protection against lightnings.
- Questions and answers.
has passed on 23.09.20
Webinar by Professor E.M. Bazelyan Titled "Active" lightning arresters and protection against them"
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: E. M. Bazelyan, Dr.Sc. (Eng.), professor; Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute, Moscow
When discussing the problem of active lightning arresters, it is necessary to start with the attitude of top managers. It is by their will that the regulatory documents on lightning protection are approved that are applicable in the countries of the common market, of which our country is also a member. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has issued IEC 62305 long time ago that covers the lightning protection devices. Several years ago, certain sections of this standard began to be introduced in Russia as the GOST R. The section concerning the external lightning protection device is next in line. The objective assessment of the operating principles of active lightning arresters and their actual capabilities should be given in this section. Unfortunately, it is not possible to rely on this fact. A number of fundamental provisions of the IEC standard indicate an extremely superficial acquaintance of its authors with the physics of gas discharge and the practical principles of lightning protection. To convince the listeners of the webinar, its first part will provide specific examples of those technical absurdities that are the results of the IEC standard recommendations. Otherwise, it is impossible to understand why the domestic specialists are worried about the attempt to implement this regulatory document and why it does not reflect the actual situation with the so-called active lightning arresters.
The second part of the webinar will be devoted to assessment of the actual capabilities of up-to-date active lightning arresters, its actual activity and the consequences of use for the protection of modern technical facilities. An analysis of the existing operating experience in the ESE lightning arresters will be performed and a simple field testing method will be proposed with no need in the special financial costs.
has passed on 26.08.20
Webinar Titled "Operating errors in Autodesk Revit and ways to avoid them"
Any project team aims at optimizing the work with the project and making operating processes clear and simple. But this is often precluded by several errors. During the webinar, we will study how to recognize inefficient working methods and avoid these errors in creating models. This article is a summarized practical experience of the specialist team that has been obtained for the years of practice in various companies.
The webinar is intended for: designers
Speaker: Olga Shostik
has passed on 19.08.20
Webinar titled "Grounding pulse resistance of lightning protection"
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers and assemblers
Speaker: E. M. Bazelyan, Dr.Sc. (Eng.), professor; Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute, Moscow
has passed on 29.07.20
Why сan DAS work (Green lightning protection)?
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
has passed on 8.07.20
Informational model of power supply system at the operating stage. Why the customer needs it?
The experience of implementation of BIM technology clearly demonstrates that, in most cases, only after the owner accepts the concept of building information modelling, new technology is actively studied by all other process participants. During the webinar, we will talk about the creation of principal diagrams related to the electrical engineering model, about the BIM platform Ecodomus that allows obtaining a digital copy of utilities of the building will all connections as well as information on guarantees, service life, service dates, etc.
We will study the following issues in general:
- updating the documentation after the construction and synchronizing the model equipment with sensors;
- simplifying planning of repair works, reconstruction and upgrade;
- the mechanisms that allow reflecting, in the model, all the changes made in utilities throughout the entire operating period, etc.
Speaker: Ilya Belenkiy. CEO of OOO SYNERGY SYSTEMS
has passed on 17.06.20
What is going on up there?
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
When, at the end of the previous century, we managed to see beyond the tropospheric boundary, the observers saw an impressive picture. Even a very long lightning cannot be compared with it. Today, many of observed phenomena were explained and described quantitatively. These descriptions are closely related with the one explaining storm events under the clouds and are therefore important for practice.
We do not know much about how lightning appear. Flights around the clouds have not provided much information. The electrical field strength measured there did not exceed 5 kV/cm. Although, we need at least 5 times more to ionize the air. Despite this weak field, lightnings appear in the clouds. How? There is no definite answer yet.
Today, we have accumulated sufficient records of lightnings reaching the ground. It turns out that this is only a part of the picture. The other part is hidden up in the clouds. The channel moving towards the ground always has a twin. It is directed upwards, beyond the troposphere. The lightning current, its main adverse factor, depends on its development. Therefore, processes beyond the clouds are important and interesting for practical lightning protection.
Moreover, there is also a pure curiosity. We are always concerned about any spaceship penetrating clouds.Come to the webinar of Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan on June 17 to obtain unique knowledge.
has passed on 10.06.20
"Choosing SDPs for low-voltage systems (telecommunications, automation, and safety)"
The webinar is intended for: sales managers, project managers, designers, customers, and installing specialists of modern telecom systems (LAN, DTN, CS, SCS), safety systems (SFS, CCTV, ACS), automation system, dispatch control system (DCS).
Speaker: Roman Petrov, Chief Project Engineer, SDP developer, ООО Takhion, Saint Petersburg. 8 years of experience in designing and managing projects; 34 years of experience in development and operating of radioelectronic systems.
The problem of choosing SDPs is exacerbated by many various data transfer interfaces with their own requirements and characteristics. And the SDP itself must not only protect the data transfer system but also avoid worsening its operability.
During the webinar, we will consider the process of choosing SDPs for the most popular and common interfaces in communication, safety, automation, and dispatch control systems. This will help designers in facilitating the choice of safety devices for the development of terms of reference and design as well as for sales managers to properly choose SDPs according to check lists, tender bids, and customer requests.
has passed on 03.06.20
Structure of creating MEP families and connector setup. Creation of a corporate family library
Speaker: Vyacheslav Norotov, Head of Development of Corporate Item Libraries for Information Modelling at Synergy Systems. Civil Construction Engineer; has more than 10 years of experience in design.
Since 2013, he has been training various discipline specialists in Autodesk AutoCAD. Since 2017, he has been providing trainings in Autodesk Revit. Leads a team for development of catalogues of MEP families.
MEP families developed by the equipment manufacturers contain excessive information, external general parameters, and are excessively detailed. We will consider the method of creating and setting up typical MEP families, including connectors. Using them, the designer can quickly assemble utilities, replace families without losing information and even change geometry of one manufacturer to another. Let's consider an issue of optimal creation of a corporate library.
Webinar plan:
- Problems of MEP families from the equipment manufacturers.
- Structure of creating own MEP families.
- Practice: geometry, graphical conventions, connectors, and parameters.
- Creation of a corporate family library: container file.
has passed on 27.05.20
Where Can We Find Customers for A Complex Technology Product in the Crisis?
Speaker: Anatoly Rusanov, Marketing Specialist of the ZANDZ.com Knowledge Center for Lightning Protection and Grounding
It is hard to find new customers for the specialists and companies engaged in the sales and servicing of complex technology products. This webinar is aimed at facilitating and optimizing the process. We will look into the tools and services through which you may secure new orders in Internet quickly and cheaply.
The webinar plan:
- 1. Where can we invite potential customers? Your Internet site.
- Aims and tasks to solve by your Internet site
- Key selling items mandatory for each site.
- Multi-page site, key advantages, disadvantages.
- A single-page site (landing page): what tasks can it solve and when must we use it?
- Community in social media as a site providing presence in Internet.
- 2. Where can we find potential customers? Traffic types.
- Context advertising. How to set up advertising to collect potential customers who are looking for your product over the Internet, without spending much money; how to differentiate from competitors in the advertising.
- Re-targeting of site visitors. How to return visitors to your site?
- How can we find customers using bulletin boards and theme sites?
has passed on 20.05.20
Specifics of using SDPs in local networks and ethernet hardware
The second webinar of the series "SDP for modern low-voltage system".
During the webinar, we will consider using SDPs in local networks and Ethernet hardware; study the history and logic of Ethernet development, and consider specifics of using copper cable lines and PoE technology.
The webinar is intended to provide for a wide range of designers, specialists of installing companies, and customers special knowledge for choosing SDPs to protect local networks in the projects, tender bids, and customer requests.
- Local networks and Ethernet protocol. History of development, features and consistency of previous standards.
- Types and classification of the standard.
- Characteristics of signals at physical level and respective requirements to SDPs.
- Used cable types: UTP/FTP, categories. Relation between the SCS infrastructure and SDP types.
- PoE in local networks. History and development trends. Varieties of active equipment in terms of PoE classification and its relation to the SDP use.
- Circuitry of SDPs for Ethernet ports.
- SDP characteristics for PoE and PoE-free systems.
- SDP design and choosing the design option.
- Relation between the design solutions and SDP design; design options.
- SDP testing types and minimum characteristics.
The webinar is intended for: designers, sales specialists, integrators and customers of telecom systems (LAN, DTN, SS, SCS), safety systems (SFS, CCTV, ACS), automation, dispatcher, and administration (ADA) systems.
Speaker: Roman Petrov, Chief Project Engineer, SDP Developer, OOO "Takhion", Saint Petersburg. 8 years of experience in designing and managing projects; 34 years of experience in development and operating of radioelectronic systems.
has passed on 13.04.20
BIM Design of electrical supply systems in Revit: from theory to real-life project
This is the second webinar of a series dedicated to the design of electrical supply systems in Autodesk Revit. During the webinar, we will consider the examples of creating a real-life project in Autodesk Revit, and its features to obtain documentation using embedded functions and external applications. We will assemble power and illumination circuits to obtain the required calculations and execute documentation.
Webinar contents:
- 1. Assembly of an illumination circuit
- Illumination
- Cable lengths
- Layout diagram
- Product and material specifications
- 2. Assembly of a power circuit
- Equipment layout
- Loads calculation
- Calculation of voltage loss
- Selection of cable cross-section
- Choosing a circuit breaker
- 3. Execution of documentation and specifications
Vyacheslav Beltsevich - Lead EOM Manager at Synergy Systems
25 years of design experience, 5 years of experience in creating operating models.
Ilya Belenkiy Director and Co-founder of Synergy Systems
Has more than 10 years of design and modelling experience in Autodesk Revit; 7 years of working experience as a BIM manager.
Master's work for "Building Information Modelling". TOP 100 of leading instructors in Autodesk technology. He performed the development of models at various stages of the building lifecycle, from design to operation, in Russia, the USA, Qatar, and Arab Emirates. He took part in the development of standards for designs using the building information modelling technology in Russia and the USA.
has passed on 29.04.20
Webinar Titled "Software calculator to calculate lightning ground currents"
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Dmitry Krasnoborov, Technical Specialist for Grounding and Lightning ProtectionDuring the webinar, the software for calculation of lightning current in the utilities of the facility will be provided in case of a lightning strike into the feeding air power line or directly into the building itself. Calculation results allow determining the current going to the facility grounding electrode as well as to the feeder cable from the power line. The ground current pulse in the calculation is provided with an accuracy up to thousandth fractions of a microsecond.
Moreover, the application allows analyzing the impact of the grounding resistance to the characteristics of the ground current pulse. The obtained data allow correcting, if required, calculated grounding resistance values and obtain initial data to choose SDPs to provide complete protection of the facility.
has passed on 22.04.20
Webinar Titled "Remote work in Revit, BIM 360 services"
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers.
Speaker: Ilya Belenkiy, Director and Co-Founder of Synergy Systems.More than 10 years of experience in design and modelling in Autodesk Revit; 7 years of working experience as a BIM manager.
Master's work for "Building Information Modelling". TOP 100 of leading instructors in Autodesk technology.
He performed the development of models at various stages of the building lifecycle, from design to operation, in Russia, the USA, Qatar, and Arab Emirates.
He took part in the development of standards for designs using the building information modelling technology in Russia and the USA.The webinar plan:
Revit file storage structure
Arranging remote work via file sharing services
Arranging work via BIM 360 Design
Setting up a shell access and privileges within the project
Sharing models between teams
Functions to work with the model at the BIM 360 website
has passed on 15.04.20
Webinar Titled "Characteristics of SDPs for low-voltage systems, algorithms for their selection, and selection dialectics"
The webinar is intended for: designers, project managers, sales managers, customers, and installers of modern telecom systems (LAN, DTN, SS, SCS), safety systems (SFS, CCTV, ACS), automation, dispatcher, and administration (ADA) systems.
Speaker: Roman Petrov, Chief Project Engineer, SDP Developer, OOO "Takhion", Saint Petersburg. 8 years of experience in designing and managing projects; 34 years of experience in development and operating of radioelectronic systems.The webinar plan:
Classification of radiotechnical systems, list of low-voltage systems, scopes of application.
General SDP parameters and particular SDP parameters for low-voltage systems.
Need for application and economics of SDP in low-voltage systems based on particular examples.
Basic characteristics and their numerical examples in SDPs for low-voltage systems.
Knowledge of parameters, structure and circuitry of low-voltage systems is a pre-requisite for the selection of SDPs on one's own.
SDP designs and correct selection of designs.
Key groups of low-voltage SDPs and choosing a group to search for the required SDP therein.
SDP testing types and minimum characteristics for the quality selection of SDPs.
SDP damage based on particular examples.
Dialectics of choosing SDPs, contradictions and their resolution based on particular examples.
Relation between real life and standards in production and application of SDP.
has passed on 25.03.20
BIM Design of Electrical Section in Autodesk Revit
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Vyacheslav Beltsevich, Lead EOM Engineer at Synergy Systems 25 years of design experience; 5 years of experience in creating operating models.Ilya Belenkiy, Director and Co-Founder at Synergy Systems More than 10 years of experience in design and modelling in Autodesk Revit; 7 years of working experience as a BIM manager. Master's work for "Building Information Modelling". TOP 100 of leading instructors in Autodesk technology. He performed the development of models at various stages of the building lifecycle, from design to operation, in Russia, the USA, Qatar, and Arab Emirates. He took part in the development of standards for designs using the building information modelling technology in Russia and the USA.
This is the first webinar of a series dedicated to the design of electrical supply systems in Autodesk Revit. During the webinar, basic functionality of Electrical section in Autodesk Revit will be considered along with its functions of modelling and obtaining documents without any external software. We will study the user interface of Autodesk Revit in Electrical section and its settings to provide successful creation of the model; consider basic methods for circuits assembly and obtaining specifications, and explain why this functionality is insufficient for creating designs in Russia.
Webinar contents:
1. User interface of the Electrical section.
2. Basic settings of an empty template
- cable grid;
- operating voltages;
- feeder grid types;
- classification of loads and demand ratios.
3. Circuit assembly - basic method
- electrical instruments layout and connection;
- work with the utilities dispatcher;
- circuit paths correction.
4. Obtaining specifications - basic method.
5. Layout of a cabinet box - basic method.
6. Problems: what Revit cannot do?
7. Bypassing - plugins (in general).
has passed on 10.12.19
Surge protection device and its fuse element. How to Choose and Use Correctly?
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich BazelyanThis is not the first in Professor Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan's webinar series on the usage of SPD. Nevertheless, the ZANDZ Technical Center constantly receives questions regarding the choice of the protective arrangement itself and auxiliary equipment that should work in emergency situations. Some of these issues have been considered more than once.
The following questions are expected for detailed consideration at the webinar on December 10, 2019:
- 1. When the technical and economically viable to use SPD.
- 2. How to evaluate the lightning current, which should be designed SPD.
- How to determine the level of voltage that should be at the SPD output.
- How to choose a fuse element for SPD and what to do if such selection is not possible.
- Is there an alternative to the fuse element.
- When it is necessary to resort to the sequential installation of several SPDs.
All of these issues will be analyzed in a manner to provide a designer with a specific algorithm for calculations and, if possible, rather simple calculation formulas.
has passed on 23.10.19
BIM-technologies in design: reducing the time required to produce working documentation
The webinar is intended for: designers of lightning protection and grounding
Speaker: Svetlana Alexandrovna Knyazeva, Product Manager for Solutions for Power Supply Design, CSD CompanyWe invite you to the webinar, where you will study the benefits of using the information modelling for the design of civil and industrial facilities.
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a process of collaborative creation and use of information on a facility forming the basis for all solutions throughout the entire facility lifecycle.
BIM is based on a 3D information model, on the basis of which the work of the investor, customer, general designer, general contractor, operating company is organized.
During the webinar, you will explore:- the benefits of implementing the information modelling technology;
- the extent of BIM application in Russia, regulatory framework and development prospectives;
- the software products for solving electrotechnical tasks optimizing the design processes.
We provide resources like as tutorials, BIM standards, project-specific templates, and more where you may examine and download helpful design material for free.
has passed on 11.09.19
Answers to the questions of designers of lightning protection and grounding
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich BazelyanThe hardest thing for a speaker to do during a webinar is to respond to audience queries. The questions vary in subject matter and are rarely linked to each other. To bring the story's ideologies together, a cogent connection is very difficult to discover.
Webinar titled "Answers to the questions of designers of lightning protection and grounding" on September 11 is a welcome exception. There are at least two key issues. The first describes how a strong electric field forms near ground structures during a lightning storm and discusses how this field affects lightning discharge. In actuality, we are discussing the working mechanism of lightning arresters, about which there is still some uncertainty about use.
The second question is the practical one. In addition to permafrost, there are many of locations in our country with extremely poor soils, such as stony soils, sands, and other rocks with minimal moisture. The Electrical Installations Regulations have stringent standards that must be adhered to. How to accomplish it with the least amount of losses is the question. Most likely, not even the most self-assured experts would have the audacity to say they are the ones with the best answers. However, it is in everyone's best interests to try to look at the matter impartially.
has passed on 31.07.19
Protection of objects, located in permafrost conditions, against lightning
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich BazelyanEven with the use of chemically active grounding electrodes, it is frequently not possible to meet the current regulations' requirements for grounding resistance in permafrost regions. As a result, it is impossible to guarantee electrical safety in the vicinity of lightning current propagation and lower overvoltages in underground utilities to a level that is acceptable Even if not every issue has a technological answer at this time, we should concentrate on those that do.
has passed on 19.06.19
Lightning protection of large areas, e.g., parks, playgrounds, etc.
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich BazelyanThe webinar plan:
In the recent years, we have managed to demonstrate that the protective action of the wire lightning arrester system (a multi-wire system) could be significantly improved due to the shielding effect of the volume crown charge that is excited in the electrical field of the thundercloud without any additional high-voltage sources. The use of the system of the crown ground wires allows not only protect a large territory against the direct lightning strikes with the reliability not less than 0.999 but also significantly reduce the electromagnetic interference to the electrical circuit of the protected object.
These and other questions related to the lightning protection of large territories will be described in more details by Professor Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan during the webinar.
has passed on 15.05.19
Software for calculating lightning protection reliability of any facility that takes 30 minutes
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan, and the Technical Specialist for Earthing and Lightning Protection Denis PozdnyakovIn the first part of the webinar, Professor Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan will describe the software for calculating the lightning protection reliability in more details.
1. The substantiation of the proposed calculation technique based on the long spark research that have demonstrated a large difference in paths and breakthrough voltages And these facts are used in the statistical technique, even though they are simplified.
2. The technique for reducing the lightning arrester height when using the multi-electrode systems without the protection zones.
3. The need to provide protection against the direct lightning strikes using the lightning arresters that are as low as possible (this is associated with the electromagnetic compatibility issue).
4. General provisions of the technique during its transition to the real-life objects. Major benefits and drawbacks.In the second part of the webinar, Denis Pozdnyakov, the Technical Specialist for Earthing and Lightning Protection, will provide two versions of an example of the lightning protection calculation for an object with the flat roof using a software (using high and low lightning arresters) and compare the obtained results.
has passed on 03.04.19
Creeping discharges in the lightning protection
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich BazelyanWebinar program: the nature of the phenomena, the harm it poses, the regulatory landscape, practical countermeasures, and unresolved difficulties.
has passed on 27.02.19
Features of lightning protection in mountains
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
has passed on 27.02.19
Joint Work in Revit based on associated files. BIM design
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Stanislav Vozchikov, the BIM modelling specialist and the certified Autodesk Revit Professional specialist.The webinar plan:
- description of principle of work;
- copying settings for basic families (axes, levels, walls, columns, intermediate floors);
- settings for equipment copying;
- coordination view and parameters.
has passed on 21.11.18
The future of domestic lightning protection (almost optimistic option)
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Stanislav Vozchikov, the BIM modelling specialist and the certified Autodesk Revit Professional specialist.The success in improving the means and methods for lightning protection is defined by:
- the development of measures for active effect on the lightning discharge,
- the improvement in the national regulatory framework,
- the clarification of the actual data on storm activity within the Russian Federation and the statistics of the lightning current parameters upon its strikes into the facilities of typical height, but not into the high-rise structures.
Please refer to the webinar's complete description.
has passed on 14.11.18
Work with common coordinates. BIM design in Revit
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Stanislav Vozchikov, the BIM modelling specialist and the certified Autodesk Revit Professional specialist.The webinar plan:
- description of work principle with the common coordinates;
- loading associated Revit files;
- setting up a common site and a project location.
has passed on 17.10.18
BIM design. Joint Work in Revit Based on storage file
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Stanislav Vozchikov, the BIM modelling specialist and the certified Autodesk Revit Professional specialist.The webinar plan:
- creating worksets, principle of work with the worksets;
- creating a file storage for the project and local files;
- implementing changes, principle of agreement between the sections, requests for editing;
- synchronization, project log, restoring project backups.
has passed on 10.10.18
Lightning protection and fire safety
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich BazelyanThe instructions of the fire inspection have introduced many issues to the regulatory documents associated with the lightning protection. And not all of them are considered indisputable today. We have to talk about the feasibility of installing standalone lightning arresters, about the use of thin modern metal roofs, about laying the current collectors on the surfaces of flammable decorative panels of the building walls, about the danger of incomplete plasma channels that are in contact with the flammable gaseous emissions into the atmosphere.
has passed on 19.09.18
BIM design. Filling out views in Revit
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Stanislav Vozchikov, the BIM modelling specialist and the certified Autodesk Revit Professional specialist.The webinar plan:
- describing the principles of work with the views;
- re-defining visibility/graphics on the views;
- view templates;
- placing annotations on the views;
- arranging views on the sheet.
has passed on 22.08.18
BIM design in Revit. Handling bill of quantities and specifications
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Stanislav Vozchikov, the BIM modelling specialist and the certified Autodesk Revit Professional specialist.The webinar plan:
- describing the principle of work with specifications;
- creating and editing a specification by category;
- creating parameters and calculated values in specifications;
- executing specifications.
has passed on 08.08.18
What needs to be calculated to resolve the electromagnetic compatibility problem with lightning current
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich BazelyanThe aim of the second webinar on electromagnetic compatibility is a certain narration of engineering methods for the evaluation of parameters required to determine the practical danger of electromagnetic effects. This issue has been partially considered during our webinars. In this case, we will talk about the simplest but correct calculation methods.
has passed on 18.07.18
Designing BIM models in Revit. Creating utilities
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Stanislav Vozchikov, the BIM modelling specialist and the certified Autodesk Revit Professional specialist.The webinar plan:
- tracing settings for utility grids;
- arranging the utility equipment;
- describing the utility system browser;
- arranging spaces.
has passed on 04.07.18
ЭElectromagnetic compatibility with lightning. Statement of the problem and major issues
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich BazelyanDuring the webinar, you will know about the nature of dangerous electromagnetic lightning effects and about their limiting with the conventional lightning protection means and the high-quality evaluation of the efficiency and technical capacities of each of them.
has passed on 20.06.18
BIM design. Creating architectural and structural elements in Revit
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Stanislav Vozchikov, the BIM modelling specialist and the certified Autodesk Revit Professional specialist.The webinar plan:
- creating architectural and bearing walls;
- creating floors and intermediate floors;
- creating bearing elements (beams, columns, foundations);
- creating window and door openings;
- arrangement of rooms.
has passed on 24.05.18
BIM design in Revit. Getting started
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Stanislav Vozchikov, the BIM modelling specialist and the certified Autodesk Revit Professional specialistThe webinar plan:
- getting to know the user interface;
- creating a grid plan;
- creating levels;
- creating views (cross-sections, facades, and floor plans).
has passed on 18.04.18
СSoftware structure and basic concepts of Revit
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Stanislav Vozchikov, the BIM modelling specialist and the certified Autodesk Revit Professional specialist.The webinar plan:
- project template;
- definition of families, their categories, types, and instances;
- introduction to the component and family library;
- definition of type parameters and family instance;
- definition of general parameters.
has passed on 04.04.18
Z-Wave controllers: from theory to practice
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Bogdan Vakulyuk, Technology Evangelist of Solutions of the Smart Home series based on Z-Wave, Marketing Analyst at IMAGThe ZANDZ.com and moy-domovoy.ru project are hosting a webinar on Z-Wave-based equipment for smart or connected dwellings.
During the webinar, the following issues will be covered:
- physical, logic levels of protocol stack for Z-Wave and application level;
- power supply device types;
- device classes and instructions of Z-Wave.
has passed on 21.03.18
Introduction to BIM concept
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Stanislav Vozchikov, the BIM modelling specialist and the certified Autodesk Revit Professional specialist.The webinar plan:
- BIM definition, its advantages;
- project lifecycle definition;
- basic software;
- principles of work in the BIM model;
- BIM department and manager, basic functions.
has passed on 14.03.18
How to build a wireless Smart Home?
The webinar is intended for: assemblers of electrical circuits, sellers of electrotechnical products, end users, and DIY enthusiasts
Speaker: Bogdan Vakulyuk, Technology Evangelist of Solutions of a Smart Home series based on the Z-Wave technology, Marketing Analyst at IMAGThe ZANDZ.com and moy-domovoy.ru project joint webinar is focused on Qubino, NETIChome, and Philio's Z-Wave solutions.
The following products are considered:
- product series Qubino, NETIChome, Philio;
- typical settings and technical characteristics of various Z-Wave modules;
- main methods to install and "connect" modules and sensors to controllers.
has passed on 14.02.18
What Is a Smart Home and is It really that smart?
The webinar is intended for: assemblers of electrical circuits, sellers of electrotechnical products, end users, and DIY enthusiasts
Speaker: Bogdan Vakulyuk, Technology Evangelist of Solutions of a Smart Home series based on the Z-Wave technology, Marketing Analyst at IMAGDuring the webinar, the following topics will be covered:
- fundamentals of Smart Home;
- components of Smart Home: controllers, sensors, and actuators;
- what can we control in Smart Home and why do we need it;
- basic principles of operation and advantages of Z-Wave.
has passed on 22.11.17
Origin of lightning protection zones, their actual capabilities, and negative impact on external lightning protection optimization
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich BazelyanHow can a designer mark up protective zones using antiquated guidelines? We rarely think about how these zones were obtained and if they are justified. It is inevitable that protective zones will eventually be abandoned. The sooner the designer takes such decision, the more qualitative his designs will be. All the necessary calculation tools exist and are available today. We will go into more detail in the webinar.
has passed on 18.10.17
Calculation of lightning protection reliability for any facility for 30 minutes using the ZANDZ calculation service
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Denis Pozdnyakov, Technical Specialist for Grounding and Lightning ProtectionComputing core of the calculation service is developed by Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute LLC (ENIN LLC) in the laboratory for mathematical modelling of geophysical processes under the guidance of E. M. Bazelyan who was actively involved in the development of regulatory documents RD 34.21.122-87 and SO 153-34.21.122-2003.
has passed on 11.10.17
Attracting new customers via the Internet. Fast and inexpensive
The webinar is intended for: electrical technicians, sales managers for lightning protection and earthing systems
Speaker: Anatoly Rusanov, Marketing Specialist of ZANDZ.ru. Marketing experience — 8 years, e-marketing experience — 3 years, and sales experience — over 10 years.Searching for new customers is a challenging process for the specialists providing services and service companies. This webinar is aimed at facilitating and optimizing the process. We will look into the tools and services through which you may secure new orders in Internet quickly and cheaply.
The webinar will include the following issues:- bulletin boards;
- order exchange and ZANDZ experts club;
- personal page and Vkontakte groups;
- Yandex.Direct: description and setup recommendations.
has passed on 20.09.17
Conflicts in regulatory documents for "Earthing and Lightning Protection". How to deal with them properly?
The webinar is intended for: lightning protection and grounding designers
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich BazelyanAfter the webinar, a specialist can hardly ignore the existing standards. He/She will be able to choose a technical solution that appears feasible in terms of economic issues and allows providing the reliable operation of the facility during the storm.
has passed on 03.05.17
Protection of the electrical network against voltage surges
Speaker: Anton Gogunets, HS Electro
There are several ways to deal with mains voltage deviations. The most effective is the voltage relay. But the array of contemporary gadgets can be confusing not only to the average consumer but also to the seasoned experts who work on the operation or design of a surge protection system. This webinar will go over the technical specifications and advantages of the Volt Control voltage relay manufactured by HS Electro, as well as the nuances of choosing a device such as a voltage relay.
The topics covered in the webinar will be:
- issues with voltage dips in the electrical current system and how to fix them;
- the definition and operation of a voltage relay;
- things to consider when selecting a device;
- using voltage relays in residential and commercial settings;
- examining technological options for shielding the electrical network from voltage spikes.
Is it feasible to maintain the power grid's voltage quality under control? How should voltage variations be handled? Anton Gogunets, a representative of HS Electro, a top manufacturer of low-voltage equipment, will respond to these and other inquiries.
has passed on 26.04.17
Open seminar for designers, 2017
A free, open seminar on lightning protection and grounding will be held in Moscow on April 26, 2017. The main purpose of the event will be to discuss the problems of electromagnetic compatibility problem in case of lightning discharge, as well as BIM (Building Information Modelling). The experts in design of modern lightning protection systems are invited to participate in the seminar.
The seminar will cover two topics:
1. Development of design solutions for lightning protection and grounding on the basis of calculations of electromagnetic processes.
Speaker: Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, recognized domestic expert in the field of grounding and lightning protection.
2. What is BIM? BIM technologies in grounding and lightning protection design
Speaker: Sergey Vladimirovich Puchkov, leading design engineer at LPG Engineering Design Company
has passed on 20.04.17
Grounding resistance measuring methods
Speaker: Vadim Bukhalov, Technical Sales Manager at Fluke.
High-quality grounding systems provide safe draining of the current to the ground in case of lightning strikes or mains surges. To provide reliable operation of grounding, technical standards define a minimum value of the grounding impedance. International Electrical Testing Association requires checking grounding electrodes every three years in case of a good condition of the system and good average time of fault-free condition. How to define whether the required grounding impedance has been provided? Learn more during the webinar!
During the webinar, the following issues will be covered:
- grounding resistance measurement methods;
- safety of grounding resistance measurements;
- principle of operation of instruments to measure grounding resistance;
- modern measuring devices.
Do not miss an opportunity to obtain all answers to your questions about grounding resistance measurement.
has passed on 15.03.17
Role of lightning protection and grounding in the Electromagnetic Compatibility section
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
The webinar will cover the main issues of electromagnetic compatibility with lightning discharge as part of the design of external lightning protection. The main issues are:
- content and completeness of the electromagnetic compatibility electromagnetic compatibility section;
- in what cases the execution of this section can be replaced by instructions on lightning protection and earthing;
- basic calculations in the electromagnetic compatibility section, in particular, the calculation of impulse interference levels in secondary circuits during lightning strikes in lightning conductors;
- measures to reduce impulse noise levels when planning earthing and lightning protection.
has passed on 01.02.17
Is it possible to make an unrelated grounding conductor?
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
- Is it feasible to examine the characteristics of the soil where the construction is located without doing a soil study?
- What is the best way to do a grounding resistance assessment in a crowded urban or industrial area?
- What should be done if the foundation grounding resistance is far greater than the maximum resistance that is permitted, and how can the resistance be accurately assessed?
- Is it feasible to construct a grounding device that is entirely self-contained and consistently shielded from external currents?
Attend the webinar with Professor Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan to find out the answers to these and other queries!
has passed on 07.12.16
Lightning protection and grounding of liquid and gaseous fuel distribution facilities
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
The significance of using multiple lightning arresters—particularly cable lightning arresters—the flaws in industry regulations that actively obstruct their application in projects, the design of grounding devices, and—above all—the extraordinary ingenuity of lightning in terms of its potentially harmful effects on hydrocarbon fuel production, transportation, and processing objects will all be covered in the webinar. The risk of lightning striking hydraulic fracturing, which is arguably the largest object in gas supply systems, should be specifically taken into account. Additionally, lightning waves traveling long distances via pipelines should be analyzed, and the risk of sliding spark channels becoming sources of such wave generation in pipelines should be evaluated.
has passed on 09.11.16
Grounding and Lightning Protection at Construction Sites (tower crane, huts, containers, etc.).
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
We discussed the hardware used on building roofs for lightning protection in the most recent webinar. Because the builders and their tools are exposed to the elements and are positioned as though they are on a roof, which will rise in height as the facility is constructed, everything that was presented there is completely applicable to the construction site throughout the actual building construction phase. In addition, the issue of safeguarding against hazardous step and contact voltages becomes critical on construction sites where a high concentration of operational workers is present. There are very few regulations pertaining to lightning protection at building sites, and neither the safety department nor the designers are likely to be satisfied. Learn about all the rules and peculiarities of lightning protection and grounding on construction projects!
has passed on 11.10.16
Grounding and lightning protection for the tank farm
Speaker: Sergey Alekseevich Tolstopyatov
We examine the unique aspects of the electrical installation and calculations of earthing and lightning protection for particularly significant facilities—tank farms—in the fifth and last webinar in the series In Simple Words about Earthing and Lightning Protection Installation. The webinar will cover how to correctly calculate, install, and maintain lightning and grounding protection while adhering to all regulations now in place.
has passed on 05.10.16
Lightning potection for an operated roof
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
The safe dissipation of lightning current into the ground is a concern that is inevitably raised by the installation of lightning arresters on the roof. This issue has two important aspects. First and foremost, it's important to lower step and contact stress levels in order to safeguard persons within and around the protected facility. The day of good design solutions is far off. This is brought home to us by the depressing reports that air on television during hurricane season. Second, microprocessor technology, which is pricy and regrettably not particularly resilient to the electromagnetic impacts of lightning, is not widely used in buildings today. This issue may be virtually totally eliminated with proper lightning protection.
This webinar will teach you how to correctly design a roof's lightning protection!
has passed on 27.09.16
Grounding and lightning protection for electrical substations
Speaker: Sergey Alekseevich Tolstopyatov
Next up in the series is a webinar titled "Simply about installing grounding and lightning protection", which covers electrical substations, one of the most complicated items for electrical installation. The webinar will cover how to correctly calculate, install, and maintain lightning and grounding protection while adhering to all regulations now in place.
has passed on 13.09.16
Grounding and lightning protection for apartment buildings and commercial facilities (hypermarkets, warehouses, pavilions, etc.).
Speaker: Sergey Alekseevich Tolstopyatov
The intricacies of calculating and installing earthing for apartment buildings and commercial facilities (hypermarkets, warehouses, pavilions, etc.) are covered in the third webinar in the series titled "Simply about installing grounding and lightning protection". What makes this thing fundamentally different from others, what potential problems can occur, and how to work with the customer?
has passed on 07.09.16
Application of cable lightning protection
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
Not surprisingly, the most prevalent kind of lightning arrester is the cable lightning arrester, whose effectiveness is thoroughly studied due to the fact that cable lightning arresters—either single or double—protect millions of kilometers of overhead power lines. Watch the webinar to discover all the features and advantages of cable lightning protection!
has passed on 30.08.16
Grounding and lightning protection in a private house
Speaker: Sergey Alekseevich Tolstopyatov
In the second webinar in the series titled "Simply about installing grounding and lightning protection", we'll discuss how to calculate and install grounding and lightning protection for the most common kind of object, which is a private home or cottage. We provide you with comprehensive, step-by-step directions that cover what to do first, what to look out for, potential challenges, and frequent mistakes to avoid.
has passed on 16.08.16
Normative documents and requirements for grounding and lightning protection
Speaker: Sergey Alekseevich Tolstopyatov
The first webinar of the series titled "Simply about installing grounding and lightning protection". The purpose of the webinar series, which is targeted at installers, is to simplify grounding calculations and installation for all users. In the first webinar, common inquiries from installers regarding protocols, laws, equipment materials, supervisory agencies, and other topics will be addressed. Since a representative of an electrical installation firm is hosting the webinar, the key inquiries regarding electrical installation will receive straightforward responses.
has passed on 19.07.16
Solutions for the residential and public facilities (hospitals, offices, shops, etc.)
Speaker: Dmitry Krasnoborov, technical specialist in grounding and lightning protection
As we wrap up our webinar series on enhancing energy quality and conservation, let's examine the function of grounding in the functioning of energy-efficient devices, as well as the kinds of grounding devices and requirements. Examples of the use of electrolytic and modular grounding at various facilities, such as hydroelectric power plants, petroleum product warehouses, cross-country equipment, residential structures, and train transportation facilities, will be given throughout the webinar. The usage of electrolytic and modular grounding will be the main topic of the webinar.
You'll learn how to ground the equipment in full accordance with existing standards, to achieve a 2 Ohm resistance and what earthing arrangement to use in composite soils.
has passed on 05.07.16
Solutions for the residential and public facilities (hospitals, offices, shops, etc.)
Speaker: Sergey Anatolyevich Karatygin
To finish the block of the industrial solutions related to the electric energy saving and quality improvement, let us discuss the solutions for residential and public facilities. The webinar will discuss the specifics of the energy efficiency increase in the facilities like these ones, the possibilities of energy-efficient devices functionality extension and the results of validation at various-purpose objects.
has passed on 21.06.16
Electric energy saving and quality improvement. Solutions for industry (general and food industry)
Speaker: Sergey Anatolyevich Karatygin
When we continue with the subject of industry solutions using energy-efficient devices, we will discuss the energy-efficient device testing at the industrial facilities. Options for using energy-efficient devices for mechanical production and other areas will be considered. The food facilities are particularly highlighted. Moreover, we will return to the subject of reducing the cost for repairs and maintenance of the devices powered from terminals, where energy-efficient devices are installed.
has passed on 08.06.16
Seminar "Lightning protection for hydrocarbon fuel plants"
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
Professor Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan addressed a number of significant topics related to lightning protection at a seminar for design engineers conducted in Moscow on June 8. A number of thought-provoking audience questions were also addressed by the professor. Watch the details in a video!
has passed on 07.06.16
Electric energy saving and quality improvement. Solutions for the oil and gas sector
Speaker: Sergey Anatolyevich Karatygin
Having considered the problems of electricity quality and ways to eliminate them at the first webinars, we turn to specific industry solutions, the first of which is the use of energy-saving devices (ESD) at oil and gas industry facilities. In this webinar we will discuss the solutions for various types of facilities (oil tank farms, forecourts, etc.) and the specifics of working with different companies in the industry. In addition, we will certainly renew the previously discussed subject on assessment of energy-efficient device performance using standard measuring devices (counters).
has passed on 24.05.16
Electric energy saving and quality improvement. Pilot project procedure. Test methodology
Speaker: Sergey Anatolyevich Karatygin
The second webinar of the series titled "Electric Energy Saving and Quality Improvement" After identifying the issues with the electrical grid in the first webinar, we now address their solutions. In order to do this, we examine the process used to carry out pilot projects: we choose equipment, install energy-saving devices in strategic areas, run tests, evaluate the outcomes, etc.
has passed on 17.05.16
Electric energy saving and quality improvement
Speaker: Sergey Anatolyevich Karatygin
The quality of electric energy is one of key indicators which determine energy efficiency of the power supply systems and have a considerable impact to the useful life of the loads. Deviation of the quality parameters from the nominal values can be caused both by the quality of electric energy provided by a supplier, and by the type of electrical installations of consumers. The series' inaugural webinar will address issues with uneven phase loading, poor power factor, harmonic distortion, and the impacts of transients (inrush currents and brief voltage dips) that are prevalent in the power grids of different facilities. Additionally, the webinar will examine solutions for these problems.
has passed on 20.04.16
Overvoltage limiters for the data transfer systems protection
Speaker: Miroslav Zelenkevich
The speaker will go over the zone of protection concept again and go over how to choose surge arresters based on their placement throughout the webinar. The webinar attendees will also be introduced to RST's portfolio of surge arresters, which are designed for use in fire, security, and video surveillance systems as well as instrumentation and control systems.
has passed on 13.04.16
Overvoltage protection of low-current lines (signaling, control, data transmission, telephone, etc.), part 2
Speaker: Miroslav Zelenkevich
In accordance with the specifications of the IEC 62305 series of standards, the presentation will include examples of how to safeguard actual, working low-current systems using the zone concept of protection.
has passed on 06.04.16
Overvoltage protection of low-current lines (signaling, control, data transmission, telephone, etc.), Part 1
Speaker: Miroslav Zelenkevich
In accordance with the specifications of the IEC 62305 series of standards, the presentation will include examples of how to safeguard actual, working low-current systems using the zone concept of protection.
has passed on 30.03.16
Overvoltage protection of 230/400 V 50 Hz power supply lines, part 2
Speaker: Miroslav Zelenkevich
The presentation will cover surge arresters designed both for separate protection categories: I, II and III, and integrated arresters that fulfill the requirements of two or three categories at the same time: I/II, II/III, I/II/III, both single-pole and multi-pole, designed for specific types of network (TNC, TNS, TT).
has passed on 23.03.16
"Overvoltage protection of 230/400 V 50 Hz Power Supply Lines, Part 1. "Elements and circuits of surge protection"
Speaker: Miroslav Zelenkevich
The basic principles of operation and a comparison of the primary features of semiconductor and gas-discharge devices currently in use for surge prevention are covered in the first section. Gaining an understanding of the variations in operation between these devices will help you comprehend the next webinars about Surge Protection.
has passed on 02.03.16
Zonal lightning protection concept
Speaker: Miroslav Zelenkevich
The webinar objectives are to go over the processes by which lightning currents generate and affect contemporary facilities, as well as the process of classifying a building into lightning protection zones, such as LPZ 0A, LPZ 0B, LPZ 1, LPZ 2, etc.
has passed on 10.02.16
Webinar titled "Answers to questions about SDP"
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
In domestic normative documents on lightning protection the issues of practical application of surge protection are touched upon in a very general way, and only in the Instruction СО 153-34.21.122-2003. This webinar aims to address actual queries from interior designers seeking lightning protection.
has passed on 20.01.16
Lecture "Lightning and lightning protection in G. M. Khrzhizhanovsky Power Engineering Institute"
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
An interesting lecture on the history of lightning studies, scientists and Power Engineering Institute projects
has passed on 08.12.15
Answers to the designers' questions (video lecture)
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
Ten webinars with Professor E. M. Bazelyan helped the participants to solve their problems in designing earthing and lightning protection. But even ten webinars are not enough to answer all existing issues. To do this, we collected questions from the designers into a single list and offered the professor to answer them. Watch the video record of the lecture!
has passed on 09.12.15
Modern lightning protection. Solutions for oil and gas
Speaker: Vice President of Sales at LEC, Joe Lanzoni
USA-based Lightning Eliminators & Consultants, Inc. representatives will discuss their experiences protecting oil and gas sector sites against lightning strikes.
has passed on 25.11.15
How to choose lightning arresters?
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
The method of selecting lightning arresters differs in domestic regulatory documents and the European IEC standard. This causes a lot of problems in the work of designers. Which methodology should be used and what nuances should be taken into account, we will discuss on November 25 at the usual time.
has passed on 06.11.15
The Club of Experts ZANDZ.com — Advertising on the Internet
Speaker: Alexey Alexandrovich Korytko
has passed on 21.10.15
The Club of Experts ZANDZ.com — Service_orders
Speaker: Alexey Alexandrovich Korytko
The second webinar is about the Expert Club. Acquiring knowledge about handling service orders
has passed on 07.10.15
The Club of Experts ZANDZ.com. How to work in a personal area?
Speaker: Alexey Alexandrovich Korytko
The first webinar is about the Expert Club. On October 7 at the regular hour, we will hold an online meeting to find out where our clients come from and how to obtain them!
has passed on 29.07.15
Modern lightning protection. International Experience
Speaker: Vice President at LEC, Peter Carpenter
Lightning Eliminators & Consultants, Inc. (USA) will discuss its expertise protecting offshore oil and gas platforms, power plants, airports, and other infrastructure against lightning strikes on July 29 at 16:00.
has passed on 01.07.15
Modern lightning protection. Dissipation Array® System (DAS)
Speaker: Vice President of Sales at LEC, Joe Lanzoni
The new online meeting will focus on traditional and modern lightning protection methods.
has passed on 24.06.15
Answers to your questions regarding earthing and lightning protection
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
After eight webinars, we received a large number of questions and discussion abstracts, which we grouped together...
has passed on 27.05.15
Lightning protection that you didn't know about!
Speaker: Vice President at LEC, Peter Carpenter
On May 27, at 16:00, Lightning Eliminators & Consultants, Inc (USA) will talk about what modern lightning protection is and share its knowledge and experience with you!
has passed on 13.05.15
International Electrotechnical standard IEC 62305. Protection of electric and electronic systems"
Speaker: Dr. Marek Loboda
The webinar will cover the many kinds of damage that may occur to electrical and electronic systems and how the IEC 62305 standard can be used to prevent them.
has passed on 08.04.15
International Electrotechnical standard IEC 62305. Protection of structures from damages
Speaker: Dr. Marek Loboda
This Wednesday, April 8, 2015 webinar with Dr. Marek Loboda (Poland) will teach you what to consider when constructing lightning protection, what kinds of lightning receivers can be used, and what, on the other hand, is totally banned.
has passed on 18.03.15
Method of active exposure to lightnings. How effective and appropriate are active lightning arresters
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
A thorough examination of the processes governing lightning effects, together with factual information on their actual capabilities gleaned from field observations, lab research, and theoretical considerations, will be covered in full throughout the webinar.
has passed on 04.03.15
International Electrotechnical standard IEC 62305. Risk management
Speaker: доктор Марек Лобода
In the "Risk management" section, the following topics are covered: how to evaluate the risks of lightning striking a structure, what constitutes acceptable risk, how to assess objects for risk assessment, how necessary lightning protection is, how to evaluate the financial viability of that protection, how to choose lightning protection measures, and so on.
has passed on 04.02.15
International Electrotechnical standard IEC 62305. General Principles
Speaker: Dr. Marek Loboda
The section "General principles" discusses the following issues: damage that can be caused by lightning; economic feasibility and requirements for protection against lightning; protective measures and their choice; basic criteria for the protection of structures.
has passed on 28.01.15
Features of lightning protection of high-rise structures
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
It is anticipated that the conference would look at the possibilities for shielding tall buildings from direct lightning strikes, with an emphasis on equipment installed on roofs. Furthermore, the topic of lightning current's electromagnetic impacts on a high-rise building's internal electrical circuits will be examined, and the grounding device's functioning characteristics will be examined.
has passed on 24.12.14
Lightning protection designing for oil and gas facilities
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
The seminar's goals are to examine the legal requirements for lightning protection for establishments handling significant amounts of gaseous and liquid hydrocarbon fuels to make sure they are adequate to support dependable operations during thunderstorms, to assess the practicality and efficacy of the recommended countermeasures, and to pinpoint opportunities to enhance external lightning protection.
has passed on 19.11.14
Calculation of grounding arrangements
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
The majority of reference printed literature advise figuring out earthing devices using consumption coefficients. The basic process involves adding the grounding resistances of the basic electrodes (vertical rod or horizontal busbar) in parallel and dividing the result by the coefficient specified.
has passed on 08.10.14
Earthing in lightning protection. Answers to all questions
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
Upon initial inspection, grounding in lightning protection appears to be unproblematic. In fact, there are a lot more of them than you can imagine! Grounding in lightning protection seems to be trouble-free at first glance. This explains the ambiguity surrounding the specifications for the lightning conductor grounding resistance's magnitude. The seminar is supposed to start with an analysis of these requirements.
has passed on 03.09.14
Earthing in lightning protection. Answers to all questions
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
Choosing the right surge protection device is not always an easy task. The SPD catalog of a modern actively operating company is usually a multi-page large-format volume. It is necessary to be able to correctly assess the basic parameters of the protective hardware and its compatibility with the protected electrical circuit. The structural design is a final yet important factor. Surge protectors must be fitted in explosive rooms, in environments where hostile chemicals are present, and under high ambient pressures in modern technological facilities. The designer must consider all of this.
has passed on 30.07.14
Protect the private sector
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
We will improve the process for estimating the anticipated number of lightning strikes to a facility by beginning with the evaluation of lightning risk for specific facilities. This is easy to do when the building configuration is simple. However, computational issues may develop if its component parts are vary in height, if adjacent facilities are also of a similar height, or if the surrounding landscape is complicated.
has passed on 25.06.14
Regulatory documentation issues and challenges
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
The goal of the first webinar is to examine the national regulatory environment. It is intended to evaluate the actual achievable efficiency of protection zones, compare the criteria for lightning protection reliability and classification as stated in different instructions and standards, and examine the lightning protection design technique.
has passed on 25.06.14
Regulatory documentation issues and challenges
Speaker: Prof. Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan
The goal of the first webinar is to examine the national regulatory environment. It is intended to evaluate the actual achievable efficiency of protection zones, compare the criteria for lightning protection reliability and classification as stated in different instructions and standards, and examine the lightning protection design technique.
Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan, Russia
Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor;
G. M. Khrzhizhanovsky Power Engineering Institute, Moscow;
recognized Russian Expert in Grounding and Lightning Protection.Marek Loboda, Poland
Dr. Sc. (Eng.),
Warsaw Polytechnic University, Poland;
author and co-author of more than 150 publications on the topic of lightning protection;
is a member of the commission for the development of the IEC 62305 standard.Miroslav Zelenkevich, Poland
specialist in the field of complex lightning protection of buildings and protection from lightning electromagnetic impulses of devices and common electronic systems; author and co-author of more than 50 publications, more than 100 examinations;
co-author of 1 patent decision.Peter Carpenter, USA
Executive Vice President and Director of Applied Engineering at Lightning Eliminators inc (USA);
has more than 26 years of experience in lightning protection;
is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the
National Fire Protection Association (USA).Joe Lanzoni, USA
Vice President of Sales at Lightning Eliminators & Consultants, Inc., USA;
experience in the field of lightning protection, grounding and surge protection for more than 18 years;
is a member of several national technical committees of the USA.Sergey Anatolyevich Karatygin,,
RussiaGeneral Director of GREEN ENERGY CJSC;
Doctor of Technical Sciences;
full member (Academician) of the International Academy of Systems Studies (IASS);
author and technical editor of more than 30 books.Alexey Alexandrovich Korytko, Russia
marketing manager in the project ZANDZ.com;
regular participant and administrator of webinars on grounding and lightning protection.Sergey Alekseevich Tolstopyatov, Russia
General Director
of OOO NGN Group;
an experienced electrical specialist;
the ZANDZ.ru Club expertSergey Vladimirovich Puchkov, Russia
is a leading design engineer at the LPG Engineering design company.Stanislav Vozchikov, Russia
- BIM modelling expert, education and technical support for the employees working in Revit;
- 4 years of experience as an architect;
- Certified Autodesk Revit Professional;
- 7 years of experience in Revit;
- creation of building information models;
- creating Revit families of varying degrees of complexity;
- creating Revit templates;
- taking part in the development of regulations of project organizations;
- coordinating work in Revit.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Knyazev, Ucraaine
Cand.Sc. (Eng.), Senior Research Fellow, Head of Research Department "Electromagnetic Compatibility and Safety" at the Research and Design Institute "Lightning" of the National Technical University Kharkov Polytechnical Institute".