Проектирование заземления и молниезащиты

This section at the ZANDZ website is intended for the specialists engaged in design and estimates of grounding and lightning protection systems for various facilities. The section contains useful information, recommendations, examples of typical designs in PDF and DWG, and total scopes of work to generate estimates.

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1. Examples of designs in DWG and PDF

Design for Grounding a Transformer Substation

Design for Grounding a Transformer Substation

The transformer substation is one of the most popular facilities causing many questions and clarifications. The grounding design for this facility requires special knowledge and attention to details. See how to create grounding for a transformer substation.

Design of Grounding and Lightning Protection for Oil Tanks

Design of Grounding and Lightning Protection for Oil Tanks

Oil farms as well as any other oil and gas facilities naturally require a special protection against lightnings. Regulatory documents classify them as special facilities hazardous for immediate environment. Therefore, you should be very careful when developing solutions to provide lightning protection for such facilities. See the example of such a solution!

Design of Lightning Protection and Grounding for the Warehouse Made of Sandwich Panels

Design of Lightning Protection and Grounding for the Warehouse Made of Sandwich Panels

This is an example design for the lightning protection of the facility classified as fire hazardous zone P-IIa. A metal roof structure is used as a natural lightning rod.

Lightning Protection and Grounding Design for a Light Tower

Lightning Protection and Grounding Design for a Light Tower

Example design for the grounding and lightning protection for a standalone flange-type metal light tower with the height of 16 m and diameter of 300 mm.

Grounding and Lightning Protection Design for a Restaurant Under a Man-Made Embankment

Grounding and Lightning Protection Design for a Restaurant Under a Man-Made Embankment

This is a unique example of the grounding and lightning protection design using a lightning grid as lightning rod equipment and grounding electrode at the same time.

Lightning Protection Design for a Railroad Tank Car Loading and Receiving Rack

Lightning Protection Design for a Railroad Tank Car Loading and Receiving Rack

A design for the lightning protection and grounding for a two-way railroad loading and receiving rack intended to service railroad oil tank cars with double-throw gangways and entrance ladders.

Communication Cabinet Grounding Circuit Design

Communication Cabinet Grounding Circuit Design

A design for a communication cabinet (telecoms cabinet) grounding circuit for an intermediate station of selective railroad communication system. The grounding is aimed to provide normal functioning of the equipment located in the cabinet. Soil resistivity: 150 Ohm*m. The solution is provided as five vertical electrodes made of copper-plated steel connected with a bar.

Automobile Repair Shop Grounding and Lightning Protection Design

Automobile Repair Shop Grounding and Lightning Protection Design

Lightning protection and grounding design for a car service station having dimensions 30.4 x 15.3 x 5.8 m and soil resistivity of 500 Ohm*m. The solution is based on 16 m vertical lightning rods and ZANDZ electrolytical grounding sets.

Lightning Protection Design for a Mall

Lightning Protection Design for a Mall

Shopping centers, malls, and large stores are often a headache for designers. A problem they may face is the need to preserve attractive appearance and still provide a reliable protection for these facilities. We offer an example of a successful solution!

Grounding and Lightning Protection Design for a High-Rise Residential Building

Grounding and Lightning Protection Design for a High-Rise Residential Building

Although residential buildings are classified as conventional facilities, the lightnings also strike them and are also dangerous for them. Considering the building binge, the issue of lightning protection of residential buildings has become very popular in designing. We offer an example of design for the lightning protection of a high-rise residential building!

Lightning Protection Design for a Chapel

Lightning Protection Design for a Chapel

Example design of a complex solution for a chapel including grounding with the resistance of 5.53 Ohm, lightning protection using a natural lightning rod as well as surge protection.

Grounding and Lightning Protection Design for a Data Center

Grounding and Lightning Protection Design for a Data Center

Example of a set of measures to protect against direct lightning strikes and dangerous interference for highly sensitive equipment in data centers!

Design of Lightning Protection and Grounding System for a Closed Stationary Gas Control Unit

Design of Lightning Protection and Grounding System for a Closed Stationary Gas Control Unit

Example of a set of measures to protect gas vents and breathing tubes against direct lightning strikes and dangerous interference.

Lightning Protection Design for a Stadium

Lightning Protection Design for a Stadium

Example of a set of measures to protect from direct lightning strikes and dangerous interference for a stadium.

Lightning Protection and Grounding Design for a Production Building

Lightning Protection and Grounding Design for a Production Building

Example design of a chemicals production building having dimensions 2.2x6x6.75 m (LxWxH). According to the explosion danger classification, as per the EIC, the rooms of the protected building are classified as Category B-I.

Lightning Protection and Grounding Design for a Wire Broadcasting Center

Lightning Protection and Grounding Design for a Wire Broadcasting Center

The lightning protection, protective and process (functional) grounding design for a wire broadcasting center having dimensions 12.5x10x8 m.

Elevator (Elevator Equipment) Grounding Design in a Business-Centre

Elevator (Elevator Equipment) Grounding Design in a Business-Centre

Example of calculation, schemes, and drawings of a typical grounding design for a passenger elevator in a business-centre with the estimated resistance of grounding arrangement of 2.25 Ohm. Number of storeys in a building: 10. Building dimensions in plan view: 58x18 m.

Lightning Protection Design for a Railroad Terminal and Station

Lightning Protection Design for a Railroad Terminal and Station

Soil resistivity at the site: 150 Ohm/m. The structure comprises a metal frame, concrete, roll roofing in the main building, metal steel coating over the access-way (station). Ventilation and air conditioning equipment are located on the roof.

Lightning Protection Design for a Covered Subway Line Bridge Over a River

Lightning Protection Design for a Covered Subway Line Bridge Over a River

Main bay: 900 m. Total bridge length: 2,145 m. Soil resistivity at the facility: 30 Ohm/m. Structure: metal frame, flat roof, reinforced concrete support.

Lightning Protection and Grounding Design for Trade Pavilions in the Market

Lightning Protection and Grounding Design for Trade Pavilions in the Market

Structure: metal frame, roof made of corrugated board, metal frame of roof lanterns. Pavilion length: 100 m. Antennas are located on the roof.

Lightning Protection and Grounding Design for a Sewerage Pump Station (SPS)

Lightning Protection and Grounding Design for a Sewerage Pump Station (SPS)

Facility: a sewerage pump station with an on-ground reservoir. Task: to calculate external and internal lightning protection and grounding with resistance not exceeding 10 Ohm, offer a solution to protect building and electrical equipment against surges.

Lightning Protection Design for a Museum

Lightning Protection Design for a Museum

Soil: clay loam. Soil resistivity: 150 Ohm*m. Task: to perform calculation of external and internal lightning protection and grounding with the resistance not exceeding 10 Ohm.

Design for Lightning Protection of a Charcoal Producing Plant

Design for Lightning Protection of a Charcoal Producing Plant

Facility: charcoal producing plant. Building dimensions: 30x40x10 m (LxWxH), area: 1,200 m2. Area of the facility is 2,800 m2. The building is the highest facility within 100 m. An expensive electrical equipment is used for production.

Lightning Protection and Grounding Design for a CCTV System

Lightning Protection and Grounding Design for a CCTV System

Facility: a facility with an external CCTV system. Soil resistivity: 160 Ohm*m. The rated resistance of the grounding arrangement is 7.14 Ohm, which is less than the required value 10 Ohm.

Lightning Protection Design for an Administration Building

Lightning Protection Design for an Administration Building

Area: 500 m2. Total building area: 1,100 m2. Soil resistivity at the facility: 300 Ohm/m. To protect the building and equipment, ZANDZ roof wire lightning protection is used on the roof.

Lightning Protection and Grounding Design for a Gasoline Filling Station (GFS)

Lightning Protection and Grounding Design for a Gasoline Filling Station (GFS)

Facility: a gasoline filling station with a conventional design without the maintenance station. The territory comprises a fuel dispenser under a shed, a reservoir farm, and an administration building with a cafe. To protect GFS against DLS, three standalone lightning rods (poles) H = 20 m shall be installed.

Lightning Protection Design for an Expocenter Exhibition Complex

Lightning Protection Design for an Expocenter Exhibition Complex

Facility: a building of Expocenter trade and exhibition complex. The structure includes a metal frame and a flat roof. To protect the building and the equipment located on the roof, lightning protection with the ZANDZ lightning protection rods is provided.

Lightning Protection and Grounding Design for Pre-Fabricated Modular Buildings (Container Units)

Lightning Protection and Grounding Design for Pre-Fabricated Modular Buildings (Container Units)

Facility: rotation camp for 150 employees. A modular building made of 64 typical container units. Dimensions: 40 x 13.7 m. It is required to perform calculation and develop a lightning protection and grounding arrangement design while meeting the requirements of the effective regulatory documents.

Design for Grounding of a Balanced TCT Type Transformer

Design for Grounding of a Balanced TCT Type Transformer

Soil resistivity is 100 Ohm/m. In this option, the linear voltage is 380 V; therefore, the resistance of the grounding arrangement should not be more than 4 Ohm. The solution includes a grounding arrangement consisting of three vertical electrodes.

Design for Flying Line Grounding

Design for Flying Line Grounding

The airplanes are grounded using ground wires with fixed plugs connected to the airplane sockets. This section considers the solution to develop a grounding arrangement for a flying line. The grounding arrangement is performed in accordance with the EIC Rev. 7, the RTOEIC, GOST 12.1.018.

Lightning Protection Design for Internet Equipment Located on a Post (IoT, LPWAN, 4G)

Lightning Protection Design for Internet Equipment Located on a Post (IoT, LPWAN, 4G)

Facility: a post whereon the Internet equipment is located (IoT, LPWAN, 4G). To protect power circuits, a one-pole combined SDP with an inbuilt fuse is installed.

Grounding Design for a Diesel Generator Plant (DGP)

Grounding Design for a Diesel Generator Plant (DGP)

The DGP is located in the Moscow Region. Soil is clay loam, soil resistivity is 100 Ohm*m. According to the EIC, Rev. 7, item 1.7.101, the resistance of the grounding arrangement should not be more than 4 Ohm.

Control room grounding project using coke breeze

Control room grounding project using coke breeze

The control tower is located in loose soils with a resistivity of 2000 ohm*m. A solution has been developed for grounding an object using coke breeze.


2. Examples of estimates

The economic feasibility of the use of the ZANDZ modular grounding

The economic feasibility of the use of the ZANDZ modular grounding
(based on PTS 10/0.4 kV as an example).

Calculations for design and resistance of grounding arrangements for PTS 10/0.4 kV using three equipment options. In all cases, identical calculation conditions are used, where the total resistance of the grounding arrangement does not exceed 4 Ohm and is located within 3.5 to 4 Ohm.


3. Real-life cases of example calculations of grounding and lightning protection systems

Real-life cases of example calculations of grounding and lightning protection systems

Our company receives many requests to calculate grounding and lightning protection for various facilities. The ZANDZ technical specialists are happy to reply to such requests and offer the solutions meeting modern requirements.

See example calculations for real-life facilities on a separate webpage holiday camp, railway station, observation point, diesel generation plant, antenna, school, restaurant on the water, stadium, warehouse, church, residential building, summer cottage, etc.

4. Lightning strike probability calculation service

Lightning strike probability calculation service

You can use a unique service for calculation of lightning strike probability to the facility protected with lightning rods, which have been developed by the ZANDZ team together with the Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute (OAO ENIN).

The service allows verifying the lightning protection system's reliability and performing the most rational and correct design for the lightning protection via provision of:

  • less cost of design and installation work, reduction in unnecessary stock and the use of smaller lightning rods which are cheaper for installation;
  • less lightning strikes to the system by reducing the secondary negative effects, which is especially important for the facilities with multiple electronic devices (the number of lightning strikes is reduced along with the lightning rod's height decrease).


The service functions to calculate the efficiency of the designed lightning protection as clear parameters:

  • the probability of the lightning strike into the system's facility (protection system reliability is 1 minus probability);
  • the number of lightning strikes into the system per year;
  • the number of lightning strikes that miss the protection per year.


With this detailed information, the designer may compare the customer's requirements and regulatory documents with the obtained reliability and take measures to change the lightning protection design.

To start calculations, follow the link.

5. Help in calculations and design

Do you need help in calculation, design, or estimating for the grounding and lightning protection systems? Send a request for consultation and our technical specialists will reply.

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