An international paint coatings manufacturer, in collaboration with a wind energy technology developer, has developed a new polymer coating for wind turbine blades that protects them from ...
An international paint coatings manufacturer, in collaboration with a wind energy technology developer, has developed a new polymer coating for wind turbine blades that protects them from ...
We continue to update projects on our website. This time we have made changes in the project of lightning protection of the shopping center in accordance with the current Standards and Technical ...
Use convenient calculators to easily perform high-quality calculations for your lightning protection and grounding tasks! ...
Popular online seminars for designers and service professionals provide an opportunity to gain valuable knowledge about the design and maintenance of protective equipment, share experiences with Russian and foreign colleagues, and learn about modern and unique lightning and surge protection methods used around the world.
The materials are created by highly qualified experts and are designed to help designers, engineers, installers and maintenance services to answer the most pressing questions in the design and installation of grounding and lightning protection systems.
Projects of protective systems of facilities of various types are described in detail. For example:
- grounding for a transformer substation
- lightning protection of warehouse from sandwich panels
- lightning protection of shopping mall
- lightning protection and grounding of the car service center
The documentation is in DWG and PDF format.
The book is addressed to engineers - designers of external and internal lightning protection of surface structures. It is based on the practical experience of the author and the staff of the Laboratory of the G.M. Krzhizhanov Energy Institute, which he directs.
A brief description of the lightning mechanism and its parameters necessary for lightning protection design is given. Domestic regulatory documents on lightning protection are analyzed, with a focus on ...
The calculated specific electrical resistance of the ground (Ohm*m) is a parameter that determines the level of "electrical conductivity" of the ground as a conductor, i.e. how well the electric current will flow in such an environment from the earth electrode.
Data on many types of soil from various sources are collected.
An article for beginners, describing in simple language the knowledge of grounding.
The first part describes the terminology, the main types of grounding (purpose) and requirements for grounding.
In the second part - the story about traditional solutions used in the construction of earthing devices, listing the advantages and disadvantages of these solutions.
The third part contains a description of the new technologies used ...
The fundamental difference in the operation of devices "green lightning protection" and traditional (or active) lightning receivers, is the difference in the principles of operation - the isolation of the object from lightning, rather than deliberate reception, interception of lightning on itself. This allows you to avoid the most dangerous and hard-to-beat enemy of sensitive electronic equipment and flammable materials - the electromagnetic wave from the lightning channel, lightning receivers and current collectors (the secondary striking factor of lightning).
Electrolytic grounding ZANDZ is designed for use in permafrost, stony or sandy soils with high resistivity (from 300-500 Ohm*m), without the use of special equipment and bulk ground. Installation and calculation of such grounding is very simple. But behind this simplicity there are high-tech and modern solutions aimed only at uncompromising quality of the result.