In this section, we published articles with an overview of grounding devices, lightning protection and surge protection for both large facilities and single-family houses. The materials give tips and advices on choosing the right configuration of grounding and lightning protection systems. The section is useful for designers, installers, retailers and all those interested in the study of the organization of high-quality grounding and lightning protection.
List of articles:
- What are the requirements for lightning protection of oil and gas industry?
- Lightning protection resistance
- What kind of energy should be used to create artificial lightning?
- Stages of a counter discharge formation
- Tests of active lightning protection
- Estimation of active lightning rods' efficiency
- What is the threat when installing active lightning rods?
- Possibilities of provoking hypothetical points of a lightning strike
- Comprehensive protection against lightning strikes into high-rise objects
- Organization of lightning protection of high-rise buildings
- Statistical methods of lightning protection
- Lightning protection selection practice
- Lightning protection of residential and public buildings, regulations and standards
- What lightning protection is more effective - one high lightning conductor or several small ones
- What roofing will protect against a lightning strike?
- How to count the frequency of lightning strikes into the building?
- Selection of lightning rods in the IEC standard
- How to choose a lightning rod?
- How to choose lightning rods?
- Remote influence of lightning
- Lightning rod choice on the basis of the authorizing documents of the Russian Federation
- Grounding of devices. What, why and how to make it?
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