Product item: ZZ-590-001-1-2015

Original name: Questions of practical lightning protection
Author: Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Energy Institute named after G.M. Krzhizhanovsky, Moscow; Recognized domestic expert in the field of grounding and lightning protection
Edition: Company «IMAG», Moscow, 2015 г.
Number of pages: 208 pages.
ISBN № 978-5-4465-0894-5
Binding: soft
Circulation: 500 copies
Format of the publication: 220x150x10 mm

Book: Questions of practical lightning protection

The book is addressed to engineers - designers of external and internal lightning protection of surface structures. The book is based on practical experience of the author and the laboratory staff of the Energy Institute to the name of G.M. Krzhyzhanowsky, of which he is the head. The book summarizes perceptions of lightning mechanisms and its parameters necessary to design lightning protection systems. The national domestic regulations on lightning protection are being analyzed, and special attention is given to their fundamental differences from the foreign ones, as well as to the assessment of requirements, necessary to select a specific amount of lightning protection equipment. The efficiency of lightning rods of various designs is determined and the methodology of their calculation in domestic practice is described in detail. The possibilities of active impact on lightning for the purpose of controlling its trajectory are being analyzed; the prospects of using of active lightning rods are forecasted. The role of down conductors in providing a favorable electromagnetic environment in the protected structure is assessed. Requirements to ground electrodes of lightning rods are formulated, the methodology of their calculation is given, as well as peculiarities of working in pulse mode and at the spreading of extremely high currents. Separate sections are dedicated to the peculiarities of lightning protection of high-rise buildings and objects with large amounts of hydrocarbon fuel. The principles of protection against lightning overvoltages of low-voltage electric circuits are studied in detail.

The book is useful for students and postgraduates specializing in the theory and practice of modern lightning protection.





Table of contents, second page

Table of contents, second page

Fragment of book 1

Fragment of book 1

Fragment of book 2

Fragment of book 2

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