Lightning Protection of Industrial Facility in Samara

Lightning Protection of Industrial Facility in Samara

The production facility is a building intended for industrial companies, where production lines are located and which provide the required conditions for personnel work and operation of the process equipment. The production facility contains basic workshops requiring reliable grounding and lightning protection. Such facilities are classified as conventional according to the regulatory documents ...

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ZANDZ Technical Center Work Schedule During Winter Holidays

ZANDZ Technical Center Work Schedule During Winter Holidays

С новым 2021 годом! Счастливого Рождества! - Happy New 2021 and Merry Christmas! We appreciate your being with us this year! :-) Please accept our congratulations with forthcoming winter holidays and please be informed about our work schedule during the holidays. Please note that ZANDZ Technical Center is closed from December 31, 2020 to January 10, 2021. All ...

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Webinar titled

Webinar titled "Follow Current in SDP Triggering. Cancelling Technique"

16 декабря 2020 - December 16, 2020 Сопровождающий ток при срабатывании УЗИП. Технология гашения - Follow Current in SDP Triggering. Cancelling Technique Дмитрий Семенов - Dmitry Semenov Инженер по применению - Application Engineer On December 16, the webinar titled "Follow Current in SDP Triggering. ...

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Lightning Protection and Grounding of an Instrument Building for an Earthquake Station

Lightning Protection and Grounding of an Instrument Building for an Earthquake Station

We have received a request to calculate the lightning protection and grounding systems for the instrument building for an earthquake station that is a part of the international system for earthquake monitoring. Thus, the lightning protection system for the instrument building should comply with the international standards, namely lightning protection Level II according to IEC 62305-1, which corresponds to reliability 0.95

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Protecting a Metal Chimney at a Cottage against Lightning

Protecting a Metal Chimney at a Cottage against Lightning

This is exactly the question that was raised during the recent webinar. But it seems like the word "metal" is excessive. You will have no doubts regarding this if you have ever cleaned a chimney with your own hands. Much soot inside the chimney provides conductance to any dielectric chimney. Therefore, we will talk about any chimney. If a chimney is elevated significantly above the roof ridge, ...

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Lightning Protection for Maternity Welfare Center in the Far East

Lightning Protection for Maternity Welfare Center in the Far East

In previous publications, much attention was paid to the grounding of healthcare facilities. Customers often demand to calculate a grounding arrangement for a specific resistance, but they do not request to install the lightning protection system. In this news item, we will tell you how the lightning protection of the building of a maternity welfare center is made.

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Webinar titled

Webinar titled "Follow Current in SDP Triggering. Cancelling Technique"

Сопровождающий ток при срабатывании УЗИП. Технология гашения - Follow Current in SDP Triggering. Cancelling Technique An aim to make the power source of the electrical device as powerful as possible and capable of stably providing consumers with power and work with large startup loads leads to operational problems of SDPs. In case of ...

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Choosing Power Supply and Grounding Systems for Garage Upgrade

Choosing Power Supply and Grounding Systems for Garage Upgrade

Our reader Alexander has written an interesting story to tell about the experience of choosing power supply and grounding systems for a typical garage. The author owns an old garage built in the 1970s. It was in a very poor condition, dirty, messy, with a leaking roof. Thus, the garage had signs of repeated water exposure that spilt over the power supply devices (wiring). This was evidenced by a ...

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Installation of Modular Grounding for a Single Family House (Video)

Installation of Modular Grounding for a Single Family House (Video)

Dear colleagues! We continue sharing useful materials with you, including reference materials to install grounding systems. Our partner, Dmitry Krasavtsev (, has recorded a video of installation of a ZANDZ modular grounding for a single-family house in the Pavlovo-Posadsky district. The customer has define a task: to perform grounding for subsequent connection to ...

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Grounding of a Modular Camp in Permafrost Area

Grounding of a Modular Camp in Permafrost Area

Electrolytic grounding is most often used in permafrost soils to ground the modular camp. To obtain the grounding resistance at least 10 Ohm using traditional methods, you need vast fields of horizontal grounding devices. Moreover, the ejecting effect due to constant freezing and thawing of the upper soil layer is manifested. As a result, horizontal grounding devices become located above the ground level, therefore, you need to bury them again all the time.

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New Year's discount of 50% on a set of books by Professor E. М. Bazelyan

New Year's discount of 50% on a set of books by Professor E. М. Bazelyan

Dear friends! It has become a good tradition to offer the New Year's discount on a set of books by Professor E.M. Bazelyan. This year is not an exception. We are glad to announce that, by the end of the year, a set of two books by Professor Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan, ("Electromagnetic Compatibility with Lightning" and "Issues of Practical Lightning Protection") is provided with a 50% discount. ...

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Lightning Protection of a Skating Rink in the Central Federal District

Lightning Protection of a Skating Rink in the Central Federal District

The lightning protection of most facilities implies installation of lightning arresters on the roof or walls. However, there are buildings, the structure of which is appropriate to protect themselves against the lightning. We will consider this by the example of the skating rink protection.

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Video of the Webinar Titled

Video of the Webinar Titled "Unbiased Performance Evaluation of ESE Lightning Arresters"

Объективная оценка эффективности ESE-молниеприемников - Unbiased Performance Evaluation of ESE Lightning Arresters On November 19, the webinar titled "Unbiased Performance Evaluation of ESE Lightning Arresters" was held. The webinar participants discussed several aspects primarily associated with the procedure to confirm the compliance of the ...

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Example of Installation of Modular ZANDZ Grounding in Noginsk (video)

Example of Installation of Modular ZANDZ Grounding in Noginsk (video)

It is very pleasant to receive positive feedbacks on high quality and easy installation of the ZANDZ products. Our partner, Dmitry Krasavtsev (, has recorded a video process of installation of the ZANDZ modular grounding near to a single-family house. Watch a video to make sure that it is rather easy: ...

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Lightning Protection and Grounding of a Hospital with a Mammography Machine

Lightning Protection and Grounding of a Hospital with a Mammography Machine

Any healthcare institution requires a high-quality lightning protection and grounding systems. If a hospital is equipped with a high-precision equipment such as a mammography machine, then the systems providing safety should be designed more thoroughly.

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Video of the webinar titled

Video of the webinar titled "Lightning Protection of Chimneys"

МОЛНИЕЗАЩИТА ДЫМОВЫХ ТРУБ - LIGHTNING PROTECTION OF CHIMNEYS Вебинар тридцать шестой - The thirty-sixth webinar Д.т.н. проф. Э.М. Базелян - АО «ЭНИН» Москва Dr.Sc. (Eng.) E.M. Bazelyan - AO “ENIN” Moscow The webinar titled "Lightning Protection of Chimneys" was held on November 11. Its participants have learnt about ...

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Grounding of Mining Machinery: Specifics of Regulatory Documents

Grounding of Mining Machinery: Specifics of Regulatory Documents

The safety of mining works and even lives of miners depend on the quality of electrical grounding arranged in the mine. Therefore, special requirements are imposed on the arrangement of grounding in the mine. Inside mines, all types of grounding arrangements must be connected into a single network (except for the spark-safe equipment of telephone communications). The rails of the underground ...

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Lightning Protection of a Mall Terrace

Lightning Protection of a Mall Terrace

Recently, we have received a request to arrange lightning protection for a mall terrace wherein a canteen will be located. Certainly, it is always correctly to consider the building entirely and provide an integrated lightning protection, but when the customer only has a part of the structure, we have to deal with it.

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Happy Russian Designer's Day!

Happy Russian Designer's Day!

Dear colleagues! Let us congratulate all the involved people with the Russian designer's day! We should not explain how important and responsible this profession is. It is the designer who defines the path to a structure or a system. The reliability and durability of the designed facility depend on the designer's calculations. Dear colleagues, please accept our congratulations. ...

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Webinar Titled

Webinar Titled "Unbiased Performance Evaluation of ESE Lightning Arresters"

Объективная оценка эффективности ESE-молниеприемников - Unbiased Performance Evaluation of ESE Lightning Arresters They were the subject of the Prof. E.M. Bazelyan’s webinars twice: on March 18, 2015 and on September 20, 2020. In their course, many critical comments were delivered regarding the potential efficiency of lightning arresters with early ...

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Cooperation with OOO

Cooperation with OOO "BESTER 24"

We have received a request from OOO “BESTER 24” to supply a large batch of electrolytic grounding sets ZZ-100-102. A representative of the customer has sent a feedback and expressed gratitude for professionalism and high technical skills of our employees.. Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «БЭСТЕР 24» - Limited Liability Company “BESTER ...

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Lightning Protection of a Hopper in the Krasnodar Kray

Lightning Protection of a Hopper in the Krasnodar Kray

building, grain-storage sections, grain loading and unloading devices, grain dryers, etc. To provide the lightning protection of the hopper, we need to protect its highest part wherein a vertical lift, i.e. the chain bucket, is located.

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Webinar of Professor E.M. Bazelyan

Webinar of Professor E.M. Bazelyan "Lightning Protection of Chimneys"

Молниезащита дымовых труб - Lightning Protection of Chimneys It is hard to find a land structure with the lightning protection requirements so confusing as chimneys. Instructions SO-153.34.21-2003 do not mention them at all and neither does IEC 62305. However, Instructions RD-34.21.122-87 rate something that would have been better to avoid. The participants of our webinars ...

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Alternatives to Isolated Lightning Protection

Alternatives to Isolated Lightning Protection

Грозотрос - Ground wire Are there any alternatives to isolated lightning protection? Surely, there are. These are well-known standalone lightning arresters. They were recommended for the structures along which the lightning current may flow. The drawbacks of these lightning arresters are known. They are installed at the ground level. They must be higher than the protected facility, ...

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Giraffe's Ossicones May Attract Lightning

Giraffe's Ossicones May Attract Lightning

The lightning is known to choose mostly tall objects to strike. Giraffes are the tallest animals who live in open spaces of savannas. It is reasonable to suppose that, during storms, they can be affected by lightning strikes. n February 2020, there was an incident in the African natural reserve "Rockwood". It was thoroughly studied and its results were published in the African Journal of ...

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