Webinar of Professor E.M. Bazelyan "Lightning Protection of Chimneys"

Webinar of professor E.M. Bazelyan Lightning Protection of Chimneys

Молниезащита дымовых труб - Lightning Protection of Chimneys

It is hard to find a land structure with the lightning protection requirements so confusing as chimneys. Instructions SO-153.34.21-2003 do not mention them at all and neither does IEC 62305. However, Instructions RD-34.21.122-87 rate something that would have been better to avoid. The participants of our webinars will hardly believe the directions to protect the facility higher than 150 m using 20 cm rods. And this is recommended despite the fact that the top radius of many chimneys is several meters!

In the Soviet times, in the USSR territory, more than one hundred chimneys higher than 150 m were built. Their lightning protection is not likely made according to RD-34.21.122-87, although there are no particular problems with them. Probably chimneys do not require any lightning protection at all? We got used to consider chimneys as natural lightning arresters with sufficiently large protection radius. And we often forget that they are also very efficient sources of powerful electromagnetic interference. This is not a very good fact, especially when there are control circuits for modern digital facilities are nearby, e.g. for a digital substation with a modern microprocessor equipment. Certainly, nobody would decide to dismantle the boiler chimney, but we can "hide it" for the lightning if we use efficient means for that.

As you can see, the chimney is a source of many unpleasant conditions that cannot be solved in each case. We have to talk about them seriously. We will discuss this in more details during the webinar.

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Date and time: November 11, 2020 at 11:00 Moscow time.
Venue: Online
Price: free, registration is required.
Duration: about 80-90 minutes.
Speaker: E. M. Bazelyan, Dr.Sc. (Eng.), professor; Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute, Moscow

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