Oil products are an essential part of our lives. Aircrafts, cars, and other means of transport must be fueled. There is no motion without the fuel. Moreover, the fuel should be delivered to the respective locations and stored for further use. Let's discuss fuel receiving stations. These are the structures where the fuel is temporarily stored before transportation. Such facilities should be reliable protected from lightning protection and grounded. The facility is classified as special and being dangerous for immediate environment according to the regulatory documents and should be protected from lightning according to reliability Category I. The ZANDZ Technical Centre has received a request to calculate lightning protection for a fuel receiving station in the Krym peninsula. Let us continue with more detailed review of our offered solution.
Calculation of lightning protection for the fuel receiving station in the Krym Peninsula
Facility: a fuel receiving station in the Krym Peninsula
Figure 1. Facility plan.
Task: To calculate lightning protection system for a fuel receiving station in the Krym Peninsula
Solutions to meet the requirements to the lightning protection system for the fuel receiving station in the Krym Peninsula are:
- The lightning protection is made in accordance with the Electrical Installations Code (EIC), Rev. 7, SO 153-34.21.122-2003 Guidelines for Lightning Protection of Buildings, Structures, and Industrial Utilities (hereinafter referred to as SO) and RD 34.21.122-87 Guidelines for Lightning Protection of Buildings and Structures (hereinafter referred to as RD).
- The facility is classified as Category I according to RD. The system reliability should be at least 0.99.
- Lightning protection of the facility is made with 5 x 25 m standalone lightning rods (article number is to be clarified).
- For each lighting arrester, a grounding arrangement is installed as follows:
- laying the horizontal grounding device for the current flowing in two directions. Length of each ground electrode is 6 m. The ground electrode is made of a corrosion-resistant steel copper-plated strip with a cross-section of 4 x 30 mm (GL-11075), the laying depth is 0.5 m;
- At the end of the horizontal ground electrode, one vertical electrode with the length of 6 m is installed in each direction.
- Vertical and horizontal electrodes, as well as horizontal electrodes with the interception rod are connected using clamps ZZ-005-064.
Расчет зоны защиты в соответствии с СО: - Protection zone calculation according to SO:
Молниеприемники: - Lightning arresters:
м - m
Высота конуса согласно СО табл. 3.4: - Cone height according to SO, Table 3.4:
Радиус конуса согласно СО табл. 3.4: - Cone radius according to SO, Table 3.4:
Расстояние между молниеприемниками: - Distance between lightning arresters:
Предельное расстояние между молниеприемниками, согласно СО, табл. 3.6: - Limit distance between lightning arresters according to SO, Table 3.6:
Высота провеса: - Sag height:
Для защиты зоны требуемой надежности радиус горизонтального сечения rcx на высоте hx = 4,5 м определяется: - For zone protection with the required reliability, radius of horizontal cross-section rcx at height hx = 4.5 m is determined as follows:
Figure 2 shows hardware layout.
Table 1 includes the list of required hardware and materials.
Figure 2. Layout of the equipment for the lightning protection of the fuel receiving station in the Krym Peninsula
Table 1. List of required materials.
Do you have any questions about lightning protection for the fuel receiving stations or other facilities? Please, contact the ZANDZ Technical Center!
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