Why Do We Need a ZANDZ Modular Grounding Takeoff Tip?

Soil is a solid non-homogeneous structure including stones, their fragments, wastes of construction materials, and other solids. Embedding a vertical arrangement provided by a grounding rod into it the soil is a task that requires significant effort, especially high striking energy. The recommended striking energy of powered tools for installation of a modular grounding rod is at least 16 kJ. Although making a useful work, the striking energy, however, negatively affects each part of the grounding arrangement. Rod contact locations, each threaded coupling, guiding heads, and attachments to the powered tools, etc. are under stress.

ZANDZ ZZ-003-061 Takeoff tip allows significantly simplify rod burying process since it concentrates a force making path for the grounding arrangement into the soil. The tip has an optimum sharp cutting angle and is usually made of a typical structural steel. Corrosion protection for the tip is not required since the task for it is considered fulfilled as soon as the rod is buried to the desired depth. The tip has a circular cross-section and the maximum outer diameter is close to the diameter of the thickest part of the electrode of a modular grounding, i.e. connecting threaded coupler. The thread in the tip has a special type, UNC 5/8, to conform to the thread of its location, the end of the ZandZ ZZ-001-065 Grounding rod.

The ZANDZ ZZ-003-061 Takeoff tip in the required amounts is included in all ZANDZ grounding sets: ZZ-6t, ZZ-6s, ZZ-000-015, ZZ-000-030, ZZ-000-045, ZZ-000-424, ZZ-000-636. Moreover, you can buy it separately.

The installation of the grounding rod without the tip is not recommended although still possible. Savings at the expense of this part of a grounding arrangement that seems to be unnecessary will lead to a hazard of destruction of couplers, striking tip and attachment, making the installation procedure more complex, increasing time required for the rod burial, and sometimes a hazard of non-achievement of the required length of the grounding arrangement and, thus, the required resistance for the grounding arrangement.

Contact the ZANDZ Technical Centre to have your grounding system calculated and to get a consultation!

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