ZANDZ Souvenirs for the Most Active Designers

ZANDZ Souvenirs for the Most Active Designers

Когда ты проектировщик ☺ приятно получать сувенирную продукцию, Особенно перед днем рождения ☺ - When your are a designer ☺ It is particularly great to get souvenirs, especially when you have a birthday ☺
Коллеги из Zandz прислали подарок! Неожиданно и приятно! Видимо предлагают заземлиться )))) - Our Zandz colleagues have sent us a gift! It is so unexpected but so great! They seem to offer us to be grounded )))

Dear colleagues, do you like gifts? Recently, our most active designers have received very pleasant surprises from us. Dear designers of lightning protection and grounding systems, would you like to receive such sets? Please contact ZANDZ Technical Centre to get a calculation for your facility.

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