What resistance should grounding have?

What resistance should grounding have? This is the right question everyone thinking about electrical and fire safety should ask. 

What resistance should grounding have?

This manual contains all necessary standards on resistance; it helps you to arrange grounding loop with the required parameters. 
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Reference values of resistance of grounding loops:

Object/system Reference value (not exceeding) Normative act Recommended grounding kit
1. Private houses with connection to power lines 220 V/380 V:
  1.1 TN-C-S system 30 ohms Electrical installation code 1.7.103
  1.2. TT system  30 ohms Electrical installation code 1.7.59 and 1.03-08
2. Substation, 110kV 0.5 Ohm Electrical installation code 01/07/90
3. Telecommunication equipment 2 or 4 Ohm  
4. Air communication lines 2 or 4 Ohm  
5. Power source, e.g. transformer substation

(with linear voltage of 380 V, three-phase supply, or 220 V, one-phase supply)

4 Ohm Electrical installation code 1.7.101
6. Grounding with connected lightning rods 10 Ohm** RD 34.21.122-87

* With residual current devices    ** Impulse resistance to spreading of lightning currents

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