We have good news for you! There is a useful article on our site - "TN-C, TN-S, TN-C-S, TT, IT grounding systems".
The article is worth reading to everyone who begins to learn electrical engineering, to dive into the specifics of it, and delve into the variety of grounding systems. The style of writing is simple and intuitive, so you won't have problems with understanding and you will easily get into the basics.
Summary of the article:
- Types of grounding: natural and artificial grounding. The main principle of dividing grounding into types is by what documents grounding is standardized. Explanation of code systems TN-S, TN-C, TN-C-S, TT and IT.
- Varieties of artificial grounding systems. The main principles of each system.
- What does "dead-earthed neutral" and "isolated neutral" mean in contrast to grounding systems, what are the features of each system.
- Common mistakes at the connections.
- Importance of grounding, why is it important to use grounding when using any system.
See also other articles on grounding and lightning protection:
- expert articles for professionals and experts in their field;
- articles of primary and secondary level for those who are just beginning to dive into the grounding topic.
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