On 12 September 2016 the project "Grounding and lightning protection on ZANDZ.com» summed up the results of the first stage of the contest among the Experts of the ZANDZ.com Club for the best photo report on the installation of grounding and lightning protection. The winner, that received the certificate for the sum of 10 000 rubles, was the company "Milor 116".
The organization is engaged in sale and installation of electrical appliances in "retro" style, as well as grounding and lightning protection systems. "Milor 116" is located in Kazan, so there was no personal meeting for the awarding. Nevertheless, we were able to interview the head of the company Lobachyov Roman Anatolyevich, and we are happy to share details of that talk.
- Roman Anatolyevich, the first question is what means electric appliances in "retro" style? Why did you choose this direction?
- Electric appliances in "retro" style - is archaicized wiring products and accessories. For example, wiring, sockets, insulators, etc. Unique style helps to create the atmosphere of the past in houses, establishments, offices. Some products are hand-made and are sold only in one copy. It was not occasional that the choise tell in favour of vintage electric appliances: firstly, it has unusual design, creating exclusiveness in any home, and secondly, is highly reliable in comparison to modern electrical appliances.
Despite the fact that the company is young, as it was founded in 2014, the employees of the company "Milor 116" are professionals in their sphere. Roman Anatolyevich himself has more than 20 years of personal experience in electrical works. It certainly captivates and establishes credibility.
- Roman Anatolyevich, please specify how long has your company been engaged in the sale and installation of grounding and lightning protection?
- We've been working on grounding and lightning protection from the founding of the organization. We mainly implement installation of grounding for low-rise buildings, such as, for example in Studentsy village. We are still very young and we don't have many orders on lightning protection.
Roman Anatolyevich explained that it was a single-family house of laminated lumber. Grounding was made in view of the existing gas boiler and soil - clay loam. The contour was made in one point, and the length of the electrode was 15 meters. The ground electrode was first hit with a sledgehammer, but then we had to resort to the breaker hammer. Each time after the installation, the installers measure the resulting resistance. In this case it was not more than prescribed 10 ohms.
Our interlocutor also said that the peculiarity of their organization is to specialize in wooden houses. The difficulty of working with such houses is the increased degree of fire risk. After all, most part of the fires happens because of wiring problem. For a wooden house, electrical safety should be at a high level, but without a good grounding it is not feasible. Therefore, the company "Milor 116" used ZZ-000-015 modular grounding kit.
- Roman Anatolyevich, please tell in what regions does your company work?
- We sell equipment throughout Russia. And we perform installation of grounding and lightning protection maily in Tatarstan. We work with legal entities and private persons.
- How do you distribute information about the company? What advertising do you use?
- Site, TV advertising, advertising on billboards.
This material is based on a written reply to a list of questions about design of grounding and lightning protection. Answers are given at no charge.
ZANDZ.com project would like to thank Roman Anatolyevich Lobachev for providing answers to questions. Get more useful information from the experts responsible for installation of grounding and lightning protection systems.
Do you want to take part in the contest for the best photo report on the installation of grounding and lightning protection? Register in the ZANDZ Club of Experts and share your works! Our contacts in social networks:
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