The second webinar of the "Simply about installing grounding and lightning protection" series

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Touch voltage

Напряжение прикосновения Touch voltage
в случае одного локального заземляющего устройства большую роль играет его удаленность до поврежденного электрооборудования in case of one local ground terminal, a distance from it to the damaged electrical equipment is very important
при этом по мере удаления от заземлителя напряжение прикосновения увеличивается. higher the distance from the ground terminal, higher the touch voltage.
учитывая размеры частного дома. достаточно заземлителя, устанавливаемого рядом с электрическим щитом.  a terminal which installed near to the electric panel would be enough for a single family house, by taking dimensions thereof into account.  
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Touch voltage

— The touch voltage is the voltage between two open conductive parts if a person or animal touches them simultaneously, as well as the voltage between the open conductive part, which the person or animal touches, and the location on the surface of the local ground or the conductive floor, whereon the person or animal stands. 



Lightning protection

Молниезащита lightning protection
внешняя; external;
внутренняя (УЗИП); internal (SPD);
заземление. grounding.
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Lightning protection

— I will go on with the lightning protection. The lightning protection is divided into two types: external and internal. The external lightning protection is the protection against the direct lightning strike, i.e. the protection against the physical damage of the facility. In order to achieve this, the lightning arrester and the lightning rod must be provided to capture the lightning and give it directly to the grounding through the current collector. The current collector acts as a conductor from the lightning rod to the grounding. The grounding device facilitates the current flow over the ground. The internal protection is the protection against the secondary effects of the lightning strike. It protects the internal power circuits.

Подготовительные работы Preparing
габаритные размеры объекта (д, ш, в); Facility overall dimensions (l, w, h);
высота объекта, в случае скатной сложной кровли - высота стен до свеса кровли и высота в коньке; The facility height in case of the inclined complex roof is the wall height up to the roof projection and the height to the ridge of the roof;
расположение и размеры дымоходных труб, вентиляционных шахт и прочих коммуникаций; The locations and sizes of chimneys, venting channels, and other utilities;
материалы кровли, стен; The roofing and wall materials;
тип грунта. Soil type.
Заземление и молниезащита на Grounding and lightning protection on


— Before installing the lightning protection in the private house, you need to perform certain measurements, obtain the source data for calculating the lightning protection system. 


So, you just send us the photo, and we use arrows to indicate the dimensions we need, on this photo. In this case, we can see the chimney and we will not be able to attach the lightning rod to it. So, we will have to look for another solution here. Attachment to the house wall was taken as an option. To attach it to the house wall, we need to know the depth of this boning rod. It means that we have two types of lightning rod holders that are attached directly to the wall. They hold the lightning rod that is placed above the roof and covers the entire building. Here, we have the estimated cover of the building, 2 rods from two sides. They create a semi-cone from one side and a semi-cone from the other side and thus protect the building against lightnings.

Protection methods

Способы защиты Protection methods
1) стержневая система 1) Rod system
2) тросовая защита 2) Wire protection
3) молниеприёмная сетка 3) Lightning protection grid
4) использование близко расположенных высотных объектов 4) Use of high-rise facilities located near
Заземление и молниезащита на Grounding and lightning protection on

Protection methods

— Protection methods. The rod system I have already told you about. In this case, we use one rod that is installed at the building center if there is a chimney we can attach it to. Or here is a building with the flat roof, where you can place a special lightning protection kit containing the concrete anchors, weight materials, the tablets, and generally they provide the stability of the lightning rod. The current collectors are necessarily attached to the lightning rod, which would desirably go across the entire building over the roof ridge down the building sides and connect from both sides to the installed grounding directly. 



Rod system
Стержневая система Rod system
Заземление и молниезащита на Grounding and lightning protection on

Rod system

— One more time about the rod system. As I have already told you, it is attached at the building edges and provides covering directly for the roof and the adjacent facilities (if any) due to its height. Here, we can see two groundings with the distance of 9 meters between them, connected by the band, and current collectors from both sides of the building going down, with the right current collector being connected to the right grounding, and the left current collector being connected to the left grounding.

Wire system

Тросовая система Wire system
Заземление и молниезащита на Grounding and lightning protection on

Wire system

— The wire system involves two rods, i.e. if we cannot place another rod in the middle of the building due to the building size, and it is very long, then two vertical rods are attached and the wire is pulled there between to serve as a lightning rod. It should take the lightning discharge and transfer it to the grounding.

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