July 29, 2015, the third webinar, held by the project ZANDZ.com together with Lightning Eliminators & Consultants, Inc, USA - "Modern lightning protection. International experience".
This time, the speaker representative of the LEC, Peter Carpenter paid less attention to explaining the principles of the Dissipation Array System system and talked more about real examples of external lightning protection made for the facilities in the United States:
- Federal Express (FedEx) airport;
- UPS air hub, the USA;
- BASF chemical plant;
- TVA Browns Ferry nuclear power plant;
- Sunoco crude oil storage.
During the webinar the lecturer shared interesting statistics on lightning activity in the United States as well as lightning protection schemes for the objects mentioned above. We should also mention the analysis presented in the presentation, showing the decrease in the number of lightning breaks into the protected zone after the installation of DAS lightning protection system, while the frequency of lightning breakthroughs over the unprotected area increased.
Learn more from the video of the webinar!
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