Система предупреждения о грозовой опасности - Storm warning system
Can a storm warning system affect design solutions for lightning protection? Can the system minimize victims and material damage from lightning strikes? We will answer these questions in details during the webinar and study the Thunderstorm Warning System (TWS) in details.
Webinar plan:
- What is TWS?
- What's the difference between TWS and lightning locating systems and how to combine their functions?
- Physical principles of TWS operations.
- When is it practical to use TWS?
- Can TWS affect design solutions for lightning protection systems?
- Examples of TWS implementation for strategic facilities.
- Requirements of IEC 62793:2016 Protection Against Lightning - Thunderstorm Warning System. There are reasons to believe that this standard will be implemented in Russia in the nearest future.
Speaker: Vladimir Vladimirovich Knyazev, Head of Research Department "Electromagnetic Compatibility and Safety" of the Research and Design Institute "Lightning" of the National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnical Institute", Executive Secretary of the Technical Ukrainian Committee for Standardization "Electromagnetic Compatibility and Resistance of Radioelectronic, Electronic, and Electrotechnical Devices", Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Senior Research Fellow.
Date and time: September 29, 2021, 11:00 Moscow time.
Venue: Online
Price: free, registration is required.
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