03.07.15 , , ,
Видеозапись вебинара – webinar video recording
Современная молниезащита - modern lightning protection
On Wednesday (01.07.15) there was the second webinar, organized by ZANDZ.com in conjunction with the Lightning Eliminators & Consultants, Inc. (LEC), United States. Topic: "Modern lightning protection. Dissipation Array® System".
As at first webinar, at the beginning of the meeting the attention was paid to the physics of lightning - its nature, then we were talking about modern lightning protection used in the US and other countries of the world - namely, Dissipation Array® System, which presents itself devices that prevent formation of lightning over the protected object.
Read more about DAS technology
Number of questions from the webinar participants showed that the topic Dissipation Array® System is interesting, but not yet fully understood in Russia and other CIS countries. The most popular questions from the designers concern calculation methods of protection zones when using such systems, as well as compliance of the system with the relevant regulatory documents. However, the majority of questions during the webinar were answered. Learn more from the video of the webinar!
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P.S. Video of a lightning strike into the oil storage tank with a floating roof is available at the link.
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