Dear friends!
We are happy to share some good news with you!
Twice as many webinars with leading lightning protection experts are available now!
Upcoming webinars
January 28 at 11:00 MSK
Aspects of high-rise buildings lightning protection
Lecturer: E.M. Bazelyan, ENIN, Moscow; DEng., Professor; expert in the field of grounding and lightning protection
The webinar with the famous professor is devoted to the selection and calculation of lightning protection systems for high-rise buildings.
February 4 at 11:00 MSK
International electrotechnical standard IEC 62305. General Principles, IEC 62305-1
Lecturer: Dr. M. Loboda, WUT, Poland, member of commission for the development of IEC (IEC) 62305
During the webinar, we will focus on IEC standard (IEC) 62305 followed by many professionals, from engineers to insurance agents, in the course of design and operation of various facilities.
Sign up now and you will sort out the mess of regulatory documents and learn how to design an external lightning protection system!
Do not miss the opportunity to ask your question to leading experts!
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