Recently, people have often been worried about electrical safety issues. And this is reasonable, because the safety of relatives and friends depends on this.

It often happens that the ZANDZ Technical Centeк is asked the same question: “how to choose a grounding kit?”

We have prepared for you a small infographic that will help you quickly and easily choose the right grounding kit yourself.

how to choose a grounding kit

Как выбрать комплект заземления – how to choose a grounding kit?
Для грунта с удельным сопротивлением – for soil with soil resistivity 100 Ohm*m
Защитное заземление – protective grounding
Для частного дома – for a single-family house
Без газового котла – without a gas boiler
ZANDZ комплект заземления в частном доме – ZANDZ grounding kit for a single-family house
С газовым котлом – with a gas boiler
ZANDZ комплект заземления универсальный 15 м – ZANDZ universal grounding kit 15 m
Нет особых требований к заземлению – no special requirements to grounding
Для нежилых, административных и производственных зданий – for non-residential, administrative and production buildings
Установлено медицинское оборудование, генератор, системы связи итп – Medical equipment, generator, connection systems are installed
Необходим расчет, направляйте информацию на почту – Calculation is required, send your info to

Do you have any questions about choosing grounding kits? Please contact our ZANDZ Technical center!

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