We have wonderful news to share with you, friends! The book titled "Emergency" in Lightning Protection" by Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan has just been released. This is the third book on lightning protection and earthing, in the creation of which we participated.
The book "Emergency" in Lightning Protection" is a practical guide for professionals who need quick and effective lightning protection solutions. It provides a concise overview of the major components of protection and assists in selecting ideal solutions without the need for complex computations. The book focuses on practical activities, allowing you to get started quickly and apply methodological approaches to lightning protection design. The best mention of the upcoming book was made by the author in one of the most recent webinars.
Let us present the introduction of the book "Emergency" in Lightning Protection".
"A sudden interest in lightning protection may emerge, not even on your own initiative, but in response to the directives from the management of the company where you are employed. Participation is required right away, but it is challenging because it is hard to recall the brief lightning protection course that was not read yesterday. "Emergency" can assist you in that situation. It briefly discusses the most essential lightning protection issues, such as the operation of lightning arrester devices, grounding arrangements, and methods of protecting low-voltage electrical and electronic devices from storm overvoltages. The book will not replace serious manuals, but it will allow you to choose the most important information to focus on.
There is another quite real situation. When designing lightning protection, a variety of different scientific and technical concerns must be addressed. Their strict solution is often time- and means-consuming and requires special computer modeling and sometimes the creation of specific calculation programs. Preliminary finger estimations are really crucial in this case. They will allow a well-trained specialist to highlight the main things and avoid unnecessary waste of time on something that is quite possible to do without. In terms of emergency issues, it was believed that the book would give elementary evaluation methods that do not really require the use of even a calculator. The computer will be required later, when the works that are critical to the design are picked.
The format of the book is borrowed from numerous reference books. You can carry the book in your pocket. But it cannot be considered a reference book. It's not about numbers, but about methodological approaches. I hope they will help you select the appropriate methodology and specific technical solution in the very important section of lightning protection.
I have never had to write anything like this before. I would not have dared to attempt such a task without the focused assistance of ZANDZ specialists. I am grateful to them for their suggestions regarding the book's content, their feedback on the specific content of its sections, and—above all—for consistently reminding the author that he is producing an "Emergency book" rather than a multi-weight monograph.
E.M. Bazelyan
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