The library of scientific community at the I.M. Gubkin Oil and Gas Russian State University has been supplemented by the books dedicated to lightning protection by E. M. Bazelyan. Oil and gas facilities are subject to special requirements to lightning protection and grounding. Lightning protection and grounding systems design for such facilities may be very difficult and time-consuming. Books by Prof. E. M. Bazelyan contain useful, interesting, and detailed information on lightning specifics, its impact on various facilities, protection, and so on.
The first book "Issues of Practical Lightning Protection" is intended for design engineers of external and internal lightning protection for onshore structures. It is based on the experience of the author and laboratory employees of the Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute headed by him. Ideas of a lightning mechanism and its parameters required to design lightning protection are briefly disclosed. Russian regulatory documents for lightning protection (including in oil and gas industry) are analyzed.
The second book "Electromagnetic Compatibility with Lightning" is intended for electrical engineers and electrical engineering university students who are interested in the issue of electromagnetic compatibility of modern equipment with the lightning discharge which is a powerful natural source of electromagnetic field.
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