Service for calculation of the lightning protection reliability
Сервис расчетов надежности молниезащиты
Service for calculation of the lightning protection reliability
Поздняков Д.В.
D.V. Pozdnyakov
Технический центр ZANDZ
ZANDZ Technical Center
IMAG Group
Заземление и молниезащита на ZANDZ.com
Earthing and lightning protection at ZANDZ.com
– Good afternoon, dear colleagues! I am glad to greet you in the next webinar for the designers of the lightning protection and earthing. Our current webinar is titled: "Calculation of Lightning Protection Reliability for Any Facility for 30 Minutes using the ZANDZ Calculation Service". The speaker Denis Pozdnyakov is a ZANDZ technical specialist having an experience of designing earthing and lightning protection for over 5 years. Before we start our webinar, I want to say some words about the forthcoming events. The next webinar for the designers will be held on November 22, its subject is: "Origin of Lightning Protection, Lightning Arresters, Their Actual Capabilities, and Negative Impact on the External Lightning Protection Optimization" presented by Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan. Let me remind you that you can get information about our new events on the website and also in our social media groups. Join our social media groups to stay informed about the relevant events and do not miss them. Here are some organizational aspects: our webinar will take about 40 minutes. We will answer the questions at the end of the webinar. I ask you to send as many questions as possible, clarify them, and so on. To do this, write your questions in the chat and specify to what slide or to what point of the report they are related to, so that it would be easier to answer your questions. I have finished the introductory word and give my turn to the speaker. Good afternoon, Denis!
– Good afternoon, dear colleagues! I am happy to greet everyone. Today, the webinar is dedicated to, as Anatoly has already mentioned, the service for calculation of the lightning protection reliability. We well talk about what this service is, how to access it, and how it is related to the regulatory documents. We will study a small example and see what results we can obtain.

What do the regulatory documents state?
Что говорят действующие НТД?
What do the regulatory documents state?
Действующие НТД:
СО 153-34.21.122-2003
Рз = 0,9-0,999
РД 34.21.122-87
Рз = 0,995 и 0,95 для зон защиты А и Б
Effective regulatory documents:
SO 153-34.21.122-2003
Рp = 0.9–0.999
RD 34.21.122-87
Рp = 0.995 and 0.95 for protection zones A and B
Виды молниеотводов, к которым применимы формулы в СО:
Types of lightning arresters to which the formulas in SO are applied:
- одиночный стержневой
- single rod,
- одиночный тросовый;
- single wire,
- двойной стержневой
- double rod,
- замкнутый тросовый
- closed wire
– Let's start with what we have got today. Today, to provide the lightning protection, we have two effective regulatory documents, SO-153-34.21.122-2003 and RD 34.21.122-87, at once. What do these regulatory documents define? In SO-153 and RD 34, such parameters as the lightning protection reliability are used. Thus, in regulatory document SO-153, such lightning protection reliability value is 0.9 to 0.999, but there is also the third value of 0.99. Thus, in the formulas provided therein, these values and the respective formulas are specified that can be used to calculate the protection zones, which will correspond to the specified reliability of the lightning protection system. In RD 34, this parameter is defined as follows: we have got two protection zones — zone A and zone B, and, respectively, they are assigned the reliability values for the lightning protection system of 0.995 and 0.95 for zone A and zone B, respectively. How do the regulatory documents describe these parameters? In SO-153, there is item 3.3.1 that states: "The facility is considered to be protected if a set of all lightning arresters provides a protection reliability of not less than..." the values we have just discussed. Therefore, how can we calculate them if in RD 34, we have got, e.g., the value of the first to the third lightning protection category, and we have protection zone A and zone B, respectively? I mean, how can we calculate such reliability? It is not clearly specified, which of them is designed for which system. SO-153 contains this information, but there are no special ties to the lightning protection class, i.e. to the lightning protection category, because it partially states the values that have been taken from IEC. But how can we calculate the actual reliability of the lightning protection system? SO-153 also contains the following phrase, if the facility is protected with the simple lightning arresters: single rod, single wire, double rod, double wire, closed wire, then, respectively, the lightning arresters' dimensions can be defined by using the protection zones specified in this regulatory document. It means that the formulas are provided in the regulatory document, and they cover only these simple lightning arrester systems, i.e. single rod, wire, double, and closed. What can we do if we, for example, have got the facility with varying heights, large number of lightning arresters, different types of lightning arresters, because they could be both wire and rod at the same time; and what can we do with them? I mean, how to obtain the actual reliability value? There is the following phrase in the document: "In general, the lightning arresters should be chosen using the respective software capable of calculating the protection zones or the probability of the lightning strike into the facility or a group of facilities of any configuration...",

Why do we need the service for calculation of the lightning protection reliability?
Для чего нужен «сервис расчета надежности молниезащиты»?
What do we need the “service for calculation of the lightning protection reliability”?
Кто разработчик?
Who is the developer?
Какие параметры рассчитывает?
What parameters can it calculate?
Как перейти к ресурсу?
How to access the service?
– The ZANDZ team has developed and implemented, in a trial mode, the service for calculation of the lightning protection reliability and the probability of the lightning strike irrespective of the presence of a lightning arrester. The computational core for this software has been developed by the laboratory for mathematical modelling of electrophysical processes under the guidance of Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan in the Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute. You may access the service in two ways: either use a direct link you can see on the screen, or follow the link at ZANDZ.com. Let's use the direct link now.

Authorization or registration
Авторизация или регистрация
Authorization or registration
Сервис расчетов надежности системы молниезащиты и вероятности прорыва молнии в объект
Service for calculation of the reliability of the lightning protection system and the lightning breakthrough probability into the facility
- ввести e-mail и пароль
- enter e-mail and password
- зарегистрироваться на zandz.com
- register at zandz.com
– We have accessed ZANDZ.com. To authorize and log onto the website as a user, you should be a registered user of ZANDZ.com. We will not show the registration process as we have already discussed it many times. Just in case, it is in the right upper corner. Here, you may press, fill in the form, and register. It means that you authorize and log into the service for calculation of the lightning protection using the link. I have already been authorized. If we follow the link, we will see this page, i.e. I have been authorized already. It will look like this.