The most famous places hit by lightning in summer 2016!


Scientists have been studying lightning for many years. Even now, it is impossible to predict its trajectory with 100% accuracy. But one thing is known for sure: lightning loves high-rise objects. We decided to remember the brightest snapshots given to us by summer 2016. And we drew up a list of famous architectural structures where lightning was noticed.

1. Ostankino TV Tower in Moscow.

Total height of the tower is 540 meters. On average, tower is struck 40 to 50 times every year. Thanks to reliable lightning protection, thunderstorms have become an everyday occurrence for the staff at the television center. Nevertheless, technical specialists regularly search for possible malfunctions.


Lightning strike on July 14, 2016
Lightning strike on July 14, 2016


2. The Empire State Building skyscraper in New York.

Total height of the building is 443.2 meters (103 floors). The height to the roof is 381 meters and the height of the spire is 62.2 meters. There are between twenty to one hundred lightning strikes every year! It's indeed a favorite spot for lightning. However, it is rather difficult to shoot it on video or take a picture of it.


Thunderstorm in New York on July 26, 2016
Thunderstorm in New York on July 26, 2016


3. The television tower in Kiev.

Total height is 385 meters. The tower's structure has been subject to lightning strikes repeatedly. A well-designed lightning rod will make it possible to withstand even the most severe thunderstorms.


Thunderstorm at night in Kiev on July 28, 2016
Thunderstorm at night in Kiev on July 28, 2016

4. The "Motherland Calls!" sculpture in Volgograd.

Total height of the monument is 85 meters. The height of the statue is 52 meters, the length of the arm is 20 meters and the length of the sword is 33 meters. The grandeur of the monument has astonished visitors for 50 years. According to various estimates, the sculpture is subject to 20 to 50 lightning strikes every year. One spectacular strike hit the sword of the statue.


Lightning strike, July 2016
Lightning strike, July 2016

5. The Statue of Liberty in New York.

The height of the sculpture is 93 meters, the height from the ground to the pedestal is 46.94 meters and the height of the figure is 46 meters. The cameras opposite the statue were fortunate enough to capture the lightning discharge. It was a direct hit on the statue's torch.

Thunderstorm on Liberty Island on August 16, 2016
Thunderstorm on Liberty Island on August 16, 2016

High-rise structures are subject to lightning strikes more often than regular structures. Therefore, organisation of a well-designed lightning protection system is a key safety precaution for people and the integrity of equipment. How to design protection for high-rise objects? You can find out in Professor E.M. Baselyan's article Lightning Protection of High-rise Structures".

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