Video manual on the installation of an effective ground electrode system

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16.06.15                      , , , , 

This May, we have already published video recording of electrolytic grounding installation in which the construction equipment was used. The new video demonstrated installation of the same kit ZANDZ ZZ-100-102, but with the help of available tools that everyone has. Preparation and installation of one kit doesn't take more than two hours in total, and its efficiency is several times higher than conventional ground electrode systems (see the table below).

We present your attention the video manual on the installaton of electrolytic grounding ZANDZ ZZ-100-102

Full description of the installation process, see here.


Design and components of ZANDZ electrolytic grounding systems allow to create long-lasting and effective grounding on almost any object, even in high-ohmic and problematic soils (sand, stone and so on.).

Design and components of ZANDZ electrolytic grounding systems allow to create long-lasting and effective grounding on almost any object, even in high-ohmic and problematic soils

Electrolytic grounding system components:

  1. Maintenance pit
  2. Special mixture of mineral salts
  3. Ground electrode 
  4. Near-electrode filler

Extract from the table "Values ​​of the estimated electrical soil resistivity":

Soil Soil resistivity, Ohm * m Ground resistance for the kit
ZZ-000-015, Ohm
Ground resistance for the kit
ZZ-100-102, Ohm
Permafrost ground - thawed layer (at the surface in summer) 500-1000 - 20-41
Dry sand 1500-4200 130-364 62-174

Entrust grounding questions to ZANDZ systems and get high-quality and effective solutions as it has been done by the leading companies of Russia and CIS countries!

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