Real calculation of lightning protection for an educational institution

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30.03.15                , , , 

Our company recieved another request for lightning protection calculation and selection of equipment. This time it was necessary to define a set of measures to ensure the necessary requirements to the lightning protection system of the laundry at the school-recovery center. Our technicians love such requests and were happy to make the calculations  smiley

According to the industry standard 153-34.21.122-2003 "Instructions for lightning protection of buildings, structures and industrial communications", educational institutions refer to the usual buildings, from the point of view of lightning protection and to the third category  according to AD 34.21.122-87 "Instructions for lightning protection of buildings and structures". Requirement for reliability - 0.9. 

Calculation results for the object:

  • the density of lightning strikes into the ground - 6 strikes / sq. km per year;
  • the total number of strikes into the system - 0,037 (once in 163 years);
  • the total number of breakthroughs - 0.0028;
  • system reliability - 0.923;
  • likelihood of a breakthrough into all system objects - 0,077 (every 330 years).

The complex of measures to ensure necessary requirements for the lightning protection system is represented by the following solutions:

  1. Installation of four rod lightning rods, two 4 m high and two 4.7 m high. The mounting is performed to the wall of the building.
  2. Arrangement of down conductors with the use of copper-bonded wire D = 8 mm. Lightning rods are also interconnected for the organization of at least two down conductors from each down conductor.. Arrangement of equipment in Figure 1.
  1. Installation of the grounding device, consisting of three vertical electrodes 3 m in length, united by a horizontal electrode (copper-plated tape with the cross-section 30x4 mm). The distance between the vertical electrodes is at least 5 meters, the distance from the horizontal electrode to the walls of the building 1 m, embedment 0.5 - 0.7 meters.

Real calculation of lightning protection for an educational institution

The list of the necessary equipment to carry out a complex of measures for lightning protection:

Will you also need calculation of grounding or lightning protection? Contact us and we will surely help!

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