The location of current collectors and their numbers depend on several factors, such as:
lightning protection type;
lightning protection category (level) for the facility;
facility's height.
Their installation rating is defined according to RD 34.21.122-87 and SO-153-34.21.122-2003. The requirements will be slightly different from each other, therefore, we will consider the strictest requirements.
First, if you refer to SO 153-34.21.122-2003, item, at least 1 current collector is required for 1 support whereon the lightning arrester is installed, and they should be isolated from the protected facility.
Согласно СО 153-34.21.122-2003, п. - требуется минимум 1 токоотвод для 1 опоры, на которой установлен молниеотвод, изолированные от защищаемого объекта.
If the lightning protection is not isolated, the distance between the current collectors depends on the lightning protection category (level). The average distance between the current collectors should be no less than provided in SO 153-34.21.122-2003, item, Table 3.3. Mandatory location of current collectors along the facility perimeter is required when using a metal roof or lightning grid as a lightning rod (RD 34.21.122-87, item 2.26).
Protection level | Average distance, m |
I | 10 |
II | 15 |
III | 20 |
IV | 25 |
There should be at least two current collectors for a single lightning arrester or a cable saddle of lightning protection according to RD 34.21.122-87, item 2.11, installed at the facility.
All current collectors must be connected by horizontal bands near the ground and each 20 m in height (SO 153-34.21.122-2003, item
If you have any questions on determining the number of current collectors and their arrangement, please contact ZANDZ Technical Center!
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