Video of the webinar titled

Video of the webinar titled "lightning protection of explosive production and storage facilities"

The webinar titled "Lightning Protection of Explosive Production and Storage Facilities" was conducted on September 4, 2024. Dmitry Krasnoborov, the engineer of the ZANDZ Technical Center, was a speaker.

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New Securing Attachments for ZANDZ Lightning Protection Holders

New Securing Attachments for ZANDZ Lightning Protection Holders

When installing lightning protection, an important issue arises, i.e. how to maintain roof durability and water tightness. Drilling holes in the metal roof and walls to install holders may impair their integrity. Securing a holder using a self-tapping screw does not eliminate the corrosion and leaks at the points where the sheet metal was damaged. Rubber or polymer seals age and dry out due to UV and temperature drops, thus preventing the reliability issue.

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Join the ZANDZ Plugin for Revit Beta Testing

Join the ZANDZ Plugin for Revit Beta Testing

We have developed a special Revit plugin to simplify and accelerate the design of the lightning protection and grounding system in BIM. It is designed to automate essential processes, minimize errors and efficiently integrate lightning protection and grounding systems into the overall BIM model.

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The menu item

The menu item "online calculation of the lightning protection reliability" has been moved to another section

Dear friends! You can enjoy a unique opportunity to calculate the reliability of any lightning protection system and the probability of the lightning breakthrough to the facility! To provide this, we offered the Online Calculation Service at our website 8 years ago. We have improved the website design to reduce main menu items and now the link to the Online Lightning Protection Calculation Service is available in a new way: For designers => Calculations => Online Calculation of the Lightning Protection Reliability.

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New article by prof. Eduard m. Bazelyan:

New article by prof. Eduard m. Bazelyan: "electric safety of people in storm"

The article provides the Eduard M. Bazelyan's analysis of the IEC studies published in regulatory documents IEC 70646.1 Electrical Current Exposure to People and Pets. General Aspects and IEC 70646.2 Special Aspects.

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Lightning protection of a pneumatic frame structure in samara region

Lightning protection of a pneumatic frame structure in samara region

In addition to its quick and simple erection, pneumatic frame structures (PFS) may be used under various conditions. These structures may be installed on almost every foundation type (soil, concrete, etc.) in any kind of climate.

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How to provide a convenient access to a ground terminal?

How to provide a convenient access to a ground terminal?

Regular control over the system parts connection is required to provide the reliable operation of lightning protection and grounding systems.

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How to attach a current collector to seam roofing?

How to attach a current collector to seam roofing?

Providing a secure and safe attachment of wire current collectors on roofs and metal facilities may be challenging for installers. All facilities are permanently exposed to external factors, such as wind, rain, and snow, and that requires special strength of attachment systems.

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New extended zandz interception rods

New extended zandz interception rods

Sometimes conventional interception rods are insufficient. In this case, they may be extended by only several dozen centimeters to increase the reliability of the lightning protection. This extension may be required, e.g. to compensate for the interception rod's height fluctuations due to flat roof sloping.

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How zandz can be used in the project?

How zandz can be used in the project?

So, you want to use ZANDZ equipment in your projects, but you are still spending time on calculations and selecting the necessary items? Forget about complex calculations for lightning protection and grounding. Trust professionals! 

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Specifics of Lightning Protection of Treatment Facilities

Specifics of Lightning Protection of Treatment Facilities

Treatment facilities are a critical set of devices and structures for treating water to the parameters established in regulatory documents and sanitary requirements. The set of facilities usually includes devices for mechanical, biological, and physical/chemical treatment of sewage water. Passing through the treatment facilities, industrial and urban sewage water is separated from mineral, organic, radioactive, and other harmful substances. After this treatment, water is direct to the urban drainage system for additional treatment, drained into the environment, or used for technical purpose.

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Why do you need conductor holders on a flat roof?

Why do you need conductor holders on a flat roof?

It is unsophisticated to install conductors on a flat roof. However, there are some nuances in the lightning protection. When building lightning protection systems at the facilities with flat roofs, conductors should be installed in special holders. Such installation ensures both correct conductor positioning and greatly improves its service life.

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Who Collects Data on the Lightning Activity on the Planet and How?

Who Collects Data on the Lightning Activity on the Planet and How?

Our attention has been recently drawn to an interactive lightning activity map created by Vaisala. The company declares that these are the most accurate and complete data in the world. What are these data and how are they collected?

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What LPS Type Can Be Selected to Protect the Roof?

What LPS Type Can Be Selected to Protect the Roof?

The article compares lightning arrester types and describes possible solutions for their efficiency issues.

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Zandz modular grounding sets: how to save while ensuring quality

Zandz modular grounding sets: how to save while ensuring quality

Copper-plated ZANDZ modular grounding sets are a multi-purpose and high-quality solution to develop the sustaining grounding system at an affordable price. They are designed for residential buildings (a house, summer cottage), for telecom and power facilities, for industrial enterprises, for standalone plants as well as for other facilities to be grounded.

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What is the issue with active lightning arresters? Professor E.M. Bazelian explains

What is the issue with active lightning arresters? Professor E.M. Bazelian explains

For decades, experts have debated the viability of active lightning protection. It is quite clear that to improve the protective effect of the lightning arrester, it is necessary either to increase the electrical strength of the air along the path of the lightning to the object, or to reduce it on the way to the arrester.

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Video of the webinar

Video of the webinar "Features of Lightning Protection of Large Area Buildings according to GOST R 59789-2021"

A webinar by Denis Krasnoborov, an engineer at the ZANDZ Technical Center, an expert in lightning protection and grounding, was held on March 6, 2024.

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New part numbers of old zandz products

New part numbers of old zandz products

We are constantly improving our lightning protection products and developing products that meet high quality standards. In addition to user-friendly installation, we have also thought of the design convenience.

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Tradeoffs of lps clamp for current collectors

Tradeoffs of lps clamp for current collectors

When selecting an appropriate clamp for current collectors of the interception rod, we often face the challenge associated with finding the universal solution since less than all available clamps are suitable for large-diameter interception rods.

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A picture paints a thousand words

A picture paints a thousand words

Sometimes, photos available at the website do not provide the full information of the product, and the text description may be doubtful.

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Reduce installation time using the zandz current collector clamp

Reduce installation time using the zandz current collector clamp

A holder clamp for current collectors is a critical part of the lightning protection system. There are numerous designs of the clamps. They differ in structure, materials, features and specifics of their use. However, it is rather hard to find an optimal combination of easy installation and reliable securing. 

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How to evaluate protection reliability based on statistical methodology and zones

How to evaluate protection reliability based on statistical methodology and zones

This note's origin is not quite ordinary, and it is worth explaining in order to avoid surprising the reader without a good reason — especially since we've talked about the method of choosing lightning arresters based on protection zones multiple times during our webinars.

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Video recording of the webinar

Video recording of the webinar "Is State Standard GOST R 59789-2021 dangerous for lightning protection professionals?"

On December 20, 2023, a webinar was held by E. M. Bazelyan, Professor, G. M. Khrzhizhanovsky Power Engineering Institute

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Video recording of the webinar

Video recording of the webinar "Lightning protection and grounding of packaged transformer substations 10/0.4 kV on the section of an electrified railroad"

A webinar by Denis Pozdnyakov, an engineer at ZANDZ Technical Center, an expert in lightning protection and grounding, was held on December 6, 2023.

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Why is a compensator necessary for lightning protection?

Why is a compensator necessary for lightning protection?

Lightning protection is a system that is operated in fairly harsh conditions. The components on the roof that defend against lightning may easily reach 70 degrees or more in the summer, while negative thirty degrees is quite common in the winter. The thermal expansion effect of metals becomes evident within a temperature range of 100 degrees Celsius. Such a significant temperature change can cause an increase when hot and a decrease when cold in the running length of the lightning grid's or current collector's conductor. Temperature fluctuations will be approximately 11-12 cm for every 100 meters of zinc-plated or copper-plated steel conductor. This increases the possibility of harm to the roofing's firmly fixed lightning protection equipment.

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