Lightning protection of wind turbine blades with polymer coating

Lightning protection of wind turbine blades with polymer coating

An international paint coatings manufacturer, in collaboration with a wind energy technology developer, has developed a new polymer coating for wind turbine blades that protects them from lightning.

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We have revised the example of a shopping center's lightning protection design project

We have revised the example of a shopping center's lightning protection design project

We continue to update projects on our website. This time we have made changes in the project of lightning protection of the shopping center in accordance with the current Standards and Technical Documentation.

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Do you already use our calculators?

Do you already use our calculators?

Use convenient calculators to easily perform high-quality calculations for your lightning protection and grounding tasks!

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ZANDZ 40*4mm copper-plated steel strip is in stock

ZANDZ 40*4mm copper-plated steel strip is in stock

ZANDZ 40*4mm copper-plated steel strip is in stock!

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Safe positioning of electrolytic ground terminal: protecting the foundation from the talik zone

Safe positioning of electrolytic ground terminal: protecting the foundation from the talik zone

The filler of the electrolytic ground terminal contains salts that lower the freezing point of the soil. As a result, a talik zone is formed, where the soil's freezing temperature is lower than it would be under natural conditions.  If the electrode is installed too close to the foundation, the difference in the deformation of the thawed and normal soil can create an uneven impact on the foundation, causing tensile forces. This fact must be considered when designing and installing electrolytic grounding.

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The new book

The new book "Emergency" in Lightning Protection by Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan!

We have wonderful news to share with you, friends! The book titled "Emergency" in Lightning Protection" by Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan has just been released. This is the third book on lightning protection and earthing, in the creation of which we participated.

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We have updated the example of a lightning protection design project for a railway terminal and station

We have updated the example of a lightning protection design project for a railway terminal and station

A few years ago, we published a lightning protection design project for the railway terminal and station on our website. We have recently updated this project in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation and available equipment.

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How do you correctly design lightning protection for cultural heritage sites?

How do you correctly design lightning protection for cultural heritage sites?

The design of lightning protection comes with extra requirements that must be met because these kinds of structures were typically constructed prior to the development of the Standards and Technical Documentation for Lightning Protection. Preserving the items in the original state is one of these requirements.

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"In what cases can lightning ignite a gas mixture?" - new article by Professor E. М. Bazelyan

Professor Eduard Bazelian has published a new article on our website titled "In what cases can lightning ignite a gas mixture?". The subject of the article is the problem of lightning protection arrangements for facilities where gas is released into the atmosphere.

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Video of the webinar titled

Video of the webinar titled "lightning protection of explosive production and storage facilities"

The webinar titled "Lightning Protection of Explosive Production and Storage Facilities" was conducted on September 4, 2024. Dmitry Krasnoborov, the engineer of the ZANDZ Technical Center, was a speaker.

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New Securing Attachments for ZANDZ Lightning Protection Holders

New Securing Attachments for ZANDZ Lightning Protection Holders

When installing lightning protection, an important issue arises, i.e. how to maintain roof durability and water tightness. Drilling holes in the metal roof and walls to install holders may impair their integrity. Securing a holder using a self-tapping screw does not eliminate the corrosion and leaks at the points where the sheet metal was damaged. Rubber or polymer seals age and dry out due to UV and temperature drops, thus preventing the reliability issue.

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Join the ZANDZ Plugin for Revit Beta Testing

Join the ZANDZ Plugin for Revit Beta Testing

We have developed a special Revit plugin to simplify and accelerate the design of the lightning protection and grounding system in BIM. It is designed to automate essential processes, minimize errors and efficiently integrate lightning protection and grounding systems into the overall BIM model.

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The menu item

The menu item "online calculation of the lightning protection reliability" has been moved to another section

Dear friends! You can enjoy a unique opportunity to calculate the reliability of any lightning protection system and the probability of the lightning breakthrough to the facility! To provide this, we offered the Online Calculation Service at our website 8 years ago. We have improved the website design to reduce main menu items and now the link to the Online Lightning Protection Calculation Service is available in a new way: For designers => Calculations => Online Calculation of the Lightning Protection Reliability.

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New article by prof. Eduard m. Bazelyan:

New article by prof. Eduard m. Bazelyan: "electric safety of people in storm"

The article provides the Eduard M. Bazelyan's analysis of the IEC studies published in regulatory documents IEC 70646.1 Electrical Current Exposure to People and Pets. General Aspects and IEC 70646.2 Special Aspects.

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Lightning protection of a pneumatic frame structure in samara region

Lightning protection of a pneumatic frame structure in samara region

In addition to its quick and simple erection, pneumatic frame structures (PFS) may be used under various conditions. These structures may be installed on almost every foundation type (soil, concrete, etc.) in any kind of climate.

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How to provide a convenient access to a ground terminal?

How to provide a convenient access to a ground terminal?

Regular control over the system parts connection is required to provide the reliable operation of lightning protection and grounding systems.

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Underground utilities are dangerous when struck by lightning—a new article by Prof. E. М. Bazelyan

Underground utilities are dangerous when struck by lightning—a new article by Prof. E. М. Bazelyan

In the article, the professor describes the well-known problem of lightning current distribution in the soil. Despite the presence of multi-meter grounding electrodes, not all of the current goes into the ground; some goes to underground utilities.

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Join our streams for calculations and design of grounding and lightning protection

Join our streams for calculations and design of grounding and lightning protection

The ZANDZ Technical Center regularly holds online streams at the YouTube channel, Lightning Protection and Grounding. During streams, the ZANDZ Technical Center's specialists on the air perform calculations for the lightning protection and grounding according to a task received from subscribers. During the calculation, the protected facility is evaluated, the specifics of the task set are assessed, and the author's wishes and regulatory documents are compared. 

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We have updated the exemplary design of grounding for a 10/0.4 transformer substation set.

We have updated the exemplary design of grounding for a 10/0.4 transformer substation set.

Some time ago, we published a design of grounding for a 10/0.4 kV transformer substation set at our website. Recently, we have updated the design according to effective regulatory documents.

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Gigantic Jets Were Captured in the Himalaya During the Storm

Gigantic Jets Were Captured in the Himalaya During the Storm

The NASA website has a section titled Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD), where the photos are daily published. On June 18, 2024, a photo of gigantic jets over the Himalaya were published there.

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How to attach a current collector to seam roofing?

How to attach a current collector to seam roofing?

Providing a secure and safe attachment of wire current collectors on roofs and metal facilities may be challenging for installers. All facilities are permanently exposed to external factors, such as wind, rain, and snow, and that requires special strength of attachment systems.

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Can a Lightning Really Cause Fire?

Can a Lightning Really Cause Fire?

A series of articles written by Prof. Eduard M. Bazelyan for beginning lightning protection specialists was published on our website ten years ago. This series is called "Lightning Protection for Beginners". It, in accessible ways, describes main lightning effects. Further, simple formulas to determine the lightning hazard degree and efficiency of the selected protection measures are provided.

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How To Provide Lightning Protection for a Tower Crane?

How To Provide Lightning Protection for a Tower Crane?

The Technical Center has received a question regarding the lightning protection of the tower crane.  How is it made and what regulatory documents can you rely upon? Let's consider the main aspects related to the arrangement of the crane protection.

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Video of the webinar

Video of the webinar "The Danger of Extended Underground Communications in Lightning Protection"

Video of the webinar "The Danger of Extended Underground Communications in Lightning Protection". The webinar is intended to blow the idea of underground utilities' safety. It is particularly crucial today that experts have access to data regarding the current levels in the human body that cause heart fibrillation, a condition that is not only life-threatening but also presents in a totally unpredictable manner. A warning is a weapon.

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We have updated the Design of Lightning Protection and Grounding for the Warehouse Made of Sandwich Panels

We have updated the Design of Lightning Protection and Grounding for the Warehouse Made of Sandwich Panels

The design of lightning protection and grounding for the warehouse made of sandwich panels was previously published at the website. We have updated the design according to the effective regulatory documents

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