Webinar «Surge protection of low-current lines (signal, control, data transmission, telephone etc.), part 2», page 1

The 5th webinar about Surge Protection

(held 13th April 2016 at 11:00 Moscow time)

Equipment used in low signals systems, for example:

  • in data transmission, measurement and control systems
  • in automation and alarm systems
  • in security and fire alarm systems
  • in emergency voice alarm communication systems
  • in video surveillance systems
  • in radio communication systems

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Generally, characterized by a low level of electromagnetic resistance from the part of its signal interfaces. This is primarily due to the use in such systems of an increasing number of electronic circuits that are sensitive to electromagnetic interference. Overvoltages caused by lightning strikes or interference in the power supply network are especially dangerous for such devices. They may damage or even destroy electronic devices. The corresponding losses do not relate only to the material (the need for repair or replacement of equipment), but they usually include additional costs associated with the loss of system functionality that includes a failed module or an entire electronic device resulting in a loss of company reputation because of interruptions in its work.

To ensure high reliability of various types of low-current systems operating under conditions of a significant level of electromagnetic interference, it is necessary to use overvoltage protection circuits (SPDs) selected according to the standard of the protected interface, as well as with the expected level of interference (partial lightning currents or induced overvoltage currents). Such SPDs should limit overvoltage to safe levels maintained by the protected device without losing the nominal functional properties of the system.

The presentation will also consider examples of ways to protect existing low-voltage systems, taking into account the principles of zonal protection concept in accordance with the requirements of the IEC 62305 standard.


Webinar text. Page 1

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Approximate Reading Time: 49 minutes.

LEUTRON surge protectors

LEUTRON surge protectors



— Hello, colleagues! Welcome at the another online event. Today is our fifth meeting in a series of surge protection. As always, now I'll send you a link to previous webinars videos and registration link for the new ones. Take note that the schedule has been replenished with new webinars, so please, register in order to not miss anything. Last week we started the topic of overvoltage protection of low-current lines, it is huge, it's impossible to fit everything into one meeting, so today we will continue it.


About Miroslav Zelenkevich

About Miroslav Zelenkevich

Мирослав Зеленкевич Miroslav Zelenkevich
Кандидат технических наук Ph.D. in Engineering Science
Директор Фирмы RST (Белосток, Польша) Director of RST Company (Bialystok, Poland)
(высокоспециализированная Комплексная Молниезащита Объектов и Систем) (highly specialized integrated lightning protection of objects and systems)
Председатель Центра Защиты от Перенапряжений и Электромагнитных Помех Chairman of the Surge and Electromagnetic Interference Protection Center
Член Президиума Польского Комитета по Молниезащите Presidium Member of the Polish Committee on Lightning Protection
Член и эксперт Союза Польских Электриков в области молниезащиты и электромагнитной совместимости Member and Expert of the Polish Electricians Union in the lightning protection and electromagnetic compatibility
Член Института инженеров по электротехнике и электронике (IEEE, США) Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE, USA)
Преподаватель Учебного центра Польской палаты охранных систем Lecturer of the Training Center of the Polish Chamber of Security Systems
Награжденный Министром Образования Польской Речи Посполитой Медалью Комиссии Национальной Эдукации Awarded by the Minister of Education of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth with the Medal of the Commission of National Education


— Our lecturer Miroslav Zelenkevich is already with us. All of you can see and hear him. Soon I will give him the floor. On the slide you can see all his merits and awards. This is not all, in fact, there are many more. To look at some small details, please use the magnifying glass tool, it is located under the presentation near the green plus sign. Also use this tool during the demonstration of fine schemes to see everything. My name is Aleksei Korytko. I am the webinar administrator and I will answer your questions and comments which you can leave in the chat. The chat is at the bottom left. You can send your questions at the "General" tab. The webinar will last from 60 to 90 minutes. After that we will answer all the questions, if the questions will be few, we will answer them on the spot. To adjust the speaker's volume level you can hover on its video stream, a volume control will appear, use it to perform the desired procedure. This is the end of my speech. I am pleased to give the floor to Miroslaw. Miroslaw, good afternoon!

SPD for low-current circuits

SPD for low-current circuits



— Good afternoon, Aleksei! Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Indeed, today we have to reconsider that in practice there are proposals. Since we represent LEUTRON company, we will talk about it. We will show you its approach to the protection of such complex systems as signal lines of different standards. The task is not easy, however, as you have seen in the first part of the lessons on this issue, it’s not that hard. But here we have to deal with a huge incomprehensible set of signal standards, and not everyone knows how to choose the overvoltage protection elements for them. Therefore, we devote this hour to this topic. As long as audience members have different backgrounds, we will start from simple electrical systems and move to complex and very long systems of oil or gas pipelines. I can say that when our company selected protection for these systems, there would always appear a number of features associated with a variety of objects with different electromagnetic environment that must be taken into account. But we talked about this at our first class, when we worked with an object according to the principles of the zone concept of lightning protection, and I think that by adhering to this zone concept makes whole procedure simple. Why did we choose LEUTRON? Why did we switch to this company? Before, we used to represent other companies. When we started working with them 10 years ago, the company was small. The elements that they had in their range were mainly gas-filled arresters, the elements of unique quality.




Guide for selection. Part 1

Guide for selection. Part 1

УЗИП для защиты систем автоматического управления и контроля СПРАВОЧНИК ДЛЯ ВЫБОРА SPD for automatic control and monitoring systems protection GUIDE FOR SELECTION


— This will be illegible for you on the page.

Guide for selection. Part 2

Guide for selection. Part 2


— But there is nothing special here, I'll show you more later. This is just to represent a guide is in the catalogue for the signal standards selection, you can see that there is a lot of them.


NAMUR standard

NAMUR standard

— If we zoom in, I hope that now you can see more. I have chosen only the standards that I know better. We just see that with the help of such guide from the catalog we can quickly find a certain standard for the signal that everyone knows - the current loop and the element name indication. The number of lines to protect is important, because the standards, as you know, differ, though they are called the same, but there may be 2 or 4 lines, and you can quickly select the elements that will fit.



C-BUS standard

C-BUS standard


— Such bus called CAN is now very often used to transmit information, C-Bus is a high speed bus. Old RS 486 standard, industrial Internet.


M-Bus standard

M-Bus standard


— KNX and LON is also the system that are appearing in intelligent objects, knowledge, they are very common in Europe. TP / FTT10, TP / LPT10, I think, are also known by many. M-Bus is an industrial standard for signal transmission.

PROFIBUS and JohnsonControls

PROFIBUS and JohnsonControls


— Whoever has dealt with PROFIBUS, JohnsonControls, will be delighted, too.


SIGMASYS standard

SIGMASYS standard


— I have worked with many of these standards. If you look here, SIGMASYS is the standard for fire-fighting systems.

Standard SUCONET

Standard SUCONET


— An experienced designer has to work with all these systems, and such hint like a guide for choice will come in handy for everyone.


Series of MP arresters

Series of MP arresters

MP – серия ограничителей перенапряжений для сигнальных линий со сменными модулями MP – a series of pluggable arresters for signal lines
MP – Новая продуктовая линейка MP – a new series of product
Разъемные ограничители перенапряжений Pluggable arresters
Состоящие из 2 частей: Consisting of two parts:
Пригодные функции при подключении и во время эксплуатации Suitable functions during connection and during operation
Экономия места – защита 4 жил шириной в 18 мм Space saving - 4-core protection with a width of 18 mm
Заземление УЗИП через монтажную рейку Grounding an SPD via a mounting rail
Изменение модуля УЗИП без влияния на импеданс линии Modification of the arrester without affecting the line impedance
Для жил сечением до 4 мм2 для 1-жильного и 2,5 мм2 – для многожильного провода For cores with a section up to 4 mm2 for 1-wire and 2,5 mm2 - for a multicore wire
Косвенное и непосредственное заземление экрана кабеля в зависимости от вида базы Indirect and direct grounding of the cable screen depending on the type of base


— What can we say when we start choosing such items from the catalog? If we look at the page in this catalog, we will see a new product line, which LEUTRON has developed greatly. MP is a series of pluggable arresters for signal lines. They are mounted on a bus, we have it - this is a bus, as you call it - this is a DIN rail. And if we look at its interesting elements, then, first of all, this is a two-parts element. So, we have a foundation, it is called “base”, and a pluggable module that has variety of schemes, the bases also have various schemes. It saves space, because these elements of complex cascade protection are only 18 mm wide. It is very important for us that we can take out this module when the system is working, which, as everyone knows from practice, can cause certain problems in the operation of the system, as a rule, it must be turned off.



Properties of arrester series «MP»

Properties of arrester series "MP"




2-х частичные ограничители: с базой для монтажа на 35 мм DIN рейку и сменными модулями

2-part arresters: with mounting base for 35 mm DIN rail, and pluggable modules

Защита первичная и вторичная

Primary and secondary protection

Широкий диапазон номинальных напряжений 5 ÷ 350 В

Wide range of rated voltages 5 ÷ 350 V

Широкий диапазон рабочих частот до 170 МГц

Wide operating frequency range up to 170 MHz

Испытанные по категориям C1/C2/C3/D1 согласно IEC/EN 61643-21

Tested in C1 / C2 / C3 / D1 categories in accordance with IEC / EN 61643-21

Высокая устойчивость к импульсным токам:
Imax = 20 кА 8/20 мкс
Iimp = 2,5 кА 10/350 мкс

High pulse current resistance:
Imax = 20 kA 8/20 µs
Iimp = 2.5 kA 10/350 µs


— If we look at this series, then it has a lot of variety, but the main feature is the ability to change, select a separate base, where, as a rule, the first cascade is. If it is in the form of a spark gap and there are different schemes in the pluggable module, there may also be two-cascade protection circuits. Different names that we try to decipher, so that you could decide easily while choosing. Primary and secondary protection - there are elements that have only primary one, but mainly elements of these two classes. A wide range of nominal voltages gives us the opportunity to choose a circuit for any voltage standard that corresponds to the lines. A wide range of frequencies, as we reach up to 170 MHz, that is not so easy for such elements to construct. Elements tested in many categories, the first three categories are mainly 8/20 µs pulse categories, in other words, for use from induced overvoltage currents, and category D1 is a category according to the international standard for testing elements for the effect of partial lightning strikes of 10 / 350 µs. The high resistance of the current pulses, indicated here is the maximum induced currents of 20 and 2.5 kA 10/350 μs - these are pulses that can be limited by our elements.


Installation of plug-in SPD modules

Installation of plug-in SPD modules

Выдвижение модуля для тестирования или замены происходит без необходимости изменения рабочего импеданса защищаемой линии и в это время не происходит изменение рабочих параметров этой линии Pulling out of the module for testing or replacement without the need to change the working impedance of the protected line, and the operating parameters of this line do not change at this time


— If we look at this photo, we will see that the elements are pulled out for the time of testing or simply for replacement without changing the working impedance of the protected line - it is very important that at this time there were no changes in the operating parameters of this line. So, we can pull out such element easily, check it up, or insert a new one.



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