The sixth webinar of "Surge protection" series
Webinar text. Page 2
Fast navigation by slides:
1. Limiters by RST
2. About Miroslav Zelenkevich
3. Plan of presentation
4. Sources of damages
5. Types of damages - D1: shocking living beings
6. Types of damages - D2: physical damage
7. Types of damages - D3: damage to internal systems
8. Lightning risk analysis as per IEC 62305
9. Lightning protection levels
10. Discharge protection means
11. Zonal protection concept
12. Introduction into the surge protection
13. Zonal protection concept principles
14. Normalized current pulses
15. Production of RST limiters
Page 2:
16. RST Limiters production stages
17. Surge limiters testing
18. Execution of documentation
19. Type tests as per IEC 61643-21
20. Test scope as per IEC 61643-21
21. Voltage limiter requirements
22. Categories of stability
23. Pulse tests in the laboratory RST
24. High-energy impact test
25. Climatic tests
26. Test oscillograms
27. Determination of limiter nominal parameters
28. Substantiation of tests
29. Example of parameters given by manufacturers
30. Parameters of SPD from other manufacturers
31. Example of factory test parameters
32. Example of gas limiter
33. Results before and after testing
34. Complete scheme resistance test
35. Temperature resistance test results
36. Correct parameters of limiters as per IEC 61643-21
37. Technical data of limiters
38. Surge limiters by RST
39. RST Guard series limiters
40. RST Guard surge protection device
41. RST Guard HF SPD
42. RST Guard S SPD
43. RST Guard RS485 SPD
44. RST Guard GDT and RST Guard Audio SPDs
46. Nominal voltage of SPD
47. RST AL series limiters
48. Table with voltage parameters
56. ZOP overvoltage protection circuits
57. RST TV camera protection circuit
58. Circuits identification code
59. Damage alarm
60. RST AL TMP alarm module
61. Robotic arm protection circuit
62. Central unit protection circuit
63. Control systems protection circuit
64. Individual protection of hardware
65. Protection at LPZ zones boundaries
66. Protection of control cabinets
67. Telecommunication systems protection circuit
68. Railway automatics systems protection circuit
69. Line power supply circuits
70. Numerical coded circuit blocking
71. Buzzer circuit blocking
72. RST surge limiters for signals and interlocking system
73. Additional funding from European Union
74. IsoPro B TN-C
75. Elementary base for signals and interlocking system
76. Elementary base for signals and interlocking system (continued)
77. Table of technical parameters
78. SPD selection parameters
79. Thank you for attention
RST limiters production stages
Производство ограничителей перенапряжений RST | Production of RST overvoltage limiters |
1. Исходные положения
1. Initial provisions
2. Проект
2. Design
3. Подготовка прототипов для тестирования |
3. Preparation of prototypes for testing |
схема |
diagram |
Проект РСВ |
PCB design |
Модель 3D |
3D model |
— At first we shall determine for each limiter, which original terms shall be, that is to say, if that product was developed by the client, we shall determine its purpose, for which system protection and how many lines for relevant signal shall be protected. Final parameters of the limiter are determined based on the data, which is the maximum voltage and current supplied in that signal, which is the maximum operational frequency range. So to avoid interferences and any limitations in functioning of the system to be protected after connection of the limiter in to the protected circuit. The next stage is development of the protection system, for which we select compatible elements, such as arresters, inductance coils or diodes. Based on the circuits and design of that elements we develop the design of a panel, on to which you will install the elements. It is in our scope. When the design, as well as the technical documentation are ready, we prepare the prototypes for tests.
Surge limiters testing
4. Испытания в Лаборатории RST
4. Tests by RST Laboratory
5. Испытания внешние
5. External tests
— Testing by our laboratory. At first, we carry out mechanical tests, measure nominal electric parameters of our circuit and carry out pulse tests by using generators seen on the right. On the low left corner one can see the tests carried out by us in Bialystok University of Technology, the tests of resistance against high-energy pulses and the tests of destruction of protective circuits, because we need such information to specify it in the technical data.
Execution of documentation
6. Оформление документации
6. Execution of documentation
7. Продукция
7. Products
проект |
design |
прототип |
prototype |
производство |
production |
— Upon the end, we have got benefits from these three stages after positive results of tests. Here you can see the protection elements on Polish railways, resisting quite high impact currents, which are specific for the railways electromagnetic environment.
Tests as per IEC 61643-21
Испытания типа по IEC/EN 61643-21 | Tests as per IEC / EN 61643-21 |
Испытания типа на примере ограничителей производства RST | Type testing of RST limiter samples |
Согласно указаниям стандарта: IEC/EN 61643-21: Часть 21: устройства защиты от импульсных перенапряжений в системах телекоммуникации и сигнализации (информационных системах). Требования к работоспособности и методы испытаний |
According to the standard instructions: IEC/EN 61643-21: Part 21: Surge protection devices for telecommunication and alarm systems (data systems). Requirements for functional capability and test methods. |
— We always carry out the tests for low-current lines. According to IEC standard 61643-21 – low-voltage circuit surge protection devices, telecommunication and alarm surge protection devices (in data systems). This standard is also used in Russia, therefore results of our tests are also applicable to your country.
Test scope as per IEC 61643-21
Объём испытаний по EN 61643-21 |
Test scope as per EN 61643-21 |
1. Общие требования:
1. General requirements:
2. Механические требования:
2. Mechanical requirements:
3. Климатические требования:
3. Climatic requirements:
4. Электрические требования – параметры передачи:
4. Electrical requirements – transmission parameters:
— The test scope in short. General requirements, namely identification and documentation, designation of the element. Mechanical requirements include clamps, mounting, resistance to solid particles and water proofing, direct access prevention and non-inflammability. Climatic requirements include high temperature and humidity resistance, cyclic impact of climate and current pulse at the same time.
Requirements for the voltage limitation
5. Требования к ограничению напряжения:
5. Requirements for voltage limitation:
6. Требования к токоограничению:
6. Requirements for current limitation:
Только УЗИП (SPD) содержащие элементы ограничивающие ток | Only SPD containing element limiting current |
— Requirements for the voltage limitation include the maximum continuous operational voltage, insulation resistance (leakage current) at such maximum voltage, safety voltage level, i.e. the limitation voltage, resistance to pulse current impact, damage type in case of overload, voltage type resulted from overvoltage and dead space. Dead space refers to the location where the element is not sensitive yet. After actuation we shall identify in which locations the dead space is presented, and if it will affect the safety of the protected system or not. Next is the current limitation requirement, that is to say, a nominal current, resistance sequence, that is allowed to be connected to the line without changing its parameters, time-current actuation parameter, resetting time, the maximum cutoff voltage, operational test, resistance to alternating current and resistance to current pulses. This concerns SPD that include current limiting elements. As you can see, there are many parameters.
Category of stability
Категории устойчивости |
Resistance category |
Категория |
Category |
Тип испытания |
Test type |
Напряжение холостого хода |
Idle run voltage |
Ток короткого замыкания |
Short circuit current |
Минимальное число импульсов |
Minimum number of pulses |
Очень низкая скорость возрастания |
Very lot increase rate |
A/мкс |
A/µs |
Переменный ток (АС) |
Alternating current AC |
Низкая скорость возрастания |
low increase rate |
высокая скорость возрастания |
high increase rate |
импульсы большой энергии высоковольтной |
High-energy pulse High-frequency |
один цикл |
One cycle |
УЗИП должны ограничивать импульсное напряжение при испытании в условиях, определяемых таблицей. Измеренное ограниченное напряжение не должно превышать заданного уровня напряжения защиты Uc |
SPD shall limit specified pulse voltage under test in conditions determined by table. Measured limited voltage shall not exceed the specified protection voltage level Uc |
— Without relevant testing launching a surge protection device into the market will be prohibited. Prohibited because we shall test for compliance with the minimum requirements for parameters specification, in terms of quality, for us to be sure, that the element will function properly at the required moment and not to waste a lot of money when accepting other elements. Look at this table with pulse test data In practice the parameters that I've mentioned above, correspond to category B2, category of elements C2 and category D1, which are the most of our concern and critical for our elements. We see, that category D1 is the category of testing impact currents having the lightning pulse form of 10/350 µs, the value is from 500 А to 2.5 kA and the pulses of 8/20 µs induced for the category С2 from 1 kA to 5 kA. And for the tested telecommunication signal, it is the pulse of 1 kB to 4 kV with the form of 10/700 µs.
Pulse tests in the laboratory RST
Импульсные испытания в Лаборатории RST:
Pulse tests in the RST laboratory:
Импульсный генератор EMTEST |
EMTEST pulse generator |
— We generally need the following parameters that are tested in our laboratory. Actually, we purchased the instrumentation by taking into account the railway systems, however, their pulse parameters excess the others, so it is suitable for other systems as well. If we look at the tested pulse parameters, these provide stability as per category C1 at the pulse of 500 А 8/20 µs, and С2 at 5 kA 8/20 µs. In case of the category B1 telecommunication pulse, we are able to test up to 10 kV, which is very high. Measurement of the safety voltage level Up. Measurement of the resetting time and dead space. The instrumentation allows memorizing oscillograms and transmit them to a PC, therefore, generally the test documentation is stored in electronic form, in which case everyone who desire to check the fact of test, is free to do it. In practice, these documents are always verified, including by specialized institution of that country.
High-energy impact tests
Испытания ударами большой энергии (внешняя лаборатория):
High-energy impact tests (outsourcing laboratory):
— High-energy impact tests. We are not able to carry out such tests, because we have not required instrumentation, this is why we need to pay for them to Bialystok University of Technology. It is the symbol of the University of Technlogy. In this case we test our elements with the pulses of 20 kA 8/20 µs and with the lightning pulses of 3.5 kA, it is very high, 10/350 µs, as well as the surge tests with the pulse current of 8/20 µs. After such tests we are sure of 100%, that when installing signal hardware under the lightning protection, that is to say, within zone 0В, in the first and second zone, those hardware will always work properly at the lightning current pulses not exceeding 200 kA. Higher is always possible as well, however, we do not test at higher values, since the standards not requiring so.
Climatic tests
Климатические испытания: Испытания согласно IEC / EN 61643-21:
Дополнительные испытания IEC/EN 60068:
Climatic tests: Tests according to IEC / EN 61643-21:
Additional tests IEC/EN 60068:
Климатическая камера Memmert CTC256:
Climatic chamber Memmert CTC256:
— Climatic tests appeared to be very serious. Since we are going to sale the devices to various countries of the world, we are now negotiating with African ones, such tests have major significance. I can say, that not all hardware enclosures withstand special temperatures. There are many climatic zones in Russia, I suppose, you're very concerned of this issue. Well, what do we test? Again, we refer to the same standards, where additional requirements are contained as to other standards, here you can see them. High temperature (80˚ С) and 93 %, moisture resistance tests for 10 days. Cyclic ambient tests at pulse overvoltage, it is the cycle B, that is to say, mixed cycle, temperature and overvoltage together. Look, these take about 6 days, maybe 5 days. And additional tests: dry warm, at the heat degrees of 80˚ С, humidity percent and cool. I mean, our instrumentation shall test within the range of 40 to +180˚С at the humidity of 20 to 90 %. Capacitance is high, which is relevant for us, because the rooms can be large.
Test oscillograms
Климатические испытания: Циклическое воздействие среды и импульсов тока: цикл B по EN 61643-21 |
Climatic tests: cyclic ambient impact and current pulses: cycle B as per EN 61643-21 |
влажность RH % | Humidity RH % | |
температура T °C | Temperature T °C | |
Pomiar |
Измерение |
Measurement |
— If looking at these tests, even shortly, we can see quite sophisticated test algorithms. Fortunately, these are set automatically in our chamber. We get the oscillograms, if we can say so, like these only, and attach them to our documentation.
Determination of limiter nominal parameters
Определение номинальных параметров ограничителей:
Determination of nominal parameters of limiters:
— There are more of other parameters, which are relevant for the designer, in order to be sure, that all these data, which are given in the catalogue, or the data of elements have been proven. The maximum continuous operational voltage, insulation resistance, leakage current, nominal current allowed to be conducted through our protective hardware without damage shall always be tested. Resistance sequence and limit frequency. All these technical data are to be added to our catalogues.
Reasonableness of tests
Обоснованность проведения испытаний | Reasonableness of tests |
— Why these tests are mandatory? Which is the reason thereof? I'll show you examples of how it can be in practice, if we look at advertisements or technical data of any manufacturers.
Example of parameters given by manufacturers
Ogranicznik przepięć video | Ограничитель перенапряжения видео | Video overvoltage limiter |
napięcie ochrony | защита по напряжению | Voltage protection |
maksymalny prąd wyładowczy | максимальный ток разряда | Maximum discharge current |
poziom ochrony przy | уровень защиты при | Protection level at |
tłumienie przelotowe | переходное затухание | Transient attenuation |
pasmo przenoszenia | частотная характеристика | Frequency characteristic |
uziemienie masy | заземление на массу | Earthing of mass |
typ złącza wejścia | тип входного разъема | In connection type |
typ złącza wyjścia | тип выходного разъема | Out connection type |
Zbadana kategoria PN-EN 61643-21:2002 | Протестированная категория PN-EN 61643-21:2002 | Tested categoryPN-EN 61643-21:2002 |
Masa | вес | weight |
Wymiary | размеры | dimensions |
Pośrednie przez śrubę uziemiającą | Промежуточный, винт заземления | Interim, earthing screw |
Gniazdo BNC | гнездо BNC | BNC socket |
Wtyk BNC | вход BNC | BNC in |
Пример параметров указываемых производителями | Example of parameters specified by manufacturers | |
УЗИП системы видеонаблюдения | CCTV system SPD |
— These are in Polish, so I am to translate for you. I'll try to make it clear for you. For example, look at the parameters given by the CCTV manufacturer - these for the video surge protector. Which parameters arise, that we have not even mentioned earlier at all. For example, the level of protection at 1 kV per microsecond. Nothing is clear, who introduced this parameter, for what purpose? Maybe, it was translated from Chinese to Polish at that moment. Protection voltage over 2.4 V or higher, which can be 1,000 V and so on. Sorry, there is a lack of accuracy. A sort of tricks. Just read, they specified earthing, however, it is not clear, what is "mass" and "re-earthing bolt, indirectly". I'm sure, they are great sellers, but do not know actually what they sell. Look, there is a statement of testing according to the category standard, which category is C2. No any more details of tested samples and methods.
Parameters of SPD from other manufacturers
Instrukcja instalacji I obslugi urzqdzen ochronnych | Инструкция инсталляции и обслуживания защитных устройств | Installation and servicing guidelines for protective hardware |
Parametry | Параметры | Parameters |
Model | Модель | Model |
Czas zadziałania | Время работы | Operation time |
Napięcie pracy | Рабочее напряжение | Operational voltage |
Żywotność | жизнеспособность | Survival ability |
Rezystancja pracy | Рабочее сопротивление | Operational resistance |
Rezystancja zwarciu toru przepięciowego | сопротивление цепи перенапряжения | Overvoltage circuit resistance |
pasmo pracy | рабочая группа | Operating group |
Tłumienność wtrąceniowa | Затухание потерь | Attenuation of losses |
Tłumienność odbicia | Затухание отражения | Attenuation of reflection |
Złączki | Соединители | Connectors |
Wymiary (mm) | Размеры (мм) | Dimensions (mm) |
Maks 1 ns | Макс 1 цикл | Max. 1 cycle |
Maks. 100 ns | Макс 100 циклов | Max. 100 cycles |
Maks. 4KV | Макс 4 КBт | Max. 4 kW |
300 przepięc o wartości 100 А/s | 300 скачков величиной 100 A/c | 300 surges at the value of 100 A/s |
Okolo 0 V | Около 0 V | About 0 V |
szer | ширина | width |
wys | высота | height |
dl | длина | length |
Masa | масса | weight |
— The following example of parameters: operational voltage, actuation time is maximum of 1 ns or elements of as various type as much. What do they mean, how much? The voltage refers to operational voltage, so, if we would exercise a reverse engineering, this shall be the nominal voltage of not to exceed 4 kV. It is the CCTV parameter which is interesting one, it is just a couple of Volts. The durability of 300 overvoltages of 100 A/s - just a testing parameter. A man who made this table, is a quite incompetent in the subject he deals with. Operational resistance, sorry, of 10 GΩ, I suppose, It is originated from any soft sciences. So, what is the conclusion? Obviously, we need to select a vendor very carefully. I can say with respect to our Western partners, there are some problems occur from time to time, therefore we decided for such systems, as railways, power plants and so on, where we make designs by ourselves, we shall be responsible for the quality by providing own devices.
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