The second webinar from series “"Electric energy saving and quality improvement” series
Порядок испытаний |
Test procedure |
Выбор места подключения УЭС осуществляет специалист «ГРИН ЭНЕРДЖИ» совместно с представителем интересанта |
ESH connection location shall be selected by GREEN ENERGY engineer along with the applicant's representative |
Специалист интересанта под контролем представителя «ГРИН ЭНЕРДЖИ» производят подключение УЭС к сети силовым кабелем в соответствие с инструкцией по инсталляции оборудования (для соответствующей мощности) |
The applicant's engineer under supervision of GREEN ENERGY Company's representative makes connection of ESH to the network through the power cable in accordance with the hardware installation manual (for relevant capacity) |
Сопротивление контура заземления в месте подключения УЭС не должно превышать 1,2 Ом при уровне шумов не превышающем допустимого значения для используемого измерителя |
The grounding circuit resistance at ESH connection location shall not exceed 1.2 Ohm with the noise level not exceeding the permissible value for the measuring instrumentation applied |
Технические условия проведения испытаний должны соответствовать стандартным условиям эксплуатации оборудования |
Technical conditions of tests shall comply with the standard hardware operation conditions |
УЭС должен соответствовать характеристикам электросети интересанта. Выбор модели УЭС производится специалистами «ГРИН ЭНЕРДЖИ» |
ESH shall be compatible with the applicant's power network characteristics. ESH model is selected by GREEN ENERGY specialists |
Test procedure
- Test procedure: choice of connection location - the connection is made by the interested party specialist. We provide that everything is done by the interested party specialist.
In fact, 9 out of 10 operations are performed by our specialists. We note again the resistance, standard operating conditions - this is what should be done according to State standards and choice of the model is performed by our specialist. These are general provisions.
Режимы проведения измерений |
Measurement modes |
Для нагрузок со средней и низкой динамикой: 2 цикла по 24 часа |
For the loads with medium and low dynamics: 2 cycles by 24 hours |
Операция |
Operation |
Время, мин. |
Time, min. |
Описание |
Description |
Замер показателей электросети без УЭС |
Measurement of power network indicators without ESH |
Производится снятие показаний электросети с выключенным УЭС |
The readings are taken on the network with ESH Off. |
Запуск УЭС |
ESH is turned On. |
УЭС включен, выход на режим |
ESH is On, bringing to steady-state |
Мониторинг показателей электросети с УЭС |
Power network indicators monitoring with ESH |
Снятие показаний электросети со включенным УЭС |
Taking the power network readings with ESH On |
Measurement modes
- Now let's see on what time ranges shall be used for measurements. As usual, we perform measurements within two ranges. If we have a dynamic load with medium-low dynamics, for example, this is a residential building. We say that 1440 minutes is a full day, that is, one day the unit is switched on, and one day the unit is switched off. So, the question is as follows: any day or not any day? Not any day. Consumption on Friday and Saturday when people leave the city or go shopping, differs quite significantly, and for different seasons. Therefore, we say that, in our opinion, there are three days - it is Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. That is, we perform measurements on adjacent days. Meaning a day with a unit, a day without a unit. For high load dynamics, we do several cycles, at least 4 cycles. In fact, we are trying to do daily tests. We take day and the unit switches on and off at 15-minute or 30-minute intervals. Why is it a 30-minute interval? Sometimes customer representatives insist on it, because, as a rule, they are set to a 30-minute interval and they have to re-adjust for 15 minutes. We think, that 15-minute interval is better, because in this case we have more switching moments. Therefore, for high dynamics, we use only the lower table, the lower mode.
Для нагрузок с высокой динамикой: 4 цикла по 15 - 30 мин с дальнейшим сравнением по средневзвешенным значениям параметров |
For the loads with high dynamics: 4 cycles by 15 - 30 minutes with further comparison by average weighted values of the parameters |
Режимы проведения измерений (продолжение) |
Measurement modes (continued) |
Для нагрузок с высокой динамикой в случае, когда сравнение по средневзвешенным значениям параметров не представляется возможным: |
For the loads with high dynamics in case, when comparison by average weighted values of the parameters is not possible: |
по анализатору качества определяется (визуально) изменение токов нагрузки при включенном и выключенном УЭС (3-4 точки) |
the quality analyzer provides determination (visually) of the load currents change with ESH On and Off (3-4 points) |
изменения выражаются в процентном отношении |
the changes are expressed in percentage |
на интервалах со включенным и выключенным УЭС определяются интервалы времени, для которых изменения токов укладываются в определенный интервал с отклонением не превышающим 10% |
for the intervals with ESH On and Off the time intervals are determined when the current changes fall within certain interval with the deviation not exceeding 10 %. |
производится сравнение параметров на выделенных интервалах по средневзвешенным значениям |
parameters are compared for the distinguished intervals in terms of average weighted values |
Для нагрузок с высокой динамикой в случае, когда выделение интервалов с зафиксированным процентном отношении изменения токов не представляется возможным, провести анализ в точках включения/выключения блока. Возможно, на коротких интервалах нагрузка не претерпевает существенных изменений. Признаком этого являются: |
For the loads with high dynamics in case, when determination of the intervals with registered percentage of the current changes is not possible, perform analysis for the unit On / Off points. Possibly, the load shows no considerable changes in short intervals. The indication of such is the following: |
одинаковые характеры кривых до и посте коммутации |
similar curve patterns before and after switching |
отсутствие значительных изменений. |
no considerable changes. |
В этом случае производится непосредственное сравнение параметров до и после коммутации с исключением периода |
In this case perform direct comparison of the parameters before and after switching except for the period |
Measurement modes (continued)
- Now about available moments. As we said, this is high dynamics and 15-minute intervals. If we have high dynamics and when comparison by weighted averages over these 15-minute intervals it is not possible. Then we use the analyzer to determine changes in the currents of the on and off states. This, as a rule, we evaluate the switching moment stages, expressed as a percentage, and then we look at the value of switched on and off intervals, where we match the same active powers at currents meeting this percentage ratio.
In the limiting case, when we cannot even find such subintervals, that is, everything changes quite dramatically and the dynamic load changes, then we say that we analyze switching moments, that is, the characteristics to the right and left of the switching moment. Points can be representative, points can be unrepresentative. Representative points are characterized by the same curve patterns before and after switching. The curve patterns are considered as derivatives, that is, the derivatives on the left and right, they have the same sign and no significant changes. In this case, we monitor the stages as for what is going on.
МЕТОДИКА проведения испытаний |
Test methodology
- Now let's take a look at how it is in practice, that is, use options.
Нагрузки со средней и низкой динамикой |
Loads with medium and low dynamics |
Эксперимент проводился на объекте жилищного назначения с наличием разнородной нагрузки и сильных бросков тока |
The experiment was performed in a residential facility where multi-mode load and high current surges are present |
Параметр |
Parameter |
Блок выкл. |
Unit is Off |
Блок вкл. |
Unit is On |
Изменения |
Changes |
А, Вт |
A, W |
Ток нагрузки, А |
Load current, A |
Потребляемая мощность, кВт |
Power consumption, kW |
Коэффициент мощности |
Power factor |
Loads with medium and low dynamics
- This is residential building. This is where we made comparisons. Here we have only currents, power consumption is not detected. Effective values for currents are recorded, average values for the period and changes are monitored. It is quite simple.
Перекос фаз |
Phase imbalance |
Состояние блока |
Unit status |
Перекос фаз, %. |
Phase imbalance, % |
Компенсация перекоса фаз |
Phase balancing |
Блок выключен |
Unit is Off |
Блок включен |
Unit is On |
Phase imbalance
- The phase imbalance is monitored similarly, the unit is switched on and off, knowing what is going on by compensation.
Нагрузки с высокой динамикой |
Loads with high dynamics |
Эксперимент проводился на объекте на объекте транспортной инфраструктуры с наличием разнородной нагрузки. |
The experiment was performed at a facility of transport infrastructure with multi-mode loads. |
Блок включен с 12:50:00,0 по 13:50:07,0 |
The unit is On from 12:50:00.0 to 13:50:07.0 |
Блок выключен с 13:51:33,0 по 14:51:33,0 |
The unit is Off from 13:51:33.0 to 14:51:33.0 |
Блок включен с 15:00:08,0 по 16:00:09,0 |
The unit is On from 15:00:08.0 to 16:00:09.0 |
Блок выключен с 16:11:07,0 по 16:51:03,0 |
The unit is Off 16:11:07.0 to 16:51:03.0 |
Блок выключен |
Unit is Off |
Блок включен |
Unit is On |
Ток нагрузки, А |
Load current, A |
Интервал |
Interval |
Средневзвешенное изменение тока нагрузки составило 12,79 А / 20.27% |
Average weighted change of the load current was 12.79 А / 20.27% |
Блок выключен |
Unit is Off |
Блок включен |
Unit is On |
Мощность, кВт |
Power, kW |
Интервал |
Interval |
Средневзвешенное изменение потребляемой мощности составило 1,76 кВт /13,25% |
Average weighted change of the consumed power was 1.76 kW / 13.25 % |
Loads with high dynamics
- Loads with high dynamics The transport infrastructure object with heterogeneous load. That is, four intervals are monitored. For these intervals - on/off, the weighted average change in load currents, power, and their changes are recorded.
Нагрузки с высокой динамикой |
Loads with high dynamics |
Сравнение по средневзвешенным значениям параметров не представляется возможным |
Comparison by average weighted values of the parameters is not possible |
Как следует из сравнения параметров (потребляемые токи, мощности и потребляемая энергия) нагрузка на временных интервалах различалась существенно. В связи с этим применение подхода с использованием средневзвешенных значений даст существенную ошибку. |
Based on the parameters comparison (consumed currents, powers and consumed energy) the load in time intervals was differed considerably. Therefore application of the approach using average weighted values results in high error. |
Loads with high dynamics
- Loads with high dynamics Here we demonstrate the case of load with high dynamics. This is when load changes considerably. And the weighted averages of the intervals, they give a significant error, have a look. If we have a situation where the reaction power is of such a fairly average character, does not change significantly in the interval, then there are quite large jumps on actives currents and currents that can be removed from analysis, because we will have a sufficiently high error. Again, we will consider this characteristic with detailed attention.
The meter will not help. Here you have to understand that the meter integrates on the interval and you will not have any change in loads.
Нагрузки с высокой динамикой |
Loads with high dynamics |
В соответствии с Методикой испытаний при включении блока зафиксировано падение токов нагрузки в среднем на 20 - 22А. Исходя из этого были определены временные интервалы, которые соответствуют данному значению: |
In accordance with the Test Methodology when turning the unit On, the load currents dropped at the average by 20 - 22A. The time intervals were determined based on this drop, which comply to that value: |
Блок выключен |
Unit is Off |
с 10:08:00,0 по 10:09:00,0 |
from 10:08:00.0 to 10:09:00.0 |
с 10:12:30,0 по 10:14:00,0 |
from 10:12:30.0 to 10:14:00.0 |
с 10:31:00,0 по 10:32:00,0 |
from 10:31:00.0 to 10:32:00.0 |
с 10:32:30.0 по 10:33:30,0 |
from 10:32:30.0 to 10:33:30.0 |
с 10:52:00,0 по 10:53:00,0 |
from 10:52:00.0 to 10:53:00.0 |
Блок включен |
Unit is On |
с 09:58:00,0 по 09:59:00,0 |
from 09:58:00.0 to 09:59:00.0 |
с 10.17.30,0 по 10.18.30,0 |
from to |
с 10:19:00,0 по 10:20:30,0 |
from 10:19:00.0 to 10:20:30.0 |
с 10:37:00,0 по 10:38:00,0 |
from 10:37:00.0 to 10:38:00.0 |
с 10:39:30,0 по 10:40:30,0 |
from 10:39:30.0 to 10:40:30.0 |
Для исключения погрешности, обусловленной разной длительностью интервалов, для оценки использовались средневзвешенные значения параметров. |
Average weighted values of the parameters were used in the evaluation in order to exclude the error caused by different duration of the intervals. |
Time intervals
- Then we say that the current drop on average at the switching of 20 A - 22 A, the corresponding intervals are allocated, corresponding to this value. And not average values of parameters are used, but weighted averages are used, because duration of the intervals can be different, and in this case the time series shall be estimated based on a weighted average.
Средневзвешенные изменения токов нагрузки |
Average weighted changes of the load currents |
Блок выключен |
Unit is Off |
Блок включен |
Unit is On |
Ток нагрузки, А |
Load current, A |
Интервал |
Interval |
Средневзвешенное изменение тока нагрузки составило 22,77 А / 20,14% |
Average weighted change of the load current was 22.77 А / 20.14 % |
Average weighted changes of the load currents
- We mean currents, the unit is on/off, the weighted average of the load currents.
Средневзвешенные изменения потребляемой мощности |
Average weighted changes of the consumed power |
Блок включен |
Unit is On |
Мощность, кВт |
Power, kW |
Интервал |
Interval |
Средневзвешенное изменение потребляемой мощности составило 7,89 кВт /11,86% |
Average weighted change of the consumed power was 7.89 kW / 11.86 % |
Average weighted changes of the consumed power
— By these currents we judge about consumed power. When we have the corresponding changes in the same intervals within the range of 11%.
Средневзвешенные изменения реактивной мощности |
Average weighted changes of the reactive power |
Блок выключен |
Unit is Off |
Блок включен |
Unit is On |
Мощность, кВАР |
Power, kVAR |
Интервал |
Interval |
Средневзвешенное изменение реактивной мощности составило 20,99 кВАР / 60.68% |
Average weighted change of the reactive power was 20.99 kVAR / 60.68 % |
Average weighted changes of the reactive power
- The reactive power and power factor are also added.
Средневзвешенные изменения коэффициента мощности |
Average weighted changes of the power factor |
Блок выключен |
Unit is Off |
Блок включен |
Unit is On |
Коэф. мощности |
Power factor |
Интервал |
Interval |
Средневзвешенное изменение коэффициента мощности составило 0,249 / 9,44% |
Average weighted change of the power factor was 0.249 / 9.44 % |
Average weighted changes of power factor
- They are processed in the same way, that is, the intervals are allocated, and then they go through all the parameters at these intervals.
Нагрузки с высокой динамикой |
Loads with high dynamics |
Выделение интервалов с зафиксированным процентном отношении изменения токов не представляется возможным |
Distinguishing the intervals with registered percentage of the current change is not possible |
Loads with high dynamics
- Now the dynamics with high load, I would like to draw your attention when the allocation of intervals no longer appears, that is, if you look, these are our partners who have long history with this tool - this is “Chauvin Arnoux”.
If you look here, here it’s impossible to single out any intervals. Obviously, yes.
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