Articles, news, webinars, projects and videos that aroused the greatest interest of readers of the ZANDZ site in the past year.

Grounding and Lightning Protection News

New Year's Eve is the best time to refresh the bright events of the outgoing year. Throughout 2017, we have been preparing useful materials for you, held training webinars and meetings of the ZANDZ Expert Club, and also talked about the most interesting projects carried out by our Technical Center. Thank you for appreciating our efforts! We are happy with new subscribers on the site, on our pages in social networks and in the channels of Telegram and Viber.

Below are the materials that our readers most often viewed on the ZANDZ website in 2017. Did you miss any interesting news, article or video? We have compiled this list specially for you:

Don't want to miss interesting news, articles and webinars on lightning protection and grounding in 2018? Register on the ZANDZ website, subscribe to the RSS feed, channels in Telegram (@ZANDZ_news) and Viber (zazemlenie), as well as on our pages on social networks!


See also: