Grounding of the antenna station in the Tyumen region

Grounding of the antenna station in the Tyumen region


The grounding of the antenna station is of particular importance since it influences the operability of radar systems. In this case, the difficulty was in the need to remove the grounding arrangement outside the area, due to the limit of space.

Let's give a more narrow consideration the solution proposed by the Technical Center ZANDZ.

Calculation of the antenna station grounding

Object: antenna station.

Figure 1 – Object layout.


Figure 1 – Object layout.

Task: To make the antenna post computations.

Solutions to ensure the grounding requirements of the antenna post:

  1. Grounding is made in accordance with the 7th edition of the Electrical Installation Code..
  2. Grounding arrangement (GA) is necessary to do with a resistance of not exceeding 8 ohms.
  3. The soil resistivity accepted for computations is 700 Ohm * m.
  4. 7 sets of electrolytic grounding ZZ-100-102V are used for GA. The sets are connected together using copper-clad steel wire with a cross-section of 30x4 mm. The distance between the electrodes is 6 m. The distance from the electrodes to communications and foundations should be no less than 3 m. The embedment is 0.6 m.
  5. In the availability of reinforced concrete structures, they must be attached to the main conductors/grounding arrangement.
  6. Connection to the grounding arrangement is made through the terminals ZZ-005-064.

Ground terminal resistance calculation:

The design resistance of the grounding arrangement is 7,44 ohms.


Figure 2 shows hardware layout.

Table 1 includes the list of required hardware and materials.

Figure 2 – Layout of equipment for grounding the antenna station.


Figure 2 – Layout of equipment for grounding the antenna station.

Table 1 – List of material requirements

Image Designation Description Quant.
1. ZZ-100-102 ZANDZ Electrolytic Grounding Set (horizontal; 3 meters length) 7
2. GL-11075-50 Copper-plated strip GALMAR (30*4 mm/ S 120 mm²; 20-meter strip bundle) 2
3. GL-11075-20 Copper-clad strip GALMAR (30x4 mm/S 120 mm²; 10-meter strip bundle) 1
4. GL-11075-10 Copper-clad strip GALMAR (30x4 mm/S 120 mm²; 10-meter strip bundle) 1
5. ZZ-005-064 ZANDZ Conductor connection terminal (up to 40 mm) 12
6. ZZ-007-030 ZANDZ Waterproofing tape 3

If you have any questions about grounding the antenna stations or other objects Please, contact the ZANDZ Technical Center!