Ask a question about lightning protection and grounding

Technical Center - Get professional help for free!

  • Consultation whith pro designiers of lightning protection and grounding systems
  • Free solution and calculations of lightning protection and grounding systems
  • Big thematical knowlagebase about lightning protection and grounding
  • Open mind team of professionals who love what they do

Get help with:

Dmitry Krasnoborov
Designier of lightning protection and grounding systems

Education: Novosibirsk State Technical University
Work experience: 10 years

Denis Pozdnyakov
Designier of lightning protection and grounding systems

Education: National Technical University of Ukraine
Work experience: 11 years

Anton Bolohov
Designier of lightning protection and grounding systems

Education: Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov
Work experience: 12 years

Alexey Rojankov
Project founder

My team and I try to make the resource useful and necessary by accumulating knowledge and sharing it with you. Every day we collect and sort information, perform dozens of calculations, publish our experience.

Feel free to give us a calculation or design task or ask a question about lightning protection and grounding:

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