06.10.14 , , , , ,
It is no secret that oil and gas facilities require special attention from the operating personnel and inspection authorities. Imagine a gas pipeline 1,000 kilometers long (10 000 football fields) with hundreds of metering stations, switching stations and so forth.
How to ensure electrical and fire safety at all of these sites? Of course, only the most reliable equipment will be used to meet all the requirements and regulations.
For example, electrolytic grounding by ZANDZ, providing resistance to 12 times less than a steel electrode of the same size.
1. Inspection pit
2. Special mixture of mineral salts
3. Ground electrode
4. Near-electrode filler
How does this grounding work?
The main element of the electrolytic grounding kit ZZ-100-102 is a tube (electrode) with performation in the horizontal part. The electrode is filled with a special mixture of mineral salts, which absorbs water from the environment, turning into an electrolyte. This electrolyte fills the surrounding soil, lowering its resistivity.
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Electrolytic grounding by ZANDZ is widely used in the oil and gas industry by the largest enterprises of our country. For example, in 2013 a branch of Gazprom - Oblgazstroy successfully installed ZANDZ electrolytic grounding system on its inter-settlement gas pipelines. Experts confirmed convenience and ease of installation, as well as full compliance of grounding with the normative value.
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