Our attention has been recently drawn to an interactive lightning activity map created by Vaisala. The company declares that these are the most accurate and complete data in the world. What are these data and how are they collected?
Interactive planet map indicating data for the average lightning rate
Our company
The Vaisala International Company trades measuring equipment, provides industrial measurements, and monitors weather on the planet. According to the information provided on the website, their tools and data are used where they are needed the most: from the largest data centers to lead medical laboratories, from ice-cold Arctic to furious hurricane centers, even on an empty Mars surface.
Data acquisition technologies
The planet's lightning activity is type of weather data collected by the company. The data are acquired using two networks:
- 1. NLDN (National Lightning Detection Network®), a national network for detecting lightnings deployed in the USA. This is the most long-term, continuous, active and, as declared, the most scientifically proven lightning detection network in the world. NLDN is based on a well-distributed network of land sensors. It guarantees that discovered lightning trends reflect the real-life meteorological environment rather than the sensor density. This allows for accurate comparisons of the annual period and provides reliable climate data. The network operates in the USA.
- 2. GLD360 (Global Lightning Dataset), a system that is said to be the most accurate and complete dataset of lightnings arranged by a global sensor network.
The network uses determination of the time of arrival (TOA) and magnetic-direction-finding (MDF) at each sensor to identify locations of each separate lightning. Sensors sensitive to a very low frequency range (~500 Hz to ~50 kHz) use the waveform detection algorithm in the radio range created by separate lightning discharges. Using time lags from various sensors, the system identifies the lightning location. Based on the impulse fading data, the information on the peak discharge current is simulated. GLD360 detects almost 100% storms across the globe and is an industry standard in global lightning detection.
These two networks monitor lightnings 24/365. During 2023, 2,102,170,206 lightnings were registered.
Interactive map
The interactive map of the lightning density provided by Vaisala demonstrates data on the number of lightnings per one square kilometer annually for each region. The 2016-2023 data are used.
Lightning map for Russia
For example, in Russia, it is hard to find a region where the lightning number would exceed 4 strikes per 1 square kilometer per year, except for southern regions. According to the Vaisala data, the annual lightning strike number per one square km may be up to 8. This value is close to the numbers registered in the Russian lightning protection regulatory document RD 34.21.122-87.
Thus, Malaysia is a region with the largest numbers: according to Vaisala, the average lightning number is up to 144 strikes per one square kilometer annually. These are the values hard to believe even for a non-expert.
Map of average lightning numbers in Malaysia
How useful is the global lightning record?
Forecasting lightning strikes is the most beneficial. Due to such data acquisition, the company partners obtain accurate forecasts of lightnings 60 minutes before their expected beginning.
Lightnings are a permanent event on our plant. Today, lightnings cause forest fires. They may also damage power distribution systems and present a serious danger to people and their property. Vaisala provides state institutions and private businesses with the required data and helps reducing risks associated with lightnings and other extreme weather conditions using forecasts, warnings and notifications to protect people, property, and infrastructure.
For experts, global storm activity maps may serve as a good support in studying lightning activity in various regions of the planet. Registering, analysing, and forecasting methods are a subject of separate discussions and innovations, which are out of scope of this article.
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