Record of the webinar titled "Online Calculation of Grounding and Lightning Protection for An Industrial Facility"

Record of the webinar titled Online Calculation of Grounding and Lightning Protection for An Industrial Facility

Онлайн расчет молниезащиты и заземления производственного здания - Online Calculation of Grounding and Lightning Protection for An Industrial Facility
Поздняков Д.В. - D.V. Pozdnyakov
Технический центр ZANDZ - ZANDZ Technical Center
ГК «ИМАГ» - “IMAG” Group
Молниезащита и заземление на - Lightning protection and grounding at

The webinar titled "Online Calculation of Grounding and Lightning Protection for An Industrial Facility" was held on September 30. During this webinar, we have looked into key aspects related to calculations of the lightning protection system for the industrial facility using the "Service for calculating the lightning protection reliability" based on the method for evaluation of the lightning strike probability into the protected facility.

Watch the details in a video!

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