Webinar on lightning protection of objects in permafrost conditions


Webinar on lightning protection of objects in permafrost conditions

The ZANDZ project continues the cycle of training events.

Проект ZANDZ продолжает цикл обучающих мероприятий.

On 31 July at 11:00 (Moscow time) we will hold a webinar regarding lightning protection of objects located in permafrost conditions.

The frequency of thunderstorms in some permafrost regions is not so different from that characteristic of the middle regions of Russia. Little is known about the latitudinal change in the parameters of the lightning current. According to recent data, this dependence should be neglected, assuming that the statistics of lightning currents in Nigeria and in Yakutia are the same. The same has to be admitted with regard to the process of lightning orientation. However, it is difficult to provide a low grounding resistance of a lightning rod in permafrost soils, but according to all known studies, grounding resistance has little effect on the efficiency of a lightning rod.

Nevertheless, in areas with high soil resistivity, it is recommended to operate power lines without their protection by ground wires. At the same time, no one doubts the effectiveness of ground wires, but their protective effect is negated by a very high voltage on the grounding resistance of the supports. There happens a reverse overlap of phase isolation, disconnecting the line. The question of the grounding resistance is becoming paramount. In permafrost areas, it is often impossible to fulfill the requirements to grounding resistance, which are contained in the current regulatory documents, and therefore it is impossible to ensure electrical safety in the field of lightning current spreading and reduce overvoltages in underground utilities to an acceptable level even in case, when chemically active ground electrodes are used. Today, not all problems are resolved, but quite efficient technical solutions exist and we must focus on them specifically.

Professor Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan will tell you about the existing solutions during the webinar.

The duration of the webinar is 90 minutes. Sign up!

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