What to think about lightning protection mesh

This material is the 7th publication from the series of articles by Eduard Meerovich Bazelyan "Everything about lightning rod protection zones". In this small interconnected materials the author reveals the origin of lightning rod protection zones, clarifies their shape and geometric sizes, frankly tells about the convenience of lightning protection design by zones and equally frankly reveals the disadvantages of such project solutions.

It is clear that lightning protection mesh doesn't protect grounded metal elements of the roof. No special proofs are required here. For the protection reliability greater than 0,5 a lightning rod must exceed the protected object. This exceeding is quite substantial. It can't be ensured by hydra insulation on the roof or a very thin layer of concrete over the reinforcement bars of the reinforced-concrete slabs. If the roof requires protection from direct lightning strikes, it is necessary to use rod or catenary wire lightning rods, preferably multiple. They will provide reliable protection with small elevations above the roof.

It is the s7th part of the cycle of articles "Everything about lightning protection zones". To read the full material, you must register on the site.

Do you have any questions on calculation of lightning protection or grounding? Please contact our ZANDZ Technical center!


See also: