Webinar titled "Online Calculation of Grounding and Lightning Protection for An Industrial Facility"


was held on September 30, 2020

Онлайн расчет заземления и молниезащиты производственного здания - Online Calculation of Grounding and Lightning Protection for An Industrial Facility

Speaker: Denis Pozdnyakov, technical expert for lightning protection and grounding

During this webinar, we will look into key aspects related to calculations of the lightning protection system for the industrial facility using the "Service for calculating the lightning protection reliability" based on the method for evaluation of the lightning strike probability into the protected facility, namely:

  • What should we have to make calculations?
  • What regulatory documents should we use?
  • How can we choose the most appropriate solutions?

Webinar plan.

  • What facility data should we have to begin calculations?
  • How can we perform calculations to install a lightning protection system? Comparing the method of calculating the probability of the lightning breakthrough to the facility and conventional methods.
  • Online calculations for the building protection against lightnings.
  • Questions and answers.

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