Webinar Titled "Characteristics of SDPs for Low-Voltage Systems, Algorithms for Their Selection, and Selection Dialectics"


was held on April 15, 2020

The webinar is intended for: designers, project managers, sales managers, customers, and installers of modern telecom systems (LAN, DTN, SS, SCS), safety systems (SFS, CCTV, ACS), automation, dispatcher, and administration (ADA) systems.
Speaker: Roman Petrov, Chief Project Engineer, SDP Developer, OOO Takhion, Saint Petersburg. 8 years of experience in designing and managing projects; 34 years of experience in development and operating of radioelectronic systems.

The webinar plan:

Classification of radiotechnical systems, list of low-voltage systems, scopes of application.
General SDP parameters and particular SDP parameters for low-voltage systems.
Need for application and economics of SDP in low-voltage systems based on particular examples.
Basic characteristics and their numerical examples in SDPs for low-voltage systems.
Knowledge of parameters, structure and circuitry of low-voltage systems is a pre-requisite for the selection of SDPs on one's own.
SDP designs and correct selection of designs.
Key groups of low-voltage SDPs and choosing a group to search for the required SDP therein.
SDP testing types and minimum characteristics for the quality selection of SDPs.
SDP damage based on particular examples.
Dialectics of choosing SDPs, contradictions and their resolution based on particular examples.
Relation between real life and standards in production and application of SDP.

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