A series of webinars "Improving quality and saving electric energy" |
We invite everybody to the new exclusive series of webinars "Improving quality and saving electric energy", on which we will study problems in power networks that increase consumption and reduce overall efficiency, as well as ways to solve them. The first webinar of the series will be devoted to the introduction of the problem of power quality. Separately, the test methodology and solutions for objects of different purposes will be considered: the oil and gas sector, the industrial sector, residential and public utility objects. To whom it will be interesting and useful: representatives of industrial enterprises, oil refineries, construction companies, design institutes, electrical and power grid companies, trading companies. Venue: online. What do you need to participate: computer, internet access, headphones. Cost: free, registration required! Webinar duration: 60-120 minutes.
Sergey Anatolyevich Karatygin, General Director of CJSC "GREEN ENERGY"; |
Webinar 1. "Improving quality and saving electric energy" (was held on May 17, 2016 at 11:00 Moscow time) |
The quality of electric energy is one of the key indicators that determine the energy efficiency of power supply systems and largely influencing the useful life of the supplied loads. The divergence of quality parameters from the nominal values can be caused by both power supply quality provided by the energy supplier and the nature of consumers' electrical installations. Depending on the types of load in the systems and the quality of the electricity provided by the supplier, users are confronted with one of the following problems (or a combination thereof):
The problem of energy saving is topical at the present time, and taking into account the tendency of growth of tariffs for electricity will become increasingly important. Currently, the market has a wide range of products designed to improve the quality of electricity, starting from the manufacturers of the "big four" - Eaton, GE, ABB, Siemens to the "revolutionary technologies" based on magnetic ceramic compositions, etc. The main niche is occupied by various modifications of capacitor compensators, electric filters and so on. The most promising are technical devices that provide compensation within the framework of one block of the main negative factors listed above. Improving the quality of electric energy using this approach provides a number of advantages, including:
The main suppliers of solutions of this class: DMI Manufacturing, Inc., USA (Energy Bank Unit - EBU) and the domestic company "GREEN ENERGY" (Energy saving device - ESD). Due to the specificity of power supply systems, the DMI Manufacturing solution has not been widely used on the Russian market. UES allows to equalize the distribution of the load in phases, perform filtration of harmonic and improve the electromagnetic compatibility, increase the power factor, thereby increasing the percentage of the used power of the electricity mains, as well as protection from surges and currents, lightning protection. By improving the quality of electricity, it is ensured to save about 10-20%, and additional capacities are released. In addition to the direct economic effect of saving electricity, ESD contributes to longer service lives and lower maintenance costs for electronic equipment, electrical equipment (compressors, pumps, etc.). Recommended streaming quality is 720p in full-screen mode. |
Webinar 2. "Pilot project implementation procedure. Test Methodology " |
The contribution of each of the components depends on their combination. Compensation of negative factors depends on the parameters of energy consumption. Thus, the efficiency of the UES is higher for dynamic heterogeneous loads (confirmed by practice), therefore, as a proposal, it is necessary to choose shield / TS supplying these kinds of loads.
Recommended streaming quality is 720p in full-screen mode. |
Webinar 3. "Solution for the oil and gas sector" |
Having considered the problems of power quality and how to eliminate them at the first webinars, we turn to specific industry solutions, the first of which is the use of energy saving devices (ESDs) at oil and gas facilities. At the webinar we will discuss solutions for various types of facilities (oil depots, gas stations / filling stations, etc.) and the specifics of working with various companies in the industry. The results of using energy-saving devices at the sites of the leading Russian oil and gas companies (Rosneft, Gazpromneft) speak for themselves. The installation of the ESD at the Orelnefteprodukt - NK Rosneft (2 filling stations - 2013) allowed to increase the efficiency by 15-16% (in natural and value terms). The introduction of the ESD at Gazpromneft filling stations made it possible to get rid of problems with pumping and electronic equipment, due to the quality of supply voltages (from the traction substation of the Russian railways). Objects that use energy-saving devices (ESD):
Main problems in consumer networks:
Approbation of complex solutions for improving the quality of electricity consumption and energy efficiency of Rosneft's facilities
ENGOT and the terminals made repeated purchases:
Gazprom Neft
Republic of Kazakhstan
Parallel enabling of the blocks at the LODS
Recommended streaming quality is 720p in full-screen mode. |
Webinar 4. "The solution for the industry (general purpose and food)" |
Continuing the theme of industry solutions using the ESD, we will discuss the approbation of ESD at industrial facilities. We will consider use options for mechanical production and other directions. The objects of the food industry are particularly distinguished. In addition, we will return to the topic of reducing the costs of repairs and maintenance of devices powered by the inputs on which the ESDs are installed. Thus, the efficiency of the ESD is higher for dynamic heterogeneous loads, therefore, as a proposal, it is necessary to choose shield / TS supplying these kinds of loads. Objects:
Main problems in consumer networks:
Approbation of complex solutions for improving the quality of electricity consumption and energy efficiency of Rosneft's facilities:
Mechanical workshop 20.52%
ESD of the Media model produced by CJSC "GREEN ENERGY" has been in operation since July 2015. During the operation, the parameters of the power consumption of the ESP TP-789 RU-0,4 kV were measured using the automatic information and power fiscal metering station of "MASH" JSC. Increase of the useful usage and expenses for repairs and maintenance of equipment (ZhBK-40, Tomsk): Recommended streaming quality is 720p in full-screen mode. |
Webinar 5. "Solutions for residential and public facilities (hospitals, offices, shops, etc.)" |
Finishing the block of industry solutions for improving the quality and saving of electricity, we will consider solutions for residential and public utility objects. At the webinar we will discuss the specifics of increasing energy efficiency at such facilities, the possibilities of expanding the functionality of the ESD and the results of approbation at various facilities. Objects:
Thus, the efficiency of the ESD is higher for dynamic heterogeneous loads, therefore, as a proposal, it is necessary to choose shield / TS supplying these kinds of loads. Exceptions:
Main problems in consumer networks:
Approbation of complex solutions for improving the quality of electricity consumption and energy efficiency of the objects:
The problem when working with utilities: it is not clear whose ruble is being saved. Completed research: "Research on the use of devices compensating the reactive power in the residential and public buildings and increasing the efficiency of the use of electrical energy and the preparation of a draft amendment to the Code of Regulations" Heating, ventilation and air conditioning" (Customer: Government of Moscow). The proposals have been developed, handed over to the Ministry of Construction and Housing, are currently under technical review. Recommended streaming quality is 720p in full-screen mode. |
Webinar 6. "How to make a good grounding?" |
Finishing the series of webinars, we will consider the role of grounding in the work of the ESD, the requirements for grounding and the types of ground electrodes. The webinar will give examples of the use of modular and electrolytic grounding on objects of different purposes: in residential buildings, cross equipment, railway transport facilities, hydroelectric power stations, oil products warehouses, etc. Learn at the webinat how to make grounding in accordance with the existing regulations, how to achieve a resistance of 2 ohms and what grounding to use in complex soils. Dmitry Krasnoborov - technical specialist on grounding and lightning protection will be the lecturer. |
Recommended streaming quality is 720p in full-screen mode. |
See the full list of webinars with leading experts on a separate pate.
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