Ток молнии - Lighting current
Despite the fact the step voltage potential, arising between sections of the soil as a result of a strike of lightning carries a great danger, this physical effect has been studied very little.
Physics and Physiology
Step voltage – is the potential difference between two sections of soil. When lightning strikes, current "flows around" in the soil, creating a zone with high potential. A circuit can form in case several conductors were disposed nearby. A person can also become a conductor: current enters through one leg, and exits through the other, turning the body into the "electric load". This situation is extremely dangerous, since high voltage causes muscle paralysis, similar to a stun gun. As a result, a person may fall on hands, and, with multi-component lightning, current of subsequent discharges will go through the heart, increasing the risk of a cardiopulmonary arrest. In case the head touches the ground, the risk of irreversible damage to the central nervous system will increase dramatically.
Read more in our article "Step voltage potential: dangerous obscurity and reliable protection.".
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