One should not talk about the importance of such objects, as a gas distribution plant. Consideration of gas consumption, its distribution over the consumers and other adjoining operations are carried out at these plants. These objects are explosive and any lightning strike can bring irreparable damage to them. That is why special attention is given to the lightning protection system.
Recently, the ZANDZ Technical Center received a request for the development of lightning protection system for a gas distribution plant in the Siberian Federal District. Let's see what decisions were taken.
Initial data:
GDP scheme, general layout.
The object refers to category II of lightning protection.
Soil resistivity - 500 Ohm * m.
calculate lightning protection system according to category 2;
calculate grounding device with the resistance not more than 4 Ohm.
Lightning protection and grounding of a gas distribution plant are performed in accordance with:
Electrical Installation Code EIC 7th ed., hereinafter - EIC;
IS 153-34.21.122-2003 "Instructions for lightning protection of buildings, structures and industrial communications", hereinafter IS;
AD 34.21.122-87 "Manual on arrangement of lightning protection of buildings and structures", hereinafter AD.
The set of measures on the provision of required lightning protection and grounding measures of a gas distribution plant is presented by the following solutions:
Lightning protection is carried out with the help of two air terminals masts 37 m high, installed along the gas distribution plant edges.
The grounding device is designed as a circuit along the perimeter of the protected object.
8 kits of electrolytic grounding ZZ-100-102 are used as ground electrodes, which are attched to the circuit with the help of ZZ-005-064 clamps. The distance from the ground electrodes to the object is at least 3 meters.
The grounding circuit is made of a steel copper-bonded tape with the cross-section of 30x4 mm GL-11075 (thickness of copper coating is not less than 70 mcm). Deepening - 0,6 m. The distance to the foundations/object walls is at least 1 m.
Calculation of a grounding device resistance:

The design resistance of the grounding device is 3,98 Ohm ohms, which is less than the required value of 4 ohms.
Location of equipment and protection zones is shown in figure 1.
Figure 1 - Arrangement of lightning protection and grounding equipment of a gas distribution plant. Protection zone.
The list of equipment is given in Table 1.
Table 1 - Materials requirement list.
№ | Product item | Name | Quantity, pcs. | Weight | Note |
1. | ZZ-201-037 | ZANDZ Vertical lightning rod 37 m (galvanized steel; with embedded fittings for placing under the foundation) | 2 | 1736 | |
2. | ZZ-100-102 | ZANDZ Electrolytic grounding kit (horizontal; 3 m) | 8 | 98 - 115 | |
3. | ZZ-005-064 | ZANDZ Clamp for connecting conductor (up to 40 mm) | 19 | 0,312 | |
4. | ZZ-007-030 | ZANDZ Waterproof tape | 5 | 0,40 | |
5. | GL-11075-50 | GALMAR Copper-bonded tape (30 * 4 mm / S 120 mm²; coil of 50 meters) | 4 | 0,98 | In meters |
Do you have questions or you need to calculate lightning protection and grounding for a gas distribution plant? Send your request to
See also: