Lightning protection is important not only for residential housing and industrial facilities, but also for landmark buildings and work of art. Historical objects need protection from the harmful influence of humans, as well as from natural phenomena, including lightning. In this article, we would like to share a description of the lightning protection for the Jesuit mission La Santisima Trinidad de Paraná in Paraguay, which was added to the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1993. It is a deserted village that was built by the Catholic religious order of Jesuits to convert the American Indians.
Jesuit mission La Santisima Trinidad de Paraná
The Spanish company APLICACIONES TECNOLOGICAS provided assistance in designing the lightning protection for La Santisima Trinidad de Paraná. Allow us to give you a detailed report on their work.
The lightning protection system was designed in accordance with the international standard IEC 62305-2. Calculations and risk assessment was done using special software, which assigned a protection level of 3 to the site.
The full system of lightning protection corresponding to this level of protection was made up of:
- vertical sharpened spikes with active lightning rods that were mounted into the ground around the perimeter of the site. The purpose of active lightning rods is to forestall the lightning's natural development by means of an "artificial" ascending leader that takes direct lightning strike
- a class-1 single-pole surge protection device that is capable of limiting a 50 kA pulse current from lightning. The protection device was installed in the main switchboard of the power source and its main purpose is to protect equipment from a direct lightning strike
- a class-3 three-phase surge protection device for TT and TNS grounding systems. These devices were installed in the final switchboards and are used for limiting the residual voltage to a maximum 900 V.

Lightning protection parts for the Jesuit mission La Santisima Trinidad de Paraná
This system was made in accordance with international standards and this example proves once again that not only external, but also internal lightning protection is important. Learn more about lightning protection - send your question to our technical experts.