Probably the best article about grounding

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18.12.14                    , , 

In 2012, our employee published an article on a popular Internet resource Habrahabr. It was called "Grounding. What is it and how to make it", which broke into the top most of the discussed articles on the topic.

Grounding. What is it and how to make it

The article consists of three parts:

1. The first part - theoretical, tells what grounding is. Here, the terminology, basic purposes and modern requirements for grounding are described in simple language. 

After reading this part, you can fully understand all the popular questions. For example, such as: 

  • what is it?
  • what is the difference of the protective and working grounding?
  • what formula is used for calculating grounding?
  • on what documents to focus during installation?

The first part - theoretical, tells what grounding is

2. The second part describes the traditional ways of organizing grounding devices and points out their shortcomings.

For example, a common way of grounding - steel corner. For its installation it is necessary to buy or rent a welding machine and dig a trench, and not to mention that such an arrangement is contrary to the current regulations. The disadvantages of such grounding and what are the other methods, are described in the second part.

The second part describes the traditional ways of organizing grounding devices and points out their shortcomings

3. In the third part we are talking about modern solutions and new technologies in grounding. This part is particularly useful for those who want to be "trending" in the sphere of electrical mounting.

Here you will see the advantages of a modular and electrolytic grounding over the conventional corner or fittings.

In the third part we are talking about modern solutions and new technologies in grounding

A copy of the article is posted on our website [link]

If you want to completely understand grounding in all its forms and installation methods, as well as learn how to choose the best grounding, read the article referenced by Wikipedia!


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