A new article by Prof. Eduard M. Bazelyan titled "Reasonable laziness is not a vice in practical lightning protection" has been published on our website.
Some time ago, the ZANDZ.com Technical Center received a question from a reader of a previous professor's article, namely: "Underground utilities are dangerous when struck by lightning!" The reader was interested in the characteristics of the current pulse flowing along the extended utility, and their effect on the possibility of heart fibrillation.
Eduard M. wrote an article giving an answer to the reader's question.
The article brings up the idea of "reasonable laziness" as a useful approach in the engineering practice, especially in the lightning protection. The author discusses how avoiding excessively complex calculations that are not justified by the accuracy of the initial data may significantly improve the design efficiency. Example of situations are given where simplicity and common sense are more important than formalities. The article will be of special interest for specialists who seek to optimize their working practices and minimize waste of time and resources.
Read full article on a separate page.
E. М. Bazelyan, D. Sc. (Eng.), Professor;
recognized Russian Expert in grounding and lightning protection
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