Dear friends! You can enjoy a unique opportunity to calculate the reliability of any lightning protection system and the probability of the lightning breakthrough to the facility! To provide this, we offered the Online Calculation Service. at our website 8 years ago. We have improved the website design to reduce main menu items and now the link to the Online Lightning Protection Calculation Service is available in a new way: For designers => Calculations => Online Calculation of the Lightning Protection Reliability.
The new path for the Online Calculation of the Lightning Protection Reliability
The service is free of charge and is available to all registered users. The generated report on the lightning protection reliability can be used to:
• substantiate the proposed lightning protection system;
• choose the optimal arrangement of interception rods to reduce cost;
• improve the building's architecture with protection elements;
• improve the building's protection;
• determine points on the facility with the highest probability of the lightning strike.
The service is easy to handle: draw the facility using simple figures, install lightning rods, check in 3D, and the service offers the estimated lightning protection system's reliability.
The service is certified and accredited by the G.M. Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute.
Do you need help?
If you encounter problems when calculating, contact the Technical Center. Our engineers will design the lightning protection system for you free of charge, offer the description, drawings and specifications within several days. engineers have an extensive experience in calculating lightning protection for the facilities of various designs and purpose: residential building, commercial center, substations, etc. The request for calculation can be sent in any form or as an extract from the Terms of Reference.
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