An article by Prof. Eduard M. Bazelyan "Electric Safety of People in Storm" is provided on our website. The article discusses the issues of lightning protection designer's operations and challenges they face. To perform correct calculations of the facility protection measures, you need to know possible lightning effects on equipment and people. The interference current effects on equipment are tested on the expensive testing bench. Just like in the case of people, this method cannot be used for at least ethical reasons. Moreover, human is a non-linear system. The human body resistance may vary within several orders of magnitude depending on the conditions of the electric current exposure.
The article provides the Eduard M. Bazelyan's analysis of the IEC studies published in regulatory documents IEC 70646.1 Electrical Current Exposure to People and Pets. General Aspects and IEC 70646.2 Special Aspects. The analysis subjects include two key issues:
- change dynamics of the complex human body impedance depending on value, type, and exposure time of the pulse current,
- estimation of currents of various lengths and their paths through the human body, which may lead to irreversible consequences, primarily, to the fatal heart ventricle fibrillation.
Read full article here.
E. M. Bazelyan, Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor;
Krzhizhanovsky Energy Institute, Moscow;
recognized Russian Expert in Grounding and Lightning Protection
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