On December 20, 2023, a webinar was held by E. M. Bazelyan, Professor, G. M. Khrzhizhanovsky Power Engineering Institute
GOST P 59789-2021 (State Standard) is a new standard for lightning protection. This document has another name, IEC 62305-3:2010. It's quite authentic. A new normative document on lightning protection was approved and implemented in Russia by Order No. 1266-st of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology. This document outlines the requirements for installing lightning conductors only using IEC procedures. This was done at the initiative of the Technical Committee for Standardization, TC 337, Electrical Installations of Buildings. The content of the document is actually an almost exact translation into Russian of IEC 62305 (Part 3).
The participants of our webinars have long been familiar with the original IEC document. One of its inventors was once requested to give a speech. He consented to respond to inquiries from the public that were pre-arranged for this reason. Unfortunately, there were no answers. The lecturer simply refused this part of the agreement. However, domestic specialists have already covered the IEC-recommended rolling sphere method, protective angle method, and even lightning protection grid method in webinars. Although the new GOST only addresses one of them—radioactive—which has already been abandoned even in third-world nations, active lightning arresters of all kinds were also denounced.
Why is it important to revisit the topic of the suggested techniques for selecting external lightning protection means after the release of the new GOST R 59789-2021? The fact is that Article 1266-ст introduces the normative document into force. Now it may well be applied by domestic designers. As a result, it's critical to evaluate the project's risk level objectively using the suggested methodological elaborations as a base. This is the main purpose of the webinar.
The economic side of the problem has not been ignored either. Lightning protection costs money. This is a significant sum of money for advanced facilities. It is important to apply design methods that are free from unwarranted reserve. Such a problem is far from being answered in the IEC suggestion.
More records of interesting webinars on lightning protection and grounding are provided on a separate page.
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