The construction of a new ice stadium is ongoing in Novosibirsk. Previously, the designer colleagues contacted us to help them in calculating lightning protection and grounding systems for the facility. The engineers of the ZANDZ Technical Centre have performed calculations and given advice to the colleagues.
The facility's lightning protection is made as a lightning grid using a steel zinc-coated wire having diameter 8 mm, which is installed with the step not more than 10 x 10 m. The grid is made such that the current would have at least two different paths to the grounding arrangement, downdrops to the grounding arrangement are made no often than every 20 m along the building perimeter. Protection grounding, process grounding arrangements, and flagstaff grounding were made at the facility.
Юридический адрес: 660025, г. Красноярск, Шелковая, д. 10, оф. 204Почтовый адрес: 660077, г. Красноярск, ул. Авиаторов, д. 39, оф. 232 - Legal address: 10, Shelkovaya str., Office 204, Krasnoyarsk 660025Postal address: 39, Aviatorov str., Office 232, Krasnoyarsk 660077
ИНН 2460214608 КПП 246101001 ОГРН 1092468010227 ОКПО 60352219т/ф: (391) 290-69-31, 290-69-23 - INN 2460214608 KPP 246101001 OGRN 1092468010227 OKPO 60352219Tel.: +7 (391) 290-69-31, 290-69-23 -
Исх. № 12 от 28 января 2022 г. - Our Ref. No. 12 of January 28, 2022
На исх. № от « » _______ 20__ г. - To Ref. No. __ of ____________ 20__
Генеральному директору ООО «КаталогСервис» Шелехову А.М. - To Director General of OOO CatalogServiceA.M. Shelekhov
Благодарственное письмо - Letter of Appreciation
Настоящим письмом выражаем благодарность коллективу ООО «КаталогСервис» за сотрудничество, которое нам с Вами удалось наладить в рамках поставки комплектующих систем молниезащиты и заземления для строящейся Ледовой Арены к молодежному ЧМ-2023 года по хоккею в Новосибирске. - This letter is to express appreciation to OOO CatalogService for cooperation we could establish for the supply of the components of the lightning protection and grounding systems for an Ice Stadium in Novosibirsk for a Young League Hockey World Championship 2023, which is currently under construction.
Хотим отметить, что за время совместной работы с апреля 2021 года, все наши заявки были выполнены в срок, с надлежащим качеством упаковки, комплектностью изделий и необходимой сопроводительной документацией. - We would like to note that for the period of cooperation from April 2021, all of our requests have been completed in time, with the proper package quality, product contents, and with the supporting documents.
Надеемся на продолжение взаимодействия с вашей организацией как в рамках поэтапного завершения текущего объекта, так и при строительстве новых. - We hope to continue cooperation with your company both to progressively complete the current facility and within new construction projects.
Руководитель отдела снабжения ООО «СибИнформ» - Head of Supply, OOO SibInform
Баскакова Е.А. - E.A. Baskakova
After some time, we supplied equipment to OOO "SibInform" who performs installation works. The director of this company has sent us a letter to thank for cooperation.
The sports complex will include two ice arenas: main (10,000 people) and training (1,000 people). The new ice stadium will become the largest sports facility in the region. During the next year, young league hockey championship will take place.
We are glad to help building great and useful project. Do you need help in calculation and implementation of a project? Please contact the ZANDZ Technical Center!
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